The End

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        The small house was silent. The only sound that could be heard was someone panting heavily trying to catch their breath. The air was filled with the sufficating smell of rust, bodily fluids and death. 
        A pale male with green hair and snake eyes struggled to drag his almost broken body to the stairs of the main floor of the house. He gasped and cried in pain as he his only good arm to drag the useless lump of flesh slowly up the stairs. He had to be quiet but it was so hard. If he wasn't, she would hear him. Never in his life did he see this happening to him and his friends. She looked so innocent and fradgile. She seemed harmless. How could such a small  weak looking being kill all seven of his friends so easily? She must have drugged them. That's why they woke up tied and gagged upon the floor. That's when things got so far out of hand.
         One by one she torchered the 8 of them. Ripping out their finger nails, pulling out their teeth, cutting off fingers, toes, doing anything to make them scream and cry in pain behind the gag covering their mouths. They didn't even know her. She showed up at their hang out and offered to make their day more exciting if they let her have a few drinks. If only he knew what she had planned before. They would have shut the door in her face, but in a way, he doubted doing that would have made a difference. He had to watch his closest friends be torchered till their bodies where unrecognizable lumps of flesh and fur. The snake male had to try harder. He had to get out of here. He had to get help and have that rotten bitch thrown in jail and put into the death penalty. He would make sure she paid for this! As he made it half way up the stairs when something grabbed his broken anckles. He felt fear and pain rush though him as he was jerked down the stairs and back onto the concrete floor. The man cried in pain as he was kicked in the side to make him roll onto his back. His blood shot teary eyes looked up at his captor. Her expression was blank but her eyes! He could see hell in her eyes! She gripped his friends metal baseball bat that dripped with their blood.
         "Please..." he begged as he tried to calm his shaking voice in a desperate manner. "Let me go." He begged, never taking his eyes away from hers. She didn't reply but tightened her grip on the bat as she looked down at him. He quickly knew her answer then and began to become panicked. "Why?! What the Fuck did we ever do to you, you sick fuck!" The snake screamed in a mixture of rage and fear.
        She remained silent for a moment longer before she took in a quiet slow breath.

       "Rest now, close your eyes
        Let your nightmare pass you by
        Forever together, just you and I
        So rest love, let lies die."

       The man froze. His eyes widened. As he listened to the girl sing quietly. He knew then why this was happening. His heart sank as he felt more afraid than ever. He began to cry worse knowing there was no way he would live though this. Before he could say anything else there was a horrible sound as she smashed his head with the bat over and over and over again as she screamed. She paused when she heard the basement door get kicked in and letting the suns light came down into the darkness of the dimly lit basement.
        "Police! Put your hands up!" A pig yelled down at the girl. He was shocked to see it was a fennec fox below him over a mangled body. Her fur drenched in blood, and none of it hers. He watched as she stood up straight but never dropped the bat. "Drop the weapon and put your hands in the air!" The pig yelled.
       The fox didn't listen. Instead she slowly turned and looked up at the officer. Her ice blue eyes blank and emotionless. She knew what would happen if she did as he demanded. She did not feel bad for what she had done. They diserve it. Hell, they diserved worse.
       "I said drop the weapon NOW!" The pig yelled again. He was nervous. She obviously wasn't as frail as her appearance made her out to be. Suddenly she dashed up the stairs at him and swung the bat. Then there was a loud sound, but not like the ones from before. A burning pain filled her as she felt her body falling backward down the stairs. Until she joined the bodies on the concrete floor below. The pig turned to see his cat partner. He had shot the fox twice  in the chest to save the other officer.
      "I'm going to call this in!" The pig stuttered as he ran out to their car.
        The cat walked down and looked at the lifeless fennec. He knew her. He felt horrible seeing her like that. "What have you done, Abby?" He asked her softly as he looked to the eight others around the room. "What have you done?"

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