Christmas Cheer

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                 After calming down, Alastor smiles warmly at the small fennec and  gently patted her shoulder to try and shoe her everything was okay. He stood up and went to finish getting things ready. Though Abby wasn't completely convinced, but she felt it was better not to press on. She sighed quietly before going to assist Niffty. Once she got inside thouggh, even the one eyed demon seemed to be upset but in a different way. She seemed to be mumbling something to herself about how to tell Husk about her feelings. Abby couldn't help but smile.
                    "Everything okay, Niffty?" Abby asked in a playful manner drawing a queak out of the other girl. She spun around to face Abby red faced and wide eyed w I th the biggest forced smile she could offer.
                   "Sure! Yeah!" Nifty quickly answered. "Why wouldn't everything be okay? I mean, I'm totally okay now! Nothing not okay about me at the moment! Nope! Not at all!" And to try and prove it, she did a really akward fake laugh.
                 "Okay." Abby said as she shrugged and began to work. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't too nervous about coming out to Husk. I mean, personally, when I first found out about liking Maddie, I wasn't able to voice it. My mind keep running with doubts and worries non stop. It was maddening, you know?" Abby spoke as she pretended not to notice ow the other was looking at her. She was, without a doubt, nervous and scared like any girl about confronting her love intrest. It was kind of cute how hard she tried to hide it, but it just kept shinning though her big eye.
"I was afraid that anything I bought her, she wouldn't like, and I knew my words would catch in my throat. I kept pacing about trying to figure out what would be the perfect way to convey my feelings to her." Any could tell by the others face that she had hit the nail on the head. Internally she had a victorious grin buy on the outside she looked calm and normal. She didn't want to embarrass the poor one eyed demon.
                "Really?" Niffty asked curiously. "So, what did you do?"
                 "I ended up getting a card and writing down everything inside of it and slipping it to her bag when she was getting ready to go shopping. She came back and pulled me into a hug and told me she felt the same before she kissed me." Abby noticed how the cute one eyed demon was acting. Niffty quickly ran out and grabbed her purse before running out the door, making the fennec giggle.
                Alastor, confused by his friends sudden disappearance, poked his head in to see the grin on Abby's face. He tilted his head a bit before they make eye contact. "Um... so, what's going on with Niffty?"
                  "She went for the perfect Christmas card to give her special someone this year." Abby hummed happily as she began to work on making punch.
                   "Really?" Alastor said with a gasp of disbelief. He didn't know she liked someone! He went to the kitchen beside Abby as he tilted his head. She was so small yet she always found ways to do such big things. He felt his heart race. "Um Abby, do you think we could talk privately... after the party?" He asked as he looked away from the fox.
                   Abby looked at him and she tilted one ear a bit before she smiled. "Of course we can." She said softly. "Just let me knowwhen, alright?"
                   How can she be so sweet all the time. Alastor blushed deeply as he avoided looking at her eyes and nodded. He could feel the curious look from her, making him blush worse.
                   "I'm going to put all the gifts under the he tree." He quickly said before he left, leaving the poor fennec completely confused. 
                    Niffty returned and dashed into her bedroom. She quickly began the hereto pour hee heart and soul into the card and quickly signed it. She didn't bother reading over it. She knew if she did, she would back down from telling him. She quickly sealed the envelope and wrote Husk's name in on it. Then she slipped outside and placed it on one of Husks gifts before there was a knock at the door. The one eyed girl froze in spot. Her eyes locked on the letter. Another knock and she felt her lungs freezing. Already she began to second think this letter thing. She was about to grab it when she felt a pair of eyes on her. Slowly she turned to see Husk giving her his type of curious look. In his harms were tones of presants. Nifty quickly stood up straight as Husk slowly walked passed her and set his own gifts under the tree. He paused seeing the envelope with his name on it, glanced at there'd faced Niffty, shrugged and went into the kitchen. Niffty let out a long sigh. Well, too late to take it back now. She headed to join the others when she heard Alastor speaking to himself in the bathroom. She couldn't help but be curious. Tip toing over, she pressed her head against the bathroom door and began to listen. It was hard to make out, but it defiantly had something to do with Abby. Seems she wasn't the only one who was having a hard akward time about their love intrests.
                  Husk paused when he saw the little fennec doing little finishing touches to the verious drinks and he couldn't help but smirk. He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway as he watched.
                    "You know, most of us will be drinking alcohol." He gruffed getting the foxes ears to lift as a responce. She turned her head and smiled seeing the gamblerd.
                     "I know, but I think this kind of thing is fun, so it doesn't bother me if anyone drinks them or not." Abby said as she finished up her work. She heard a grunt before Husk walked up behind her, reached over her shoulder for a cup of punch, and took a drink. He glanced at her and shrugged.
                     "This is actually pretty damn good." Husk said as he headed out.yhe kitchen. He heard Abby giggle and his face turned red. Damn it! How did she always end up doing that?! He shook his head to lighten his blushing as he sat down on the couch and put on some random movie on the tv.
                     It didn't take long before everyone was at Niffty's appartment. There was loud arguing, a few almost fights, laughin, and interesting talks around everyone. That was, except for Alastor. He seemed a bit out of it. Sure he smiled and tried to seem like everyone else, but Abby noticed how wrong it really was. She was about to go check on him when she felt a hand on her wrist. It was gentle and caring. Looking up, she saw Angel. He smiled down st her but just like Alastor, he seemed a bit off.
               "Abby, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked softly getting a nodd from the fennec. He lead her outside to the fire escape and sat down looking at the darkness of hell's night.
                  "Is everything okay, Angel?" Abby asked curiously and the spider pulled out a cigarette. Hr lit it and took a deep breath before blowing out the smoke with a sigh.
                   "Abby, did you mean what you said before?" He asked avoiding eye contact. "That no matter what happens you'll be happy for me?" He muttered as he side glanced at the fox. She smiled and nodded and Angel felt his heart ache. He growled as he turned around and leaned against the railing with his back.
                       "You found someone else, didn't you?" Abby asked softly as she leaned against the railing beside him looking down at her feet. Hearing him take a shakey inhale of the smoke, she guessed she was right. "I have to meet him Angel." She said softly. "I need to know his face so if he ends up breaking your heart I can break his face." With that, she got a chuckle from the spider. They both slide to sit down beside one another in a moment of silence before Angel hesitantly pulled the fox to him. Abby cuddles into his furry suit.
                  "Abby, how did you know it was a Him?" Angel asked softly and she just smiled.
                   "I love you Angel. Getting to know you, I noticed little things. I noticed how, even though you liked me alot, you seemed to check out men more." Abby hummed softly. "So, even though this is happening now, are we still going to be friends?" She asked softly.
                     "Of course we are, doll." She said pulling the fox into his arms as the two teared up. "Always and forever. And you'll always have a special place in my heart."
                    "Thank you for everything, Angel." Abby said in her shakey breath as she tried not to cry. Even so silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Angel nuzzled his head against hers as he hugged her tighter to him.
                     "Is it okay if I continue to help you with those small dicked pricks that's bothering ya?" He asked softly. Abby couldn't help the small giggle as she nodded and buried her face on his coat. "I hope youknow, if I have any problems with 'Him' I'll be running to you ranting. Think ya can handle that?" Once again he received a giggle as she hugged him tightly.
                "Honestly, I'd be insulted if you didnt." She hummed back. Once again as silence fell over them, though it was more comfortable then the last one.
                   "I'm thinking I might proform a few times at Mimzi's bar. Would you be interested in going?" He asked softly. "Just between us, I'm nervous as shit. I really want to do it, but I can't get this nagging feeling that nobody will like it."
                   "Angel, I would be glad to." She said happily. "And if anyone says anything bad, I'll get into a bar fight and make sure the person is in the hospital for being rude." Once again the duo laughed out together before the laughter died down into silence.
                   "Well, I'm glad this went so well." Angel said honestly. "I was scared fucking shitless that you would scream and hate me and sever want anything to do with me anymore."
                   "Angel, I would never do that to you." Abby said warmly. "Sure it will hurt for awhile, but no matter what you're a special person to me. I'll always be here for you." She said drying more tears running down her face. "By the way, you look super cute in your Christmas dress."
                 Angel's big eyes teared up as he pulled Abby into another tight hug. "You're just the sweetest thing ever, you know that?!" He began to sob as she held him and tried to calm the sobbing spider. Her chest ached in heartbreak and her lungs burned for her to cry as loud and hard ass she could, but not here. Not now. She could tell how hard this was for Angel. She would keep strong for him. Crying could come later once the party was over.
                Once the two were calmed down, they rejoined everyone else. It was obvious that something happened between them but everyone kept it to themselves. Angel and Abby both seemes to act more like siblings than lover now. Alastor felt deeply worried about the fennec. Everyone ate, drank and them it was present time. Everyone sat down on the floor with stacks of things around them. Husk opened the mysterious envelope and read the card. At first his eyes widened like saucers. This his mouth dropped open. Then his face turned so red it would put a rose to shame. He slowly turned his head to Niffty who happened to look up at the same time and they made akward eye contact. The two stared at one another and their faces grew so red you could practically feel the heat off their faces from the blushing. Crimini too that moment to snatched the card and read it herself.
                 "OH WOW NIFFTY! WHO KNEW YOU HAD THIS KIND OF STUFF IN YA! YOU DIRTY DIRTY GIRL!" The werewolf yelled earning a yelp from the one eyed girl as she tried to get the card away from the wolf.everyone was laughing but hmHusk would was still frozen in shock.
                 "That must have been one powerful love letter." Abby hummed as she tilted her head.
                  "You're telling me." Angel agreed. "I've never seen him so embarrassed before. Makes me curious in what it says." Angel said michieviously. He suddenly got up and snatched the letter himself before reading it. Angel felt his face get red as he read it before handing it back to Niffty. "Well done." Was all he could say before he sat back down beside Abby. The fennec laughed at hoe lively things were. Everyone began to leave the party with gifts in arms and laughing and smiles galore. That's when Husk and Niffty talking in the kitchen. They seemed like teenagers confessing their first love to one another and then they did a quick peck on the lips before Husk quickly left red faced.
                  Nifty touched her lips blushing. She felt so warm and excited. Then she noticed Abby looking at her and giving her a thumbs up. "Thank you." The cure one eyed demon said softly. Abby nodded as she turned to see Alastor. He was standing akwardly infront of Abby. He made a notion with his eyes before he headed to Niffty's room. Curiously, Abby followed.
                 "Is everything okay?" The deer asked quietly asked he sat down on Niffty's bed and patted beside him. Abby closed the door before she went over and hopped on the bed.
                  "Sure." She said as she looked asked at him curiously. 
                 "If so, then why asked store you crying?" Alastor asked softly. That caught Abby off guard. She reached up and touched her cheek to find she was crying. Suddenly something inside her snapped. He lunged into the deers chest, held him tightly and broke down completely. She sobbed her heart out as she felt him hold her back. About an hour of crying, the fennec calmed down.
                   "I'm sorry for that." The fox said quietly.
                    "Shush." Alastor said warmly. "There is nothing to say sorry about, Abby dear." He said warmly. "I am always here for you, no matter what. Anytime you need to break down, no matter what emotion it is, I'm always here for you." He said softly as she fox sniffled in his arms. "I have something I need to give you." He said softly as he reached one hand into his pocket. "If o don't do it now, I'll never forgive myself." He held his hand out her her and opened it to reviel a glowing vial.
                 "What's that?" Abby asked curiously.
                  "Remember when you went to call a cab to get back to Angel's base?" Seeing the fennec nodd, Alastor sighed. "She gave it to me. Said if it kept it, you would lose Angel forever, but if I gave it to you, the two of you could live happily." He said in a soft tone. "I was going to give it to you earlier, but then so much happened and it slipped my mind." He said in an quiet whisper. "I... I don't know if it is of much use now, but I can't keep it any longer." He said quietly. "When it noticed I still had it, I felt like I was lower than shit.."
              Abby took the vial in her hand and paused in shock. "Alastor, this is a love potion." The fox said quietly. "The owl, did she tell you isn't was an cure?" She asked softly and he nodded hesitantly. Abby looked down at it as she felt her hear break. "She knew... she knew we would break up." Abby said and she looked up at Alastor. "By giving this too me, you were willing to sacrifice your feelings for my own... you really love me don't you?" She asked looking up at the teary eyed deer.
                "I just... want you to be happy no matter what happens, Abby dear." He said in a gentle tone. He's was startled when she suddenly kissed him on the lips. Alastor was wide eyed. His heart raced and he completely froze in place. When she pulled away the two locked eyes with one another before they were both kissing again and fell back on the bed.
                Niffty was about to go to bed when she noticed the two in her room. She was surprised how how this Christmas had turned put but smiled warmly. "Looks like I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." She hummed before she turned off all the lights and laid down on the couch. She pulled a warm blanket that she got as a gift around her. It still smelled of him. She blushed as she nuzzled into the blanket with a warm smile. "Looks like everyone is having a Merry Christmas this year." He purred as she drifted to sleep.

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