Lucky Fox and The Gambling Man

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                 Husk grumbled as he rolled his eyes. He walked to the bar to get a drink. The moment he was about to take a drink Angel smacked him on the back, making him spill most of his drink.
               "Way to be a sport Husk!" Angel yelled out with a cackle. "I knew I could count on you!"
               Husk paused wide eyed. He turned about to cuss the spider only to have the small fox shoved into his arms.
                 "Listen up, I'm trusting my girl with you so you better take really good care of her you got that?!"Angel suddenly snapped. His tone growing dark. "If anything happens to her, I will rip your fucking head off and shove it so far up your ass...."
                 Husk kept silent as he stared in shock. He did not just get volunteer to be a babysitter! He looked down at the small fox seeing her look up at him at the same time. The two deeply confused before they both looked at Angel.
                  "Why not just let the dear girl stay with me?" Alastor asked with a slight whine. "She already knows me!"
                 "And you're not going to try and sway her to your side?" Angel said raising an eyebrow at the deer with hatred. "Besides, it will be good for the both of them." Angel said as he looked at his brother across the room. "The rest of you, try and track down these assholes. We need to get rid of them before they cause any harm." He said as he glanced around. "If we get this done fast enough we can celebrate Christmas together. Deal?"
                "On it!" Jason said as he pulled out his phone to get the order to everyone else.
                 "Come on Cramini! Let's get our snoop on!" Giggled Niffty as she grabbed the werewolf and began to drag her out the door.
                  "I expect some good shit this year from everyone one of you fuckers!" The werewolf snapped before she was out the door past Arackniss.
                   "I'll go spread the word to all the bars I knows. We'll catch these assholes before they know it." Mimzy said as she went behind the stage to her private room.
                   "I know a few guys who owe me. I guess I could use it to help track them down." Baxtor said as she headed out the door.
                   Angel watched them leave as he glanced at Alastor. The deer was a bit down spirited it seemes. Angel couldn't help but feel it was a good choice sending Abby to Husk. He had no doubt the smiling maniac would try to lead his fox astray. Not this time.
               "Are you okay, Alastor?" Abby spoke out looking at her friend. Hearing her voice, the deer demon seemed to perk up a bit as his smile came back to him. He knelt down before Husk to get a better view of the fennec, without noticing how much it made Husk uncomfortable.
             "Yes dear Abby. I'm fine." He said softly. "Just a bit disappointed I won't be spending more time with you." He said quietly.
              "Don't worry. This will be over shortly and we can all celebrate together." Abby said earning a very joyful smile to Alastor and a jealous humph from Angel. The spider had his arms crossed and e Hr es glairing daggers at his 'friend'.
               "I know." Alaster said as she took the fennec hand in his own and gave it a soft kiss. "I will do everything in my power to make sure you're safe and happy, my dear." He said as he stood up again. "Keep her safe Husk. If anything happens to her, you won't only have  the spider mob after you." He said in an ominous voice yet a joyful outer appearance as he made his way out the door.
                Without relizing it, Husk had hugged the fox to him in a slightly nervous way. Never had any of his friends ever threatened him so deeply before. It wad enough to send chills down his spin and wings. Alastor may be someone he was mildly comfortable with, but the fuckers could be creepy.
                  "Husk, I am trusting you with one of the most important people I have ever had in my life." Angel said getting both Abby and Husks attention. "Keep her safe."
                 "Will everyone just stop saying that already?" He grumbled as he let his arms go slack around the small female in his arms. "I got it already."  
                 Angel smiled as he leaned down and kissed Abby softly on her lips. "I'll see you soon." He said softly before he walked over to his brother and the two spiders left the bar.
                There was a moment of silence before Husk sighed. Man, he had things to do today. He looked at the fox who seemed a bit heart broken looking at the door with her large ears pressed back against her head. It was a bit sad to see, not that Husk would say so out loud.
              "I have some things I have to do today, so don't cause me Amy trouble alright?" He sighed as he sat the fox down and stood up w I th a stretch.
              "Yes sir." Abby said quietly as she kept close to the other. Seeing she was still down, Husk sighed. He used his wings to keep her close as he began to leave the bar. Even in the crowded street, his wings kept Abby safe from everyone around them. His tail swished every noe and then side to side in slight irritation that he had to babysit such a small frail looking demon. Finally he pushed open the doors to a casino and headed inside. He received a few odd looks, but ignored them as he made his way to his favorite table and sat down.
                 Abby didn't know what to think at the moment. She had done her best to stay away from places like this when she was alive.
                 Suddenly she heard a chair sat down behind her. The fennec squeaked and turned to see a very fancy dressed one eyed demon looking at her. He gave a charming smile and winked before turning to return to his pervious conversation. The fennec smiled a bit as she pulled the chair closer beside her guardian and sat down curioudly. She paused to see the man vanish in the crowd and tilted her head. Who was he and why was he being so kind to her? She shook it off as she went back to see a few other demons gathering to their table. A few had very gorgeous ladies with them. Man did she feel incomfortable.
                   "Nice woman, Husk." One of the guys said with a cock aditude. "Didn't know you had it in ya."
                   "Shut the Fuck up and let's get this game going already." He sighed as his tail kept close to the fox to help keep tabs on her. "I don't have all fucking day you know."
                  "Always so hurtful." The demon snickered as they started their game.
                  Though Abby didn't understand gambling at all, she watched curiously. It seemed like a difficult game in truth. What made it worse was watching how everyone at the table were cheating. It seemed you just to be careful not to get caught. She glanced around curiously to find out many others were doing the same. Even so, most didn't seem to notice it. How odd. She looked back to see Husk struggling a bit. Tilting her head she looked at his cards over his shoulder.
                     "You should go all in." Abby said in a whisper.
                     "What?!" Husk whisper yelled. "I'm dying here! Why the hell would I do something so idiotic like that?!"
                    "I noticed something..." She whispered back. "Your opponents are nervous. Deeply so. I can see them twitching a bit under the table." She said making one of her guardians ears perk up a bit. "Everything says they got a losing hand...."
                   "You're absolutely sure about this?" Husk asked back going back to his usual grump look. Seeing her smile he sighed. What did he have to really lose?
                  Husk stared in shock. He won? How? He felt a twisted smirk of utter joy pull upon his face as he collected his reward. "Too bad fellas. Looks like lady luck is on my side today." Everyone hissed as the winged demon as they left the table. Now that the game was done, Husk turned an eye to the fox who had gave him his luck. "You've done this before?"
                 "Not at all." Abby said with a smile. "Though it's pretty easy to catch to body language it seems." She giggled making Husk chuckle deep in his throat.
                  "Think you can keep this 'luck' up for a few more hours?" He asked curiously.
                  "I don't see why not." The fennec said in a joyful tone seeing the smile twist more on the others face.
                  "Keep this up and I may have to borrow you from your lover a few times a week." He snickered as they went to another table.
                   All Abby could do was giggle at that. The two stayed in the casino for awhile, actually enjoying each others company. Then so, every so often the fennec got the feeling of being watched and would turn to find the fancy dressed strangers red gaze upon her. He would always smirk and go back to whatever he was doing before she spotted him. Weird...
               Husk busted out of the casino laughing as he carried the fennec in his arms. "You know what, kid? You can come with me every day of you keep this shit up!" He said as he walked. "What would you like to eat tonight? Nothing is out of price tonight!" He said as he walked down the sidewalk.
                  "Husk, do you think the others are okay?" Abby asked as she looked up at the other.
                  "I'm sure they are." The other said as he smirked down at her. "How about we head to my place and order delivery? You seem a bit tired."
                   "You don't the to if you don't want to." The fennec said with a half smile. "I'm fine."
                 "You can't fool me kid." He said as he started walking home. "I can tell a fake expression when I see one. You're worried." He gruffed. "It's understandable. A lot is going on right now. Not to mention you've. Had a bit of a stressful day thrown at you."
                  Most of the way to Husks place was quiet. That was until he began to humm. That made the fennec smile a bit. Once inside, she noticed it wasn't the most fancy place. It was an average sized appartment. Two seat couch, avaege tv, small kitchen. And a medium sized bedroom with a queen sized bed. The bathroom was also quite small, but all in all, it wasn't bad. Husk sat the fox down on one side of the couch beore going to his phone.
                 Abby sat on the couch and slowly began to humm herself. As she hummed, she felt a bit more relaxed. Not completely but enough to felt herself slump in the couch cushion.
               "You know, you got a decent voice." Husk spoke as he. Plopped doen beside her with a sigh. "Every think to go professionally?" He asked curiously causing the fox to look at him. "I'm thinking of opening my own casino. I'd woek at the bar, making drinks and such... I could use someone like you to help draw in a crowd."
                  Abby laughed softly as she looked up at him. "In truth, in don't think I'm all that good." She said softly.
                  "Well then, let's hear it." Husk said getting a curious look from the fennec. "Sing a song. Any song. The first song that pops in your head right now, here on this couch." He said crossing his arms. "And I will let you know if you're any good or not."
                "Any song?" She asked back getting a single nodd from the other. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and listened to the tune playing in her head. It was one of her more favorite songs. Then, she began to sing.

"There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new bluejeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans

Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's on, a drunk

Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun

Well, I got one foot on the platform
The other foot on the train
I'm goin' back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain

Well, there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one."

              Once done Abby opened her eyes to see a very shocked Husk. His eyes were wide as saucers, mouth hanging open, and ears high. His face was red from his blushing. She couldn't help but blush herself at the others expression.
               "Well, that settles it." Husk said once he regained himself a bit better. "You're the only person I want to be the singer at my casino." He said as his tail seemed to almost wave in pleasure. "You don't think you're good? You're not. You're amazing!" He said as he stood up to go to the kitchen to get them both a drink. He handed the fox a bottle of water and himself a beer as he sat back down. I have heard a lot of girls sing to gather crowds but man, you're got to be one of the better ones I've heard in awhile! Well... other than Mimzy of course." He muttered a bit.
                 Abby smiled warmly at the other. She hadn't seen him with this mu ch energy before. Then again, she only met him today.  Then her smile slowly fell. "Tomorrow is Christmas..." She said softly. "I don't have a gift for anyone, I have a bunch of assholes out for my head... I kind of feel like I'm ruining your all holiday..."
               "Ours?" He questioned with a huff. "Not a chance. Usually it's pretty akward to me. Angel gets either drunk, high, or both and pissed off mostly everyone. Niffty tries to make everyone as hapoy as she is and more or less annoys a few of us, but she's she's a nice girl. Baxtor more or less keeps to himself like I do, though Alastor won't let me be alone most of the time. Mimzy sings and in curage Angel. It's a big mess. Than there is Cramini. That girl is a terrible drunk... enough said there." Husk sighed as he looked at the small fox. "I think you'll be a great add in to our misfit group."
                  Abby couldn't help but smile hearing that. "Thank you, Husk." She said softly earning a pat on the head. Then there was the sound of the doorbell. With an annoyed sigh, he stood up and got their food and smaller the door shut on the guys face after paying. The two ate and nd got to know one another more. In truth, Husk didn't think he would have as much fun as he did with the fall female. Midway though their conversation, he noticed the small fox rub her eye and let out a small yawn. He smiled ass he carried her to his bed as snd sat her down.
             "You need some rest. Tomorrow you have to put up with another one of the asshats I call friends." He spoke quietly before tucking her in.
                "But this is your bed." She said tiredly. "I couldn't possibly take it."
               "Hush." He quickly said with with a smirk. "You're sleeping here. I like my couch better anyways." He said as he started twords the door.
               "Husk?" Abby said before the other left the room. He froze at the doorway to see the fox smiling sweetly at him. "You're not a good liar."
                 "That's because I'm not wearing my poker face." He snickered before he went to the couch and laid down. Staring at the ceiling, he found himself really liking this girl of Angel's. Out of all the 'ladies' He ever brought about them, he really felt close to Abby. He heard a soft sound that made him genuinely smile. The fox was quietly snoring. It was barely audiable, but there. He let out a relaxed sigh as he closed his own tired eyes. "Good night, Abby."

A/N :sorry about the iffy chapter. I've been drawing a blank lately on hoe to continue. Don't worry! I'm determined to never abandon this story! May be slow as hell posting because this Sunday is my birthday and I'm going to be busy all we end long. Anywho, hope you enjoy and have a good day! Will try and post the next chapter soon as I can XD

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