Hands of Fate

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                 Abby curled around something soft. It was warm and oddly comforting. A soft hand ran down her back, making her start to stir from her peaceful sleep. "Five more minutes, Angel..." She murmured as she roles over and hugged the pillow. Long slinder arms wrapped around her waist making her smile, but then she noticed something off. Only two? Angel had six! Her eyes shot opened as she turned her head to see non other than Alastor. The deer demon was curled to her in a protective manner as he slept. His face nuzzled into her neck as he snored quietly. Abby blushed feeling akward about this position. She tried to sit up, only to feel his arms tighten more around her. He looked so much different when he slept. More peaceful at first. Then he seemed to whimper. He looked sad and broken as he nuzzled to her fur more. "Poor thing." She said softly as she stroked his hair in a gentle manner.
               Red eyes half opened as he looked up at her. He seemed surprised seeing the fox smiling warmly down at him. "Abby?" He asked quietly.
                 "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." She said softly. "You seemed like you were having a nightmare and I had hoped you'd sleep better with a friendly touch."
                  He seemed more puzzled now than before. This fox seemed too peaceful to be in hell. He slowly removed his arms from around her and sat up on the bed. His red eyes looked deeply into her as if trying to figure something out.
                 "I swear that's the same look Arackniss gave me when we first met." She said with a playful tone. "Am I really that odd?"
                  "Yes." He said in a flat kind of tone. "You're in hell, Abby. Killers, back stabbers, cannibals, drug addicts, rapists, all the horrible and cruel souls of the living world are down here. Why would a person who can genuinely smile at someone with pure kindness be trapped in this kind of place?" He asked quietly.
                      "Because I'm just as bad as many others." She said quietly. "I let the darkness within me guide my actions. Now I must pay for it." She spoke in a hushed voice as she looked about the room. "Though, I don't regret what I've done. In fact, I'm dead set to do it again soon."
                  Alastor tilted his head curiously. He knew that look in her eyes. It helped him guess what she did. "Revenge. I see." He said quietly. "Well, you may be odd, but it's actually quite refreshing from the boring normals down here." He said with his signature grin returning. "In fact, you may get a lot of attention from many others you meet. Angel better watch you closely or you may end up getting stolen." He purred as he nuzzled her head, making her laugh. "Now, back to our mission."
                   "Alastor, I want to thank you for being with me though this but you don't have to go any further if you don't want to." She said looking at him .
                    "Oh?" He asked curiously.
                   "You've done alot to help us and I can't thank you enough." She said sweetly. "But I can't ask you to follow me once we get there. Things could turn out badly and-"
                     "You remind me of someone from a story my parents used to tell me. What was it again? Ah, yes! Little Red Riding Hood!" He said as he spoke cheerfully.
                  "Wait, what?" She asked as her ears twisted in confusion.
                   "You're a sweet caring young fox, Abby. Pleasing to the eyes." The deer said absentmindedly. "If I where to part ways with you know, some big bad wolf may try and gobble you up! We couldn't have that now." He said with and smirk.
                  "Gobble me- what?" She said blinking completely unable to figure out what the deer was rambling about.
                   "In truth, I would be honored to be the one to eat you, but in order to even think about such... perversions, I have to keep you away from harm until everything is calm." He said in a sing song voice. "And that means keeping you from the grasp of the horrific, hidious, fucked up bitch called Abigail!" He hissed out the last part letting his anger show before he spotted the confused, and shocked look on the fennec face. He cleared his throat before he glance at her again with his happy smile. "Shall we get ready to leave then?"He said as he stood up and grabbed his coat off the door knob and pulled it on properly.
                     Abby silently nodded her head before she got out of the large bed and walked over to join the deer.
                   The two left the hotel and made their way down the street again. This time, instead of carrying the small fox, Alastor held her hand and guided her. Abby noticed that Alistor was humming a song she knew. A smile slipped on her lips as she caught on to here he was and began.
                    "But brother you're never fully dressed without a smile!" She sang. He paused and looked to her in surprise before a playful grin appeared again. He picked her up and joined her in singing his favorite song as they went along.
                    Time seemed to fly by as the two went on their way. Before they both knew it, they were standing outside a creepy looking shop. Alastor tensed when he saw it. His hands pulled the fox closer almost protectively as he began to wonder inside. To Abby's horror, it was creepier inside. Parts of dead animals in jars, books made out a skin, and twisted looking object seemed to be everywhere you turned. Alastor looked about with a serious face.
                "I don't see anyone here." She said quietly.
                  "Oh, I'm here child." A deep gravelly voice hissed from almost everywhere it seemed. "I also know why you are here. I must tell you, if you don't play your cards right, then you both will die in this place."
                 "Why don't you quit playing you're stupid shit faced fear prank and show yourself you fucking bitch?!" Hissed Alastor as he held the fox tighter to him.
                   "Oh, Alastor. Still mad that our deal didn't work out?" The voice cackled. "It isn't my fault you couldn't keep your hands off that handsome lad. You knew you couldn't keep him safe forever. His fate was already set for him the moment he came across you."
                   That seemed to strike a cord with the deer. He seemed almost guilty.
                   "Leave him alone!" Abby snapped.
                    "Poor little Abby. You seem to always try and be there for those you hold dear, but in the end, they always seem to leave you behind. This time will not be any different."
                      "What do you know?!" She growled. "I could stop you right now and keep you from doing any harm to anyone again!"
                   "Harm?" The voice echoed. "My child, I do not harm anyone." The voice seemed to come from one direction now. An old wooden door. "I am but a simple potion maker. Everyone seems to want an easy way out. Nobody wants to work things though or give up trying. Instead they come to me bearing  fancy gifts and tones of money to give them what they want." An old owl began to walk into view. She looked sickly really. She used a twisted branch of a tree as a cane as she wobbled to her seat behind her counter and sat down. Abby swore she could hear the old birds bones crack as she sat. "You originally came her to seek about Vivica and the potion she ordered. I am sad to say, she already has it in her position. I wouldn't be surprised if she is already moving forward with her plan to try and erase you from her chosens life."
                 Hearing this Abby felt cold. Her eyes widened as she shook her head. "That can't be!"
                 "It is true, and for what it's worth, I am sorry." She said as she shook her head. "If I were you, I'd hurry to your lovers side and try to protect him the only way you can."  Then the owls eyes looked to Alastor. "I know why you hate me, boy. I am much older than you and trust me when I say, I did warn you!" She snapped. "If you really loved that lad he would be safe within your arms still. All my potion did was bring out the true feelings you had twords him as you wished." She said as she sighed. "It can't change the fact that you saw him more as a next meal than a potential mate."
                Alastor was about to say something when Abby hopped out of  his arms. He looked to see the small fox holding her hand out. Knowing what she wanted he gave her his phone and nodded. "Call a cab. We will get to him." He said as she nodded and went outside. The deer smiled slightly as he watched the door.
                 "Know that is real love, boy." The owls spoke, quickly getting the deers attention again. "Innocence can easily lure the darkness to them without noticing." She said as she kept her eyes locked on the others red eyes. "Though she already gave her heart to another." The owl grunted as she sat down a vial with a strange silver liquid inside. "Take this. It will help her keep the spider boy in her life. If you give her this, she will end up eternally out of your reach." The owl warned making the deer suddenly hesitate just inches away from it. "If you decide to keep it hidden, then she will be forgotten and you will have your chance to pick up the pieces and help her back to her feet." The old owl grunted. "You'd get married and have four children. You'd be getting what you always wanted. Someone who will love you."
                   "B-but why give this to me?!" He snapped as he seemed scared to to touch it now. "Why didn't you give this to Abby?! Isn't my choice obvious?!"
                  "For once, it isnt." The owl said catching the deer off guard again. "Let's just say this is both a way to make up for your lost love and a test of your true character. It was ment to be you to chose their future." She smirked darkly. The deer seemed even more hesitant. He quickly grab the vial and stormed off out of the store. He saw the look on the small foxes face and felt unsure. He quickly put the vial in his pocket to hide it from the other as he approached.
                  "A cab should be here any minute! I hope we aren't too late!" She whimpered holding the phone to her chest.
                    Alastor forced a smile on his lips as he leaned down to properly pat the foxes head. "I'm sure one way or another everything will be just fine!"He said in a falsely cheerful tone. He stood and felt the vial rub against his leg. "Just fine...."

((A/N!!! good god I wasn't sure how to exactly end this chapter! I'm sorry it kind of sucks. Still, I hope you enjoy it at least a little. Again sorry for the slight ooc moments I have while writing. thanks again for reading if you still are so far!))

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