Madison Dearest

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          Abby walked to her nice small house in the country side. As she went to unlock the door, it was opened from the inside by a tall beautiful girl with a golden lower body like a snake. She was very tan with long platinum blonde straight hair. Her green orbs looking at the fox in surprise before she laughed and they hugged one another.
           "So, I guess we need to talk?" The girl said softly. After seeing the fox nodd, the girl stepped aside to let the smaller female walk inside before she closed the door behind her.  They both sat down on their love seat silently. Abby sat her violin case down on the coffee table and sighed. "It seems, I was fired...."
              "Fired?!" The girl repeated. "Why the hell would anyone want to fire such a sweet hard working girl like you?"
               "The bosses bratty daughter was harassing another of our orchestra members again. I stood up to her and she went to her daddy saying I threatened her. He said he couldn't have that and fired me." She said as she began to tear up. "We were struggling before but now..."
              "Oh, shh." The girl said pulling the fox close. "No more tears love. I got some good money selling a few of my home made products. Look on the bright side." She said as she lifted the fox to look at her in the eyes. "You can help me make my stuff and we can open a shop together!" She smiled widely. "So don't be upset." She kissed Abby on the lips as she smiled. "Now how about you play some beautiful music for me? I'd love to hear it."
           Addy sniffled and smiled at her lover before she nodded. "Only for you, Maddie." She said softly as she opened her violin case she picked up the instrument. She placed it on her shoulder and began to play.
               Madison smiled as she listened. She began to hum to the tone before she smirked at her lover and began to sing.
                 "Rest now, close your eyes
        Let your nightmare pass you by
        Forever together, just you and I
        So rest love, let lies die."

       Abby smiled as she listened. She kept playing as her lover sang the verse over and over. The words sticking in her mind. Afterwords, the two laughed and cuddled on the love seat. "I would be so lost without you, Maddie."
            "And I you my dearest Abby." She giggled as she kissed her lover.
"That reminds me, I need to go shopping." She said softly as she stroked the small foxes long ears.
             "Want me to go with you?" Addy asked purring at the gentle touch. Her lover knew how to make her relax.
               "Not this time love." She smiled lovingly. "You need to start what we have for dinner. I'll join you within the hour and put on the saving touches to it." She teased as she kissed her lover again before tickling her.
               Abby smirked in the kiss. They broke their kiss and the small fox laughed like crazy.  "I'm sure you will love. Be safe and don't be late."
               "I'll be back soon. I love you, my innocent little Abby." Madison said as she kissed her lover. Then she got up and grabbed her coat. She waved bye before walking out of the door. Madison looked to see her lover watching her out the window and laughed as she waved and blew a kiss at her before making her way to town. It was peaceful in their small town. Nothing really bad every happened here which was why they chose to live here.
             "Love you too." Abby giggled as she went into the kitchen to start dinner.
              When Madison finally made it to the store, she looked about  curiously. She wanted to make Abby's favorite dessert, pineapple upside down cake cake. She knew that would make her precious fox smile again. As she gathered what she needed, she suddenly heard gun shots in the store. She froze. Being careful she peaked past the ally to see 8 masked men together. It looked like they were robbing the store. She became fearful and hid in the ally. She tried to think what to do. In fear she dialed nine one one on her phone. The moment they answered they had shot the person at the register. Madison's eyes teared up as she tried to be brave. "Help." Was all she whispered when she heard someone approaching. She hid her phone out of sight with the police still on the other end. Once it was done she laid on the ground with her lower body curled around her. She was so scared. Her thoughts went straight to Abby. She had to get back home to her. Tightening her fist as she told herself to be strong for her lover. She had to see her beautiful smile again and hold her in her arms. She whispered her song to herself to get strength.
            "Well, look what we got here." A masked man said as he looked at the beautiful snake girl. His gun at her chest. "I think we got our hostage, boys!" He called out as he used his free hand to reach out and grab her by the hair. He pulled her along with the gun to her head to rejoin the other seven males.
              "Let me go you useless pieces of shit!" Madison hissed as she tried to get away from the man. Gun or not, she refused to go anywhere with them. She had to get back to Addy. She needed her. Thinking of her fox was the only thing keeping her from breaking down into a crying fit. Madison would fight to her dying breath to get back to her lover if she had to.
              "She's a fiesty one." Another chuckled.
              "This one will be fun." Another spoke. They began to drag her to their van ourside.
               "No!" Madison screamed as she tried to fight back to get away from them. But the moment she got away from one of them, another grabbed her. As she was pulled into the van she reached out and grabbed the door desperately trying to pull away. "I'm sorry baby... forgive me!" She cried as they finally pulled her in and shut the door.
            "NOOOOOOO!!!!" Abby screamed as she sat up in her bed. She curled up on herself and began to cry hard.
           Angel ran in full of panic. When he saw her curled up in her bed crying so hard her voice was starting to sound horse, he quickly went over to her and pulled her to him. He held her close as he began to wrock back and forth a bit to try and comfort her. He didn't know what was wrong but he felt he needed to do something. He held her for an hour letting her cry until she calmed down a bit.
              "Are you okay, doll face?" Angel asked softly as she calmed down a little. "Do you want to talk about it?" She didn't reply, instead she held him close to her and buried her face in his furry chest trying to seek comfort. He smiled as he hugged her with four arms, used one to rub the back of her head and the other to stroke one of her ears. Her eyes widened surprised before she relaxed into the touches. "I promise I'll keep you safe." Angel said softly. His heart was hurting seeing her like this."and I will always be here for you if you need me. I swear." He said softly. Once she was calmed down enough he helped her lay down and tucked her in bed. He went to leave but paused feeling his shirt tugged sightly. He looked back to see the teary eyed fox looking at him.
           "Um..." She shakily said as she sniffled. "Could.... could you stay
h-here with me?" She asked quietly. "I... I don't want to be alone..."
           Angel looked at her. He was surprised she asked but he couldn't pull himself to say no. He crawled into the bed and laid down beside her. She turned and cuddled into his chest. The spider held her close in the bed as he watched the small sniffling fox falling back to sleep. He tried to calm his breaking heart till he felt something wet run down his face. He reached up and touched but pulled away confused. "Am... am I crying?" He asked himself quietly as he looked back down at the fennec he was holding. "Why do you make me so weird and emotional?" He asked quietly as he held her closer and closed his eyes. Feeling her breathing helped the spider relax as he drifted into sleep again.

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