Aching Hearts

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             A year past and Angel did as he said. When he was needed with any gang activities he was there, but he wasn't quite himself. He was much colder and a lot less forgiving. When and example was needed to be made, he deffinately made sure the message got across to everyone in the group and the other Mofia gangs. On his off days he felt like he had a hole in his being. He tried drinking to make the feeling go away, but it never worked. No drugs helped either. Instead he would visit his 'girls' at their houses to try and fill the ever growing void.  If they asked to visit his house next time, he quickly denied them.
      A few a few of them took it hard but none as bad as Vivica. The two would get into arguments and he would storm off. She followed to see where he was going but when she saw where she felt her blood boil. One day she had enough and went to ask the manager of the building who lived there. To her surprise it seemed he was really staying in that dump of an appartment complex. Even more of a shock was how he moved in when the past owner had disappeared. She left the building stuck in thought. Why linger when there was no hope? She looked up at the building to the window before heading home. She went into her house and sat down on her couch. This wasn't right. Her Angel wasn't supposed to act like this. He wasn't his adorable loveable crazed self anymore. Nothing she did seemed to help him pull out of this slump of his. She couldn't stand seeing him like this anymore. She had to do something. Pulling out her phone she called he only person she could think of.
           "Arackniss, we need to talk about Angel. Come by my place immediantly." She said before she hung up.
            As she waited, Vivica made herself at home. She got dressed in a short silky red night gown that was practically see though. When she heard her door open she walked down stairs and smiled. "What took so long?" Vivica asked with a wide smile. "Come on in. We have a lot to talk about."
             Arackniss paused as he looked at the black widow, not really impressed by her display at all. He sighed heavily shaking his head before walking in and taking a seat in a reclining chair. "What do you want to talk about, Viv?" He said as he used a mocking tone on her name.
          She just kept her smirk as she laid on the couch. "I want to talk about saving our Angel before it's too late." She sighed seeing how he wasn't giving into her charm at all. That was a bummer. It was usually easy to get Angel. "I think I know a way to get the old Angel Dust back." She said as she laid across the couch. "I have a friend who knows how to how to make potions. I'm sure she can make one that will erase the parts with her out of his memories."
            Hearing her words, Arackniss  stood up and headed to the door.
            "Where are you going?" Vivica hissed as she quickly got up and followed him.
            "To fix Angel my way." The younger brother spoke as he opened the door just to have it slammed back shut infront of him. He knew he was now cornered between the hard surface and an angry widow. Never a good thing. Even so, he didn't let it phase him.
           "And how the hell would you fix him?" She asked with a growl.
           "By finding the one he wants back." He said as he looked at the now shocked expression on the females face. "I'm going to find Abby so she can calm the idiot down before he gets himself killed or worse..."   
          "And what would be worse then him dieing?" Vivica asked harshly.
          "Being stuck with someone who would rather change him then try and take the time to fix him." He said as he forced the door open. "And by that, I mean you." He hissed as he slammed the door behind him and went to his car.
         As he began to drive off Vivica was more than pissed. She couldn't let Angel go back to that pathetic woman. One way or another, Angel would be hers.
         Angel was at the appartment looking at the couch. He remembered when he posed on that couch to see a newly woken fennec becoming a blushing mess to the point she tumbled off the cushions tk the floor. He walked about seeing and hearing her as if she was there. He relived these memories over and over so often now. Sat down on the bed, he looked to the shower remembering their last little talk they had as she took her shower.
              "Should have walked in on her, pinned her to that damn wall and kissed her like I wanted to." He muttered to himself. He looked at the bandanna in his hands. "It's not fair. I know my feeling now and I can't even tell you... Abby..." he said softly as he closed his eyes. "Such a sweet girl like you must be having a hard time here... if you where here with me..." he said weakly as he felt a lump in his throat. He went to the large bed and dropped upon the plush surface and curled onto himself. "I must find you. One way or another I have to see you again..." he sighed before he growled. "But how? There are hundreds or even millions of demons now in this fucking city!" He hissed as he rolled over on his other side pouting. "Maybe.... it would be a long shot but they may know something right?" He quickly got off the bed and stuffed the bandanna into his pocket before rushing out of the appartment.
              Angel panted as he ran down the street. If there was even a glimmer of a chance then he had to try something. Anything! He didn't hesitate to run inside the club. He panted as he looked about the faces of everyone there. Sadly, no sign of her. Angel collapsed in a nearby chair. He laid his head in the table and closed his eyes.
            "Angel? Is that you?" A formilliar voice spoke as a chair beside him was pulled out. He flopped his head to the side and opened his tired eyes to see his sister Molly. She looked so worried. "Oh, Angel, what's wrong?"
            "Just fucked up the best thing in my life as fucking usual. Why are you here sis?" Angel whimpered.
            "I was trying to find Arackniss. He asked me to do him a favor and I was able to find something he was looking for!" She said with a smile. "Could you tell him for me?"
             "Sure." Angel sighed. "What is it?"
             "I found where she is. It was hard you know since this isn't my kind of thing really." The cute spider giggled as she slipped a paper with an adress on it. "Will you get it to him?"
                Angel took it into into his hand and looked at it before his eyes widened in shock. His heart raced as he grinned bigger than he ever thought he could. He quickly pulled Molly into a tight hug and kissed her before running out as fast as he could.
             Molly laughed seeing how excited he was. Once Angel was gone she pulled out her phone and called Arackniss. "That plan of yours was spot on. He was beyond thrilled. How did you know he would come here to look for her anyways?"
           Arackniss smirked at his house as he looked out the window. "As much as our brother denies it, I know him better than he does. When I made her leave it did help in some ways but made things worse in most. He's a bit more unpredicable than usual. Then again, love does that right?"
             Molly giggled. "Sure does brother."
             Angel ran as fast as he could. It couldn't be real right? It had to be fake? No! It was! For his sake it had to be real! A storm thunders above him as the clouds began to pour rain. Within minutes he was soaked to the bone but that didn't stop him. He had to see her! He ran to the gate of the building complex and looked inside for any signs of her. Sadly, there was none. His heart sunk. He hit his head on the bars of the gate as he began to sob.
               Suddenly the rain didn't touch him. He could still hear it falling around him, so why not on him?
             "Angel? What are you doing here?"
              Angel froze. He slowly looked up and his eyes widened in shock. Before him was the fennec fox he had longed to see for so long. She was holding an umbrella over him but getting herself wet. His eyes began to tear up as he slowly stood and quickly pulled her into his tight embrace.
            Abby blushed wildly as she was lifted off her feet as he hugged her. It was so tight it hurt a little. She was going to tell him to let go but she noticed he was crying silently but hard. She couldn't help but want to comfort the poor thing. She held him back as she ran her fingers though his hair. "It's okay, Angel. How about we get inside where it's dry?" She asked softly. "I bet I have a lot of explaining to do."
              "I'm sorry....." Angel said as he cried. "I'm so sorry! I fucked everything up because I was confused and scared of what I was feeling! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you leave!" He cried. Angel didn't notice people stopping to watch the two of them but Abby did.
       She became embarrassed as she listened to him. They needed to get inside and talk about it but he was so caught up in the moment. He didn't seem like he would ever stop. She had to do something quick. She took the spiders face in her small hands and kissed him on the lips. She pulled away to she a very shocked and silent spider. He was blushing so much she couldn't help but smile. "Angel, will you put me down and follow me please?" The fox asked softly. The spider slowly sat her down and took her hand as she lead him to her new home. Like before it was small and had barely anything but the few things she had was nice looking. She went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel for the two of them before rejoining the still shocked spider. She laughed as she took his hand and helped him sit on the couch before she began to dry him off.
           "Things... haven't been the same without you..." Angel said quietly as she dried his messy hair. "I.... haven't been the same. I felt lost. Like someone shot me full of holes that wouldn't heal." he said as he peaked at her though the towel. "Please... come home..."
          Abby paused. She looked sad as she looked down at the couch. "This is my home Angel. Even if I wanted to, where would I live? I gave my appartment back."
          "Yes you did... but that's how I got it." Angel said as he gently took the foxes hand and placed the key in it.
          "You've been living in my old appartment? For a year?" She asked curiously.
          "Yes." Angel said out straight. "I moved in and kept it clean just in case..."
           Abby looked at him and waited for him to finish his sentence. When he seemed to have trained off she tilted her head and looked up at him.  "In case.... of what?"
            Angel sighed. "In case you decided you wanted to come back." He said softly as he looked at her.
           Abby smiled as she playfully punched his arm. "That's cute Angel." She giggled. "A little creepy but cute!"
           Angel smiled shyly as he listened to her laugh. He had missed it so much. "Abby...  I need to ask you something."
           "Yes Angel?" The fox asked as she looked him in the eyes.
            "Well... I needed to tell you something for awhile now." He said softly. "I've been practicing over and over to say this....." he sighed as he pulled out the bandana and held it out to her. It was dripping wet from the rain. He paused as he looked at it nervously. "Damn! I didn't mean for it to get soaked." He said quietly to himself. The spider paused as he felt a hand on his. He looked nervously up at her and blushed seeing a beautiful smile on her face.
             "I think I get where you're coming from Angel." She said quietly. "It has been a year... and I have missed being with you."
          Angel smiled as he pulled the fox into a loving kiss. She was hesitant at first. She wanted to be with him, to love him, to hold him, but she couldn't. Not yet. She slowly pulled away and looked the spider in the eyes.
           "I want to be with you, but I can't right now." She said softly as she looked down as her ears flattened down on her head. "Not until I finish what I started."
         "What did you start?" Angel said a bit worried but more curious than anything.
         "I found them." She said as her eyes went from sad to an unbearable hatred. "The ones that killed Maddie. I need to get rid of them forever." She muttered as she looked up to Angel. "Once I do, I'll be with you, I promise." She said as she touched his face.
          "If that's true, then let me help." The spider spoke as he studied the look on her face. She looked guilty for some unknown reason.
           "I can't ask that of you." The fennec said softly. "This isn't your fight, Angel." She paused as she felt  a pair of hands hold onto her shoulders as the other held her hands. She looked up nervously to see a very manly looking expression on the spiders face causing her heart throb rapidly.
          "Abby, the moment you told me what happened, it became personal. I love you. Those sick fucks hurt you so badly that you barely sleep." He said in a strong yet loving tone. "Besides, what better way to show my lusting love  for you then by killing a few pencil dick pricks right?" He smirked as he chuckled darkly.

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