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              A year after everything was said and done, everyone fell into their normal habits again. Angel walked into his friends buisness building and walked over to the bar, taking a seat. There he smirked playfully as he saw his friend cleaning a glass.
           "Hello, Husk! How's the buisness going?" The spider smirked. He was dressed up in his dress and hair.
           "The usual, Angel. Bar fights, cheating, and me having to shoot someone at least once a week for getting out of hand." The other sighed. "In truth, I miss being a part of it. Only one thing makes up for it all." He said before the piano began to play. A smirk grew on his face as he looked to the stage.
                 Angel looked curiously at the other. His eyes widened for a moment as two formilliar figures stood before him. The spot light turned on and Angel's shocked face turned into a joyful one. The two began to sing so beautifully together, he melted into the song.
"They call me The Wild Rose 
But my name was Elisa Day 
Why they call me it I do not know 
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one 
As she stared in my eyes and smiled 
For her lips were the colour of the roses 
They grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room 
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace 
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand 
He wiped the tears that ran down my face

They call me The Wild Rose 
But my name was Elisa Day 
Why they call me it I do not know 
For my name was Elisa Day

On the second day I brought her a flower 
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen 
I said, 'Do you know where the wild roses grow 
So sweet and scarlet and free?'

On the second day he came with a single rose 
Said: 'Will you give me your loss and your sorrow?' 
I nodded my head, as I laid on the bed 
He said, 'If I show you the roses will you follow?'

They call me The Wild Rose 
But my name was Elisa Day 
Why they call me it I do not know 
For my name was Elisa Day

On the third day he took me to the river 
He showed me the roses and we kissed 
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word 
As he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow 
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief 
As I kissed her goodbye, I said, 'All beauty must die' 
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth

They call me The Wild Rose 
But my name was Elisa Day 
Why they call me it I do not know 
For my name was Elisa Day."

                Everyone clapped as the two held hands and took a bow before leaving the stage to head to the bar.
               "Angel!" The small figure yelled happily as she ran over and carefully hugged the other.
               "Hey Abby." Angel said with a smile. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you're getting fat." He teased earning a playful punch from the small fox. "Ow! Kidding! Just kidding!" He chuckled as he rubbed the side of hid arm playfully. "How far along are you?"
               "About six months." Abby said happily as she rubbed her baby bump. "Husk has special nights that's safer than others so we can come out and sing."
               "Well, I have to keep one of my best employees safe, don't i?" Husk said with a chuckle.
                "Dear, you really should sit and rest." Alastor walked over with a special chair and got her comfortable. "You push yourself too hard sometimes love."
                 "Oh, I'm fine Alastor." Abby said with a giggle. "You don't have to worry over me so much."
                 "So, I take it the deer has been good to you?" Angel asked eyeing his old friend. The look Alastor returned was even more threatening.
                "We are living comfortably and safely, thank you!" He snapped back. "I have seen to it that my beloved has been happy and pretty care free!"
                 "It's true, Angel." Abby said softly. "Also, I wanted to tell you that.. well... I'm having twins." The small fox said happily.
                "What?! Really?!" The spider said excitedly. "Any names for them yet?!"
                 "Well, not yet." She said softly. "We're still looking for good names."
                 "It got a few ideas!" Angel said happily! "How about Angel Jr. And Angelette!" The spider cheered with giggles. The small fox giggled with him but Alastor rolled his eyes with a frustrated sigh.
                "I am not naming my children after you." The deer said in frustration.
                "Aw! Don't be such a fucking loser, Alastor!" Angel laughed as he winked at the small fox.
                "I dont know, Angelette sounds kind of cute." Abby said with a smirk.
                "B-b-but Abby!" Alastor whimpered. He stopped when he heard the other two bust out laughing.
               "I'm picking baby." Abby said as she pulled Alastor to her height and kissed him softly.
                "You're always picking on me." Alastor chuckled as they as they playfully rubbed the tips of their noses together.
                 "I swear, you two are so cute it makes me want to puke sometimes." The spider huffed earning laughter from the lovers.
                "How has things with tyco?" Abby asked softly.
                "The usual." The spider rolled his eyes. "We broke up three times but got back together awfully fast. The guy drives me nuts but I can't seem to stay mad at him for long."
                Husk smirked watching everyone catching up. He felt a shot of pride fill him that this was a part of his life. "Hey, we still on for meeting at your place for Christmas?"
                "Of course we are." Alastor said w it th his huge grin on his face. "Abby and I already got gifts for everyone at the house. Plus my beloved has been planning all year for our get together again."
                "Hey, dollface," Angel said with with a mischievous smirk on his lips. "How about I give you a special presant later that night?" Alastor tested up as his smile quickly faded. He quickly yet carefully wrapped hid arms around hid lover protectively while giving Angel a death glare. This reaction caused Angel to bust out laughing as well as Husk.
                "It's okay, love." Abby said with a bashful chuckle. "Angel is just teasing."
                 "Abby dear, I do believe we should be heading home for the night." Alastor said softly as he kissed her cheek.
                  "I know baby. The little ones are getting restless it seems." Abby said back with a playful smile. "Maybe we could walk home tonight?"
                "If that's what you wish." Alastor said softly as he helped Abby stand again.
                "If was good to see you both." Abby said waving to Husk and Angel.
                 "Bye Abby." Husk said waving to the fox and the deer. "Bye Alastor. See you guys this weekend."
                 "Bye guys! See you soon!" Angel yelled as he waved like crazy till they where gone. Angel's expression saddened a bit.
                 "Abby hasn't changed a bit." Husk said with a chuckle. "She misses hanging out with you, you know."
                "I miss it too." Angel said with a sigh. He looked at his friend feeling a bit down. "I miss her in many different ways. Between tyco, and work, I hadn't got any chances to spend time with her."
                "I know. Trust me. Niffty and I are kind of planning on having children soon too." Husk said quietly. "And between running this place, shopping for our new home, and running about to get things done, we hadn't been able to visit her much either. Even so, she still smile in that understanding way and offers to help in whatever way she can." The gambler said with a chuckle.
                "I still don't understand how a girl like that could end up in hell." Angel said with a smile. "Or how she ended up getting attached to a fucked up bunch like us."
                 "Well, however it happened, I'm glad it did." Husk said happily. "She helped to make our lives better just by existing."
                 "So true my friend." The spider said as he stood. "Well, I better get back to Tyco and have make up sex. The poor bastards been trying hard to make up for our fight last week. I think I made him suffer enough. See ya Husk!"
               "See you soon." Husk said as he waves his friend goodbye. A few hours later, he closed up the place and headed home. A smile pulled on his face as he found himself outside his new place. If it hadn't been for Abby, who knows how things would have went. Deep inside he felt it wouldn't be nearly as wonderful as it was now. He unlocked his door and walked inside happily.
              "Honey, I'm home!" He called out with pride. "And guess what happened today!"

  ((I didn't like the ending I had originally. Honestly, it died out and I felt horrible, so I added this. Have a good day and thanks for sticking with this shitty writer! Also, happy early new years my friends!))

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