Without a Smile

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      ((A/N!!!! Hello again everyone! I wanted to tell you from here on out is what I created this year! Yay! I don't even know exactly what will happen. If you read this far you either likloe it, bored, or wanting to make fun of my shitty spelling and Grammer, which is still cool. At least it's being read at all. Hopefully it will be enjoyable!))

             Abby walked down the street quietly. She glanced about before looking at the paper Arackniss had given her before she left before putting it away again. Man, this was frustrating. The streets were overly busy yet everyone seemed to not even notice the tiny fox at all. She squeaked when she almost got kicked. Long slinder arms quickly wrapped around her waist and pulled her away from the danger.
                "Well, wasn't that a close one?" A cheerful sounding voice spoke up. She hesitantly looked up to see a man, slightly shorter than Angel. He had a huge grin that could put the Cheshire cat to shame. His red eyes looking at her in ways that sent chills down her spine. "You must be sweet little Abby." He purred out. "My name is Alastor. I'm a friend of Angel's." He said happily as he cuddled to soft little fox in his arms. "Arackniss feared you'd lose your way and called me to help you out about this part of the city." He said in a sing song tone.
              "Really?" She asked softly looking at the taller male. "Can you prove it to me?"
                Moving to hold the fox in one arm on his hip like a mother with a toddler, he used his free hand to pull out his phone to show her a text. "You don't know how horrible it is to have this stupid contraption." He muttered as his grin faltered a bit. "It's an annoying pain in the ass, but Angel said if I got rid of it he would hunt me down and rip out my intrails." He giggled gaining his smile back again. "Now, exactly were are you headed, you little cutie?"
              Abby looked at the text and then turned to look at the male. He was a strange one. "Well, Mr.Alastor-."
              "Manners? Down here?" The deer interupted with a glint in his red eyes. "Now that is a very rare quality!" He said with new interest in his eyes. "I haven't seen anyone with manners since I died! Oh, I think I'm going to like you, Little one." He spoke in a tone with a strange mix of ominous and... was that lust? "But please, just Alastor." He said putting his phone back in his pocket. "The address please?" He said holding his free hand out to her. Hesitantly Abby put the paper in his palm and he moved to look. His smile became twisted and dark. "Oh. You're going to see her." He spat venomously.
                     "Y-yes. Do you know her?" Abby asked feeling nervous all of a sudden in the slightly tightening arms of the deer.
                    "Know her?" Alastor asked as he crumbled the paper in his hand. "Oh, I do. In fact, I owe that bitch a visit anyhow." He spoke before he heard another squeak. He paused looking at the slightly scared fox in his arms. It seemed he accidentally scared her. He let out a frustrated sigh and pulled her closer and nuzzled against her furry chest. After a moment he let out a happy sigh feeling his joy return from the soft fur of the cute little fox before him. This affection actually got the attention of many passers-biers. She blushed deeply as she nervously patted the deers head.
               "I'm glad you're happier now, Alastor, but this is kind of embarrassing..." She said shyly.
                Alastor smirked up at the blushing fox and felt an odd since of pride. "Oh? What's wrong? Shy of public affection?" He purred as he playfully nuzzled the foxes neck.
               "Alastor please stop!" She said quietly. "People might get the wrong idea!" She pleaded.
               "Or the right one." He deer enjoying the way she looks so shy and helpless. Oh, how he would love to break her right now! No! He had to behave. She was already claimed. No kinks! "But I get your point. We have a mission to do." He said as he put the fox back on his hip and began to walk. He loved watching how embarrassed the fennec was. He couldn't help but wonder what she would be like tied up and teary eyed. The image making his grin grow even more than usual.
                   Abby kept quiet as she was carried. She could walk perfectly fine but it seemed the demon deer had other plans. As she was carried she began to feel oddly sleepy. She had been wondering all day without rest. Before she knew what was happening, she fell asleep against the other.
               Alastor looked down at the other before an overly joyed smile curled on his face. His phone rang as he pulled it out, and with some difficulty, answered. "Hello?"
              "Did you find her?" A formilliar voice spoke over the speakers.
              "Oh yes!" The deer smiled playfully. "You didn't tell me she was this adorable though, Arackniss." He purred out. "I may end up taking her home with me after this is over."
                "You may not want to do that." The black spider said in his usual tone. "Angel is quite attached to that little fox with you." Then his tone began to turn a little darker. "And he isn't the only one."
                  "Arackniss, when will you learn to stop trying to play with your brothers things?" He said in a more serious tone. "Remember what happened with Tommy."
                  There was a frustrating sigh over the speaker. He could almost hear the spider rubbing his temple over the phone. "Tommy wasn't anything serious. Just a way to get back at my shit faced idiot of a brother. She is different."
                  "Oh, trust me, I know." He purred looking at the sleeping fox in his arms. "She looks to peaceful when she sleeps."
                   "Oh Alastor you didn't?!" A hiss was heard making the dear grin widely.
                  "You're right. I didnt." He said as he looked about the street before crossing. "She's much alive. I think she tired herself out trying to find her way. Poor little cutie." He stopped seeing a hotel. "I may check us into a room." He spoke walking to the door. "She would probably sleep a lot better in a bed, don't you agree?"
                  "Fine, but be sure not to do anything to her or I swear, you'll regret it." The black spider hissed harshly.
                    "I'll try my best to behave." He purred and hung up before the other could say anymore. He looked down to the adorable fox and gently ran his long slinder fingers down the length of her long ears making them twitch in responce. "Though it will be tough to do so."

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