Strange Days Need Fun

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               Angel woke with a moan. His head was pounding as the light slipped though a nearby window. Sitting up rubbing his head as he looked around. None of this room looked formilliar.
             "I swear if my brother left me with another dame and I find out we-!" He growled as he stood up. "It's fine when I'm awake and know what's going on but come on!" He snapped to himself as he grabbed his gloves and pulled them on one by one. Once all six gloves were back in their rightful places, he slipped out of the bedroom and looked about. It seemed like nobody was home until he heard a muffled quiet whimper. Becoming curious the spider slipped over slowly to the couch and leaned over to see who was there. His eyes widened when he saw the fox girl from before curled up asleep. He straightened up and looked about the place. Was this hers? It was empty almost with only a couch, a bed, not much for decoration or anything. The girl didn't even have a kitchen table. He looked back down at her curiously.
            "Now, how did I end up here?" He asked quietly as he watched her sleep. She seemed so miserable. Had to be a nightmare. He half wanted to wake her up but at the same time, he didn't want to bother her. Sighing he looked about the appartment to see what all he thought was missing. He was excited at first, but then he was bored. He looked back to the couch and smirked as he slipped his gloves back off and looked down at her. His guess was she would be waking soon. He climbed on the top of the couch and posed suggestively with a sexy smirk on his face.
              Abby woke as she rubbed her eyes trying to keep from crying. She sat up and paused feeling like she was being watched. Slowly she turned to see the sexy posed spider looking at her. Her face burned from embarrassment as she blushed bright red. Her blue eyes as wide as they could go. Her heart raced and she wasn't sure what to do.
                     'That's right dollface. Take it all in.' Angel thought as his smirk grew. "I'm glad you finally woke up." He purred. "I've been wanting some attention for awhile now." He said feeling proud of himself for her reaction. "How about we skip the little talk and go straight to the.... heavy petting?" He purred as he reached a hand out and barely stroked from the base of her neck to under her chin. He watched as she fell off the couch in both embarrassment and shock and he laughed. "It's okay Abby. I'm just teasing." He snickered as he slid of the top of the couch into a sitting position in front of the girl laying stiff on the ground. He crossed his long legs as he laced the fingers of his lower set of hands. His upper part relaxed upon the upper part of the couch as Angel leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "You really are new huh?" He spoke after sighing, happy with his teasing. That one would stay in his memories for sure. "You don't have anything barely here. Must be boring." He said as he lowered his head and looked at her. "How about we fix the place up? Make it more like a place that hasn't been abandoned for hundreds of years and had everything stolen and most likely sold on the streets for drug money?" He snickered as he reached a hand down for the girl.
              Abby took a moment to really look at the other. He was a goof and flirty but she felt there was much more to him then that. She slowly reached up and took his hand. He pulled the fox up beside him on the couch and smiled.
"I bet we could make this dump real cosy like! That way when you have guests over, you won't seem so.... what's the word? Not desperate.. hell, you get what i mean." He said as he relaxed again.
"I don't plan on having anyone over really." The fennec said softly as she rested on the couch. "Why be here when there is so many places out there?"
            Angel looked at Abby with a confused look before he busted out laughing. "Wow! Never expected you to be the kinky type doll face!"
             Abby didn't seem to get what the other was saying for a moment, but when she finally caught on she was red as a tomato. "W-why would you think I ment that kind of thing?!" She asked feeling a bit akward.
                "There isn't much to do down here ya know." Angel smirked as he glanced over at the fox. "Or maybe I'm pint up from lack of sex lately. Jobs been a real cock blocker if you get what I mean." He said as he closed his eyes. Even without looking, he could tell she was beyond embarrassed. Hell, he could practically feel the heat radiating from her face! "If you ever want to relax a bit, give me a call. I'm good for body massages, relieving stress, and making you have the best night of your life."
             Abby couldn't take it anymore. Was he really enjoying making her embarrassed? "Can we talk about anything else?" She asked curiously trying to calm herself.
          "Sure we can." He said before he stood up and stretched. "But before I say anything else, don't trust those other horny fuck heads out there. They're nasty and completely unable to satisfy any decent woman. Trust me, i know..." He said as he walked over and pulled his gloves back on. "Shall we go?"
         "What?" The fox asked blankly. "Go where?"
           "Go shopping, girlie. We need to get you something worthwhile around here to keep everyone's eyes off that cute tail of yours." He smirked as he began to put on his boots. "I know a lot of places with things that would deffinately make this place pop ya know? Make it all nice looking! We could also replace some of this old not so nice looking things like that bathroom. That is pretty terrifying to me and I've had several guns put to my face!" He snickered. "We could also get a rug or two, some nice lamps and better lighting! We could also-!"
                 "Angel, that's nice of you and all, but I can't afford anything like that." Abby said as she stood up and looked at the other. "I don't even have money to pay rent yet."
               "Leave that to me, doll face. I got this all under control!" He laughed. "I do have to go somewhere while we're out though. I have to leave ya for a moment at one of the stores. Have to talk to someone about something important, but you don't have to worry about it." He looked to the girl and smirked. "Think of this as a shopping day of excitement and fun! Come on! You'll enjoy it!"
              "That's nice and all but you shouldn't spend your money on-." As she spoke Angel grabbed her arm and began to playfully pull her out of the appartment room and down the hall.
                "I just love doing things like this! Taking something like that shit hole of an appartment and making it pleasing to the eyes is exciting!" He yelled cheerfully. "Though I would like a favor in return for it!"
            "A favor?" Abby asked feeling nervous. "What kind of favor?"
             "Hell if I know!" He laughed as he looked at her. "I'll let you know when I think of something!" Then he began to run, dragging the little fox behind him. "No worries though, I won't make a cute brod like you do anything dangerous! That's what the guys are for!" He suddenly spotted a shop and dragged her quickly across the road to the door. Abby almost panicked when she and Angel almost got hit by a few cars along the way. The spider didn't seem to care or even notice! Once on the other side, the fennec grabbed her chest with her free hand and panted to calm her facing heart.
               "This place has some nice stuff! We can easily get some good things in here!" Before she could say a word the spider pulled her inside and greeted the owner before pulling her over to some of the lamps. "See what I mean?! There's just so much!" He chuckled as he let her go and began to look though them. "Look about and don't be shy to tell me if you like something! One way or another I'll find out and it will end up being yours!"
                   "That's not creepy at all, Angel." Abby laughed as she began to look about. She wondered about the store curiously. There sure was a lot of stuff about. She paused to see of Angel was out of sight before she began to look about seriously. She picked up a few books and flipped though the pages of a few interesting ones before putting them back. Then something really caught her eyes. She walked over to see a few
Beautiful bandanas. She looked though them enjoying the beautiful patterns. One caught her eye, it was black with spiderweb patterns on it. She couldn't help but giggle to herself. It made her think of Angel. The feeling she got from thinking of him was a formilliar one. One she thought was gone. She suddenly began to feel safe and guilty. She couldn't fall in love with someone right now. She barely knew the guy! Plus it was way too soon. It would be disrespectful to her old lover. She folded the bandana and put it back before continuing her look about. She laughed again quietly as she saw an old violin. Once again, the memories of her past lover came back. How she would sing as Abby played the violin. She even made a very short little song that repeated the same lyrics over and over. Every time she did it sounded more and more like a blessing for the fox. She continued on her way though. As fond as the memory was, it aslo brought a ping of hurt to her heart. She wouldnt want her Abby to be all gloomy, expecially now. "Wow, so much stuff." She laughed as she kept looking at the random little things she passed. She began to look at a few glass figures when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Angel with a big grin.
                 "Did you see anything you wanted?" He asked with a slightly creepy smirk on his face.
                "I don't know really. There are a lot of interesting things in here but nothing I really need." The fox said as she smiled.
             "I didn't say stuff ya need." He laughed. "I said stuff ya wanted! Big difference there!" He said as he patted her on the shoulder. "So..... are you sure you don't want anything?" He asked quirking up an eyebrow.
                "I'm good. Thank you Angel." She said as she watched him shrug. They went to the register where there was several large boxes. The man rung it up and Angel leaned over and whispered to him. It made her a bit curious but maybe it was private. They nodded to eachother as Angel paid the man in a sneaky way. Then he walked out of the store pulling Abby out. He paused at the door and growled.
                "Damn it! I forgot something inside! Can you wait here for me? It will only take a second!" He said sounding a bit stressed. When she nodded Angel smiled in an apologenic way. "Thanks doll face. I'll be right back!" He said as he rushed back inside.
                  Abby stood by the doorway waiting for her spider friend. She looked about to see all the people passing by. That was until she saw Arackniss . She smiled a bit and waved at the black spider. Arackniss seemed to notice and, without much of an expression, nodded before continuing on his way. She couldn't help but laugh as she closed her eyes. These spider brothers sure we're interesting. Suddenly something was wrapped around her neck. She opened her eyes a bit shocked and looked down to she the bandana with the spiderweb pattern. She felt it be tied so it would stay on her and she blushed. She looked to see Angel smiling brightly. "H-how did you-?!"
                  "I told you I would find out." He chuckled as he took her hand in his. "It looks good on you too. Makes ya twice as cute!" He smiled as he began to lead her again. "Come on! We got a lot to get still! Oh, and before you ask, the shop owner is personally going to take the stuff to your appartment. That way we won't have to worry about dragging all that stuff everywhere with us!"
            Abby blushed more as a big smile came upon her face. "Angel," she said softly getting his attention.
He looked at her and for some reason, felt very embarrassed. He couldn't take his eyes off her smiling face. It was so pure and sweet that he felt his heart was going to explode.
"Thank you for everything." The fox said as she placed her free hand on the bandana and giggled softly. "It's nice to have someone to be my friend after everything that happened to me before."
            Angel just silently stared at her as he listened. He felt himself blushing as she talked and it took everything he had to make the
blushing stop so he could act like normal again. "No problem, Abby." He said softly as he began to walk. He couldn't look at her at the moment. If he would, he'd end up blushing like crazy. He wanted to be a cool funny guy not the stupid embarrassed guy! He had to keep his cool infront of her! He began to guide her to another store as he paused to look at it. He took a deep breath to calm his sudden nervousness as he looked over to the fennec. "This is our next stop! Same thing as last time alright? Don't try and hide anything you like from me because I will be watching." He chuckled in a teasing way and pulled her inside. He let go of her hand and patted her on the back. "Go on and look around! I'll be there in a minute!"
                 "Alright." Abby laughed as she began to look though the store. She began to look about at the plates and silverware. They were all so pretty but god they were expensive. She looked at dish clothes and once again she was caught by the sight of spiderwebs. She laughed. "I swear, I must like him if this stuff keeps catching my eye." She giggled as she walked away and began to look at a different part of the store. There was beds. She looked about to make sure he wasn't anywhere to see her before she began to feel the beds. They were a lot better than the one she had at home. Sure she didn't get to sleep in it yet but she knew from the look of it that it wasn't very good. She felt around till she found one that was umbelieveably comfortable. She almost felt like going to sleep right there, before she could, she quickly got away from the beds and went to the bedsheets to find one to fit her bed. She found a white sheet that was made from silk. She shouldn't even look at it but she couldn't help it. She wondered what it would be like to lay on them. She bet they would feel wonderful on that nice bed on display.
              "Ya like those dollface?" A formilliar face spoke making her jump a bit. She turned to see Angel standing very close behind her. He couldn't help but chuckled when he saw her eyes wide in surprise and her large ears up high as they could go. "We could get them if ya like." He said as he picked up the pack with the sheets and looked them over. " I bet it would feel pretty good when ya decide to call me over for some fun." He smirked as he winked at her. His smirk grew as he saw her face turn bright red. Then he placed them back on the shelf and took her hand to guide her though the store. He lead her about. How long had it been since he had this much fun shopping? It felt like forever. Sure he went shopping with other greedy dames but this one... she was odd. He would purposely keep his back to her and smiled darkly. He knew she was looking at things she wanted but didn't want to bother him to buy them. He glanced up at the store camera and his twisted smile grew. She may have thought she was being careful but he had planned she would do that. She wasn't like a lot of brods he took out. After they finished he looked at the shop owner and paid him as before. Then he took her hand and guided her to another store. It went on for awhile. Once inside they would split up and look at things. It went on for several more stores before they went food shopping. This time he stuck by her side and had to make jokes about the names of some of the brands. He enjoyed how she joined in on the jokes as they went about getting food.
              "How are we going to get all this food back to the appartment?" She asked curiously. "Or do you have a plan for that too?"
               "I always plan ahead my lady." He said as he bowed making her blush and laugh. "I need to make a call. You okay paying for it all?" He asked asked he pulled out a credit card from his wallet and held it out to her.
              "You trust me enough to let me use your credit card?" She asked with a giggle. "Are you sure it's wise to do that?"
         "As long as you don't go to line 3. That lady has really shifty eyes.... I bet she is plotting to steal my identity and pretend to be me." He whispered making eye notions to the third line.
             "She's a camellion, Angel." Abby laughed as she took the card into her hand.
            "Isn't it perfect?! Easy disguise!" He said as he laughed with her. "Just teasin'. I know ya are a trustworthy brod. I'll be right outside the doors okay?" He said as he walked our and pulled his cellphone from his pocket and called a number. "Hey bro, I got a favor to ask. One, I need you to a bring my stuff. I could really use a boost. Secondly, I need you to a take us to Abby's place so we don't have to try and carry all the food I got her." His smirk changed as he looked more serious. "I forgot about that meeting... Is it really that important? I mean, I had more stuff wanted to do with the doll!" He sighed as he listened. "Can we just reschedule it?" He listened as his body changed from its colorful appearance to black and white. "Fine! I'll go but tomorrow! My scedual empty completely then, alright! If you book anything for tomorrow I will kill someone! I'm not joking either!" He snapped. He looked to see the fox at the register. Then he looked forward again. "Just, hurry up and get here, but make sure she won't see the stuff I asked for. Thanks bro." He hung up and placed his phone in his pocket and closed his eyes trying to calm himself. He heard the door open and saw Abby looking at him worriedly.
"Is everything okay? You look upset." She asked softly as she held the card out to him. "And your colors all gone."
Angel sighed as he took the card and placed it in his pocket.
             "Yeah. I had hoped to show you around more but it seems I got some stuff I can't moved to another day. It sucks because you're pretty fun to hang out with." Me muttered sounding defeated.
           "It's okay, Angel." Abby said as she patted his arm. "It isn't like we could only hang out today." She smiled wide.   
              "I know." He said as he relaxed a little but his body was screaming how he needed something to help calm down.
            A black car pulled up and Angel smiled. "Bout damn time, Arackniss!" He smirked as he went to the car and opened the trunk. He and Abby put the groceries inside and closed it.
"I'll take the cart. You go ahead in the car." She said cheerfully.
"Naw, I can take it." Angel said as he went to take ahold of the shopping cart but Abby stopped him by gently grabbing ahold of his hand in her own. He paused feeling odd again as he looked at their hands before looking back at her.
              "It's okay. You look tired." She said softly. "Besides it won't take long to put the cart up." He smiled as she slipped her hand away and walked off.
          Angel sighed as he went to the car and sat on the passager side beside his brother.
           "You alright?" Arackniss asked as he handed the spider a bag with multicolored pills inside. He watched as angel quickly threw a handfull of them in his mouth and swallowed them easily. Once again, it seemed Angel was ignore him. Then he saw Abby open the door and get inside. Angel hid the baggie in his coat pocket and crawled over to join the small fox in the back of the car. The moment she was beside him in the car his mood seemed to brighten a bit.
             "Ready to get home and relax?" Angel purred.
              "Oh yeah." Abby laughed. "I'm a bit worn out from all our adventures today." She smiled as she relaxed in the back seat.
            "I got another hour and a half before I have to go to the meeting if ya like me to help you relax." He winked.
             Abby laughed as she playfully punched angels shoulder. "Do you have an off button?" She teased.
            "Sadly, I don't think he does." Arackniss said as he began to drive. "I've never been able to find one at least."
        "Ha ha! Very funny ya jackass!" He said mockingly twords his brother before looking back to the fox beside him. "How about we pick up some fast food on the way? That way Abby won't have to cook when she gets home."
               "But angel-" Arackniss started but was cut off by his brother.
               "Nope! Already made up my mind, bro! Now shut your trap and drive!" Angel snapped but kept his playful expression.
                With a deep angered growl the younger brother did as told. They stopped to get a few burgers, some fries, and milkshakes. They ate in the car but Arackniss watched the two closely in the back instead of eating. The way they seemed to react to one another... He had his suspicions but kept it to himself.
          When they finally arrived Angel whined. "Aaaaaaw! That was way too soon!" He said as he looked back at the fennec. He quickly got out of the car and opened her door. He took her hand and helped her out of the car with a playful yet warm smile on his lips.
             "Why thank you, Angel." She said as she slipped away from him again. "We'll have to hang out again soon. Till then, be safe." She smiled as she slipped inside the appartment building and disappeared from sight.
           "Yeah.... till then..." he said softly feeling oddly lonely. He went back into the car and sat down seeming confused.
          "Angel, maybe you should stay away from that girl." Arackniss said as he started the car.
              Angel pulled out a gun from under his seat and pointed it to his brothers head. His face twisted and dark. "Don't you ever fucking say that! Why the hell would I stay away from such an interesting person." Arackniss held his hands up in a mocking surrender motion, eyeing his brother from the car mirror. He paused noticing what he was doing and slowly lowered his hands in confusion.
           Arackniss smirked. "That responce was the only answer I needed." He chuckled as he began to drive.
            Angel looked answer his brother feeling more confused. "And what does that mean?"
              The black spider just quickly glanced at Angel before going back to the road. "I now officially know you better than you do. That's all."
           "What the Fuck do you mean by that?!" Angel spat.
              "I'll tell you when the time is right." The younger brother said as his lips twisted into a large grin. "Right now you have to mentally prepare yourself for the meeting with the cat gang leader."
          "Shit! I hate meeting that guy. He's fucking creepy with that weird ass stare!" Angel shivered seeing the look in his mind. "Fuck! Now I have fucking goosebumps all over! Now i'm gonna have to call her over to help me recover from this stupid ass meeting."
          "You mean Vivica?" Arackniss asked curiously. "You know if you keep seeing girls like her you'll end up with another crazy brod. We already had to deal with ten stalkers, eight passessives, and six suicidal 'gals' because of you and your so called charm."
                "Viv's different." Angel sighed as he leaned back in his seat and tucked the gun away on him. "We have a mutual understanding about what happening between us."
            "For now." Arackniss spoke as he kept driving.
               Abby went to her appartment door and opened it shocked at what she saw. She almost thought she had entered an entirely different room. She walked inside the gorgeous place and closed the door slowly behind her. Everything she and Angel picked and more was there. Everything that really caught her eye was nicely placed in the rooms, even the glass figures. The biggest surprise was walking into her bedroom to find a queen sized bed she had liked in the store with the sheets. She giggled as she ran over to it and jumped on the comfortable bed. Untying her bandana, she nearly folded it and placed it on bedside table and smiled. How could she ever pay him back for all this? Curling up on the comfortable new bed, she began to fall asleep. "Look Maddie. It seems even here in Hell I can be happy." She muttered and sleeps she fell asleep.

Unwanted Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora