Smiles and Gloom

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                 Husk woke with a hiss. Not only did sleeping on the couch hurt his back a bit, but the position made his wings ache. Man, he needed to get a bigger couch. He sat up tiredly and yawned. He fucking hated mornings.
                "Here. This may help." A soft voice spoke. Husk sighed as he opened his eyes to see the small fennec holding a hot cup of coffee. It took the winged male a moment to register exactly what was going on before he grumbled a thank you and took the cup from the smaller females hands. He held it close to his face to take in the wonderful sent before taking a sip. His wings twitched trying to shake out the iching pain that seemed to pester them.
                  Abby tilted her head as she glanced at them. She guessed he slept on them wrong and felt a bit guilty for taking the bed. "Husk? May i-?" She began but stopped herself nervously.
                  Husk looked at her as his tail moved to lift her chin and make them meet eyes. "May you what?" He spoke quietly.
                  "M-my I massage your wings?" She asked quietly. Earning a curious look from her new friend. "by the look of them, they must be bothering you..." She said softly as she glanced at the wings. "And I feel a bit responcible for-" She paused as he put his hand up, signing her to stop talking.
                 "Okay, but don't go around bragging about it later." He muttered as his wings shook a bit before he scooted forward on the couch and turned to make room for the fox. "The last thing I need is for everyone to think it's okay."
                  Abby smiled as she slipped behind him and looked over the gorgeous wongs. They were so eye catching. Careful not to hurt the other, she brgan to massage the soft feathers, making Husk let out a slight moan from hoe good it gelt. She giggled as she continued. "Husk? Who will I be with today?" She asked softly.
                 "Huh?" He asked trapped in his own pleasure from such gentle touches on his wings. He finally took in what she had said and forced himself to focus. "Oh. Um... probably Niffty. She lives closest to me." He said as she let out another very pleased sound. "It would be safer taking ypu to her than going to track down one of the others. At least for now." He admitted. Once she stopped he let out a disappointed whine before he turned around to face the fox. She was smiling so brightly. He felt his face hear up again as he raised an eyebrow at her. How was she able to make even him like her?
                "I guess we should head out soon." He sighed as he rubbed his hand on the top of his head. "As much as its going to suck without you here, it may be safer to get you to her place as quickly as possible." He said before using hid tail to raise her head again. "But I expect you to ce back soon and gamble with me more.... asaand also message my wings again." The laugh he received in responce made his face light up from blushing.
               Once ready the two headed out. Once again, Husk used his wings to keep the small fox close to him as he walked. Only this time, he is d his tail ad well. He kept his eyes on the people around him to make sure there was no danger nearby. Now that he hung out with the small female, he found himself wanting to keep her safe. That also began to make him wonder. Was Angel a good choice for her? Sure the spider was charming and knew hoe to spoil the person of interest, but that was the thing. Angel was known to get bored of someone after so log and leaving them to chase another that interested him. Not only that, but his addictions were another highly dangerous problem. Then there was the brothers rivalry. Though it wasn't down as often on the outside, the two bothers hated one another. Sure they work together to keep their rule strong in hell, and sure they had a slight brotherly connection, but the two was known to try and murder one another often. Hell, this was the longest time he had ever heard that one of them wasn't either at the brink of death st the hospital or st least bandaged like a mummy from all the fighting they did. Husk had a slight belief that it was because of Abby. Both brothers seem close to her. And even though he didn't show it as often outside, the winged demon caught the spark of desire as Arackniss watched Abby at their meeting. Sighing he glanced down at the walking fox beside him. Did she know how much she was changing those around her? How she was getting them to open up to her and trust her so deeply? Probably not. From what he heard, she was newer to Hell. Everything was probably so strange to her. He sighed as he continued to walk. What the hell did he get himself into?
                 It wasn't long till they reach another appartment building. It wad a smaller one than Husks bit it looked a bit nicer as well. With a sigh, Husk lead the small fox to the third floor before going to a door and knocking.
               "Coming!"A high pitched cheerful voice called out from behind the door. Husk grumbled as he rubbed his eyes in frustration. He pulled Abby closer with his wings and tail. The door swung open to show a very happy one eyed demon girl. Her expression seemed to grow in excitement as she saw the two and stepped aside so they could enter.
                   "Hello to you too, Niffty." Hust sighed as he looked at his overly energetic friend.
                  "Hello Husk!" She giggled. "So did you have fun with abby?!"
                   "She's an okay kid." Husk said. 'Though she's really good to have around...' He thought but wouldn't say out loud.
                    "So?"  The high pitched demon girl said as she looked at the gambler quizickly.
                   "So what?" He growled out. He hated when she didn't just say what she wanted right out.
                 "So are you going to let the poor girl out or keep trapped in your wings and tail, silly!" She giggled out as Husk's face turned deep red. It was a trait of possessiveness and protectiveness that he rarely showed to anyone, or would do for anyone, yet here he was practically clinging to the small fox beside him. He quickly flung his wing up away from her as his tail slid away from her like she burned him at the touch. He avoided looking at her, fearing his blushing would get red.
                 "Aww! Husk really likes you, Abby!" She giggled earning a death glare from her winged friend. "It's so adorable!"  
                 "Shut up, Niffty!" Husk snapped as he looked hesitantly doen to the feccec seeing her big blue eyes lock with his as she smiled. He felt his hear stop for a moment and a shiver run down his wings making them bristle a bit. He quickly looked away and huffed a bit feeling his fur on his chest puff out a bit.
                  "I was about to start making some tea and cookies!" Niffty said happily. "Should I make enough for three?"
                  "No Niffty." Husk sighed as he glanced at the other female. "I have to go do my part to protect, Abby." He sighed as he looked back down at the fox to find her blushing a bit at his display. "If she ends up driving you too crazy, don't be afraid to call me. I'm always here of you need a break for all this energy." He said with a wink making Abby smile and nodd.
                 "Thank you, Husk. For everything." She said softly. "And about that talk we had earlier, I will think on it."
                  "You better." He said with a deep chuckle. "If I don't get a responce soon I'll be tracking you down."
                   Suddenly there wad a gasp getting both of their attention back on the one eyed girl as she looked surprised beyond words. This made the two curious to what she was thinking. Luckily they didn't have to wait long before they heard what was on her mind.
                  "Are you two going to elope?!" She squeaked out.
                  "W-what?!" Husk gasped face red. "Why the fucking hell would make you think of some shit like that?!"
                    "Well...." She said blushing a bit. "You're being so blush and nice... and you came in here with her all protective like... then there was the thing you guys..." She said akwardly.  Husk just stood stock still. His eyes wide and mouth dropped in horror.
                     "Miss Niffty." Abby said quietly getting the one eyed. Girls artention. "I can understand how you may have thought that." She said with her big ears perking up a bit. "But it really isn't that. You see Husk was thinking about opening his own Casino and asked if I would be interested in being a singer there."
                      "Really?" Niffty asked blinking a few times.
                      "Really..." grumbled Husk as he took a deep calming breath.
                       "Oh..... OKAY!" She giggled before making her way to the kitchen.
                       "Now do you understand why I said to call me if you need to?" He sighed pointing to the kitchen.
                      "She seems really nice, Husk." Abby spoke up sweetly. "I'm sure everything will be fine, but thank you anyways for the offer." She giggled as she tilted her head to the side. With a sigh, Husk nelt down and one arm hugged the fox to him.
                  "And that offer stands for any time, you got it girlie? I'm here for you." The winged male said as he gently wrapped his wings around the small fox. "Even if it's Angel that I have to go though...."
                  "Thank you, Husk, but I'll be fine." She said hugging him back. "You be careful out there okay?"
                   "Aren't I always?" Husk chuckled as he hugged the small fox back seeing Niffty not around. The he pulled away with a warm smile. He patted the fox on the head and headed out the door.
                   Abby waited a bit before locking the front door and making her way into the Kitchen. Niffty was humming as she checked some cookies in her oven. She seemed so joyful and happy. The small fox cleared her throat to get the other girls attention.
                 "Is there anything I can do to help you, Niffty?" The fennec asked quietly.
                 "Of course Abby!" Nifty said with a huge smile as she grabbed an oven mit and pulled out the cookies before putting them on a cooling rack. "Could you pull out the ham and turkey from the fridge?" She asked as she put in another pan of cookies. "I have so much to do and not much time to do it! Honestly, having some help may make it a lot easier on me!" She said as she fixed the timer and started chopping up chestnuts.
                 "Okay." The big eared fox said happily as she began to pull things out and help. The two laughed and giggled while working on dinner.
"What's all this for anyways, Niffty?"
                   "Oh, we're having our Christmas party here today!" Niffty said with joyful giggles. "I'm so excited! It's been awhile since we celebrated together like this at my place!" She said happily as she prepared everything. Then she paused. "Shoot! I bet you never got to go shopping did you?" Niffty said softly looking to see Abby's ears go down a bit. Even so, she smiled.
                 "No. With everything happening so fast, I guess I never got the time. And Husk and I were busy almost all night last night...." Niffty suddenly paused as her eyed opened wide and she looked down at the fox red faced. The fennec couldn't help but laugh at the others expression. "We didn't have sex, silly. He was gambling and I kind of watched and learned. It was fun."
                  "Ooooooh!" She said as he face seemed to relax before her big grin returned. "Well good! Husk seems to try and keep himself in this 'I don't give a damn' funk, ya know? I'm glad to see someone got him to show he has some joy in that gloomy personality!" She giggled as she continued to work.
                   Abby paused as she tilted her head a bit. "Niffty?" She asked in a quiet curious manner.
                   "Yes Abby?" Niffty asked as she continued chopping veries veggies.
                   "By any chance, do you have a think for Husk?" The fennec watched as the one eyed girl froze in the spot and her knife fell, cluttering to the ground. A sly smirk slipped on Abby's face as her ears perked up. "I thought so." She said giggled. "Have you tried telling him?"
                   "Um.... no...." The red haired demon said quietly as she glanced at Abby with such an adorable embarrassed expression. "I thought about it a few times, but I'm a bit scared to honestly." She said as she leaned down and picked up her knife from the ground. She looked at her reflection on the metal and sighed. "I don't think he would want to date someone like me..." She said quietly.
"I'm not into Gambling as he is. Also there's the fact that our personalities are like, the complete opposite! And he's so handsome and smart, and without meaning to be, he can be so funny and charming..." She paused as she looked to see Abby smiling warmly at her and her face turned red. "But he wouldn't....."
                 "How do you know he wouldnt?" Abby asked tilting her head. "I mean, I didn't think Angel would like me." Abby admitted as she walked over and knelt down to look at the other girls face. "Angel is an amazing guy who had others throwing themselves at him and promising him passionate love from their very being." The fox said as her mind slipped to viv. "He had all these amazing beautiful demons all wanting to be beside him, and then he accidentally ran into pain old me. I'm not that fancy, or eye catching. I'm just a short little fennec fox who was new in town. Then, something began to bloom. I was stuck in my depressed past, and Angel pulled me though with his love." She said softly. "I swear it feels like Madison sent him to me to help me be happy again."
                   "Abby, who is Madison?" Niffty asked quietly as she looked the other in the eyes.
                   "Madison was my girlfriend before I died." Abby said quietly. "She was murdered and nobody would do anything to the ones who did it. So I took matters into my own hands." She said quietly as she looked down st the ground.
                  "So that's why you came to Hell..." The one eyed girl said as she dropped the knife and pulled Abby into a tight hug. "Abby, the guys you killed....?"
                  "Yeah. They're the ones after me now." She admitted quietly. "They want to get me back for the pain and torment I put upon them before they died. In truth, I don't regret what I did to them. I would choose to do it over and over and over again because they were horrible people, Niffty. "And I swear, if they harm any of you, I will personally make them pay again." She said as the two hugged one another tightly.
                    Niffty couldn't help bit be teary eyed. This poor girl had been though so much. She hugged the fox a bit more before she smiled at the other. "Now look at us. We're here crying like babies!" She said with a quiet giggle as she pulled away and dried her eyes. She saw Abby do the same as the two smiled. "How about I call Alastor and have him go shopping with you while I finish this up?" She said with  and smile. "Then once you get back we can decorate!"
                 Abby laughed weakly and she nodded.
                 "Good. I'll call Alastor. Hoe about you icing the cookies !"She said happily as she stood up leaving Abby I'm the kitchen to work.

Happy Birthday to me! My gift ? This chapter for you! XD so hopefully you enjoyed this one! Still more to come! XD out of curiousity, so far who do you like Abby with as a couple? Have a good day and see ya next chapter!

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