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I was done,done with everything.  I can't handle the fact of how he treats me still.

He never needs me there and he never lets me comfort him. I know he's a guy and guys are like that but when I first met him He seemed so much different.

And when I I look into his eyes I just don't see the Brown that I use to.

Everything is just gone.

I walked into the room and threw my clothes in a suitcase. zach was behind me,trying to convince me to not leave him.

He grabbed my wrist from putting another shirt in the case.

"Please." He begged. I leaned my head close to his and frowned. I flinched my wrist from his hands and took off my ring and threw it at him.

"Babe don't do this." Zach said. I closed my suitcase and went to the closet and put on some socks and my black vans.

Before I could walk out the bedroom door,Zach blocked it.

"No." He said.

"I'm going,I'm tired of.your Shit and everything you put me through. If you want someone to love,it's not gonna be me." I spat.

He put his lips on mine,I didn't kiss back. A kiss isn't gonna pull me back in and love him.

"Zach,stop!" I yelled.

He let go of me. He sighed and said"your not going anywhere, I'm not letting you go."

I tried grabbing a hold of the door handle but Zach pushed me away from the door and locked it.

He steeped closer to me and pulled his hair vigorously and smiled.

He placed his hands upon my shoulders and pressed against my body.

"You're staying." He hissed.

I dropped my suitcase and stared him in they eyes.

He leaned closely to me and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back and he started leaning me against the bed.

I laid down while he removed his shirt and kissed me down my neck while trying to remove his belt from his pitch black jeans.

I swung my arm on his neck and moaned softly.

He finally got his pants off and was only in his boxers.

He worked on my clothes for a while. While tugging at my shirt tail,he slipped his hand under my shirt and to my bra.

I shivered from how his cold fingers felt on my skin.

"I knew you would never leave. "

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