New Life New Home

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         Abby woke with a gasp. She grabbed at her aching chest as she tried to catch her breath. Looking about she found herself in a large dark room. How was she even alive? She knew she was shot and yet...
       "Who would have thought that innocent little Abby had it in her." A deep dark voice echoed from the Shadows. "I guess even the kind hearted can be poluted if pushed enough."
        Flames began to shoot up about the dark walls to aluminate the room with an eerie glow. Sitting before her was a large ram. Most of his body was hidden under a very long black cloak. His red eyes seemed to burn it's way into the small foxes soul. She intantly knew who he was.
         "Welcome to Hell, my dear." Spoke a beautiful Jackle who almost seemed like a goddess. She sat in a thrown beside her husband. Quickly she noticed the fennec glance at a smaller empty thrown on the other side of the ram but looked away as if afraid to upset them. "Don't be so scared. I know this may seem a bit spooky as some would say but it isn't that bad. If you act like this too much, you'll be eaten live in the city." She chuckled as she laced her long slinder fingers together. "I'm sorry you missed seeing our son, but he's in school above. He seems quite fond of being up there. I don't quite see why though." She said as she began to look at her nails.
         "We already have you an appartment room for you in the city. Nothing special but you'll survive." Satan spoke as stood. He seemed almost to float over infront of the fennec as he smirked. "Good luck in your new home, innocent Abby." He mocked.
        Scared she covered her eyes to hide, but then everything sounded different. Was that cars? And people yelling? Slowly she slipper her hands down to her chest as she looked to find herself in a appartment room. Nervously she looked about. It was a little run down looking but everything seemed to work. She even had a small twin bed in her room. Sure it wasn't the most comfortable bed ever but it worked. Slowly Abby came to her appartment window and opened it to see her new surroundings. In a way, the only word she could think to discribe the place was weird. It was almost like time had threw up all over the place. Some places looked like it was several hundreds of years old while other parts looked fairly new. Again, she felt nervous. Big cities never made her feel at home and the fact that this was a big city in hell didn't make it any better.
       A knock at her door snapped her out of her thoughts as she made her way to the door and opened it slowly.
Before her was a purple rabbit male. He seemed just as creepy as he did cute. "May I help-?"
           "Listen here you bum!" The rabbit spoke in a very harsh raspy voice. "You got a month free of rent but that doesn't mean you're not out of the shit hole yet! You still got a lot to pay off you know!" He screamed making the poor fennec jump a bit. "That means you need to stop laying about like a fucking sloth and go get a damn job you stupid bitch!" He snapped.
       "Y-yes sir! Right away sir!" Abby quickly answered as she fully opened the door and quickly stood before him. He grabbed her arm and smacked a key into her hand.
      "Make sure you lock your fucking door when you leave! Some of the people in this appartment complex are a  bunch of low lives! You may not have much but that doesn't mean they won't rob you blind!"
        "Yes sir!" She quickly said as she locked her door and looked back at him.
        "And don't come back till you get a damn job okay?!" He yelled again.
       "Yes sir!" She quickly answered again.
        The rabbit paused and looked at the fox for a moment. "You know what? I like you kid. You don't whine, bitch, or complain. Just a quick and simple yes. You don't get that much down here." He spoke eyeing her up for a moment. "I'll make you a deal." He said as he motioned for her to follow. He glanced back to see she did with no hesitation. "I got a friend who works at this fancy old styled club. They aren't hiring but I'm sure I can pull a few strings and get you a job there." He spoke in a not so harsh tone. "I mean, you seem like a pretty girl. They might make you a waitress or something but anything is better than nothing right?" He asked not expecting an answer. "If you play your cards right, you may even get some friends in high places to help you when you need it, but be careful. Some people aren't worth the effort."
          The rabbit lead the fennec to a nice looking place. It was quite fancy. She felt a bit nervous walking inside to see a large crowd watching a beautiful bigger set woman sing on stage.
           "I'm going to talk to the manager. Stay here until I get back  alright?" He snapped. When she nodded he went to the back to the employees only room.
        Not sure what she should be doing, the fennec sat down at an empty nearby table and watched the rest of the show. As the girl left the stage everyone clapped so excitedly. At least the music was nice. She closed her eyes and laid her head on the table listening as the piano kept playing music.
                 "well, this don't seem right." An unformilliar voice spoke from behind her. Startled she sat up and looked to see two tall spider males behind her. One was black with yellow eyes. He was a bit shorter than the other male. He stood there with his arms crossed as he looked at her as if she a puzzle needing to be solved. The other male was quite tall. He wore a stripped top and high boots.
        The tall one smirked as he had one hand on his hip and the other five handing down loose. "Pretty dames like yourself shouldn't be sitting alone in places like this. That just isn't safe. It's impolite and dangerous." He said as he pulled out a seat and sat down beside her. The other doing the same on the other side. "The names, Angel Dust. That handsome gentlemen beside you is Arackniss. He's my brother." The sassy sounding male spoke as he took off his hat and sat it down on the table. "What might your name be toots?" He said in a sly and silky tone.
           The fennec felt nervous as she looked between the two spiders. "Nice to meet you both." She said quietly. "My name is Abby Moon."
            "Well Miss Abby, why are you all the way back here all by your lonesome?" He asked sounding both curious and oddly amused about something.
           "Well, Mr.Dust-"
           "Please call me Angel. Mr. Dust makes me sound old and unwanted." He snickered.
          "Oh, okay. Sorry... Angel." She said softly. "Well, I'm new and-"
          "I knew you looked unformilliar!" The tall handsome spider laughed out loud. "I know every face around these parts so seeing a pretty girl who I didn't know seemed a bit odd. So, how do ya like this little old town, hm?" He said with a very large grin.
       "Okay, I guess, but I don't know much of it yet."
       "Well, we will have to change that won't we?" He purred as he leaned in a bit twords her.
        Before she could speak again, the rabbit came out frustrated. He paused when he noticed the two spider brothers and quickly hopped over to Abby.
           "Come on Abby. The manager wouldn't budge. We'll have to try something else." He grabbed the foxes hand and began to lead her out when someone else grabber her other arm. The two stopped to see Angel looking at them with a intrigued look.
          "Are you trying to get a job here?" Angel asked curiously.
         "I guess-."
         "No!" The rabbit talked over the fox girl. He glared daggers at the spider male, but that didn't seem to faze the taller male at all.
        "Why didn't you say so earlier doll face?" He asked as he pulled both the fox girl and the bunny to the managers room. "This isn't quite how I pictured this buisness." Angel spoke as he walked in the door. "You need to spice things up a bit! Like, I don't know, giving this doll face a job here." The spider spoke.
        "Angel, we can't just hire people when we have no positions open." The manager said as he rubbed his temple.
        "Then fire someone! Come on! You owe me remember!" Angel smirked as he leaned on the managers desk.
        "I can't just-! Do you know what your asking of me Angel?!" The manager sighed.
       "Come on! You owe me! If you don't do this our deal will be-!"
        "Um, Angel... sir." Abby spoke up getting both the spider and the managers attention. "Thank you for trying but it's not worth ruining someone else's life for a job." She said with a sweet smile. "I'm sure I'll find one sooner or later, but thank you for trying to help us. And thank you, sir, for meeting with us." She said to the manager. "I'm sorry but I have to go. It was nice meeting you both." She said as the fox walked out with the rabbit.
        Angel ran out and watched though the managers doorway as the two disappeared. His expression became a lot less playful. He turned and looked to the manager. "Can you at least put her under your back ups? Just in case?" The spider asked.
       With a sigh the manager nodded. "I already got her home and contact information so I can do that for you Angel, but that's all!"
        The spider nodded as he returned to his table. With a sigh he grabbed his hat and looked to his brother. "Looks like we lost her, bro. She would have been nice to have around here."
          "Why are you so interested in her?" Arackniss asked in a bored yet curious tone.
          "I don't know." Angel sighed as he sat down at the table he met Abby at. The taller spider leaned back on his chair confused about it as well. "She seems odd, ya know? It kind of feels like she would be interesting to be around is all. Plus, the way she talked in there... it wasn't very... You know, demon like, I guess? I mean, she is a demon if she's living here but she seems.... very... very different." He said as he looked about for a waiter. "Man, I need a drink. I'm getting too serious! Need to loosen up ya know?" He asked trying to wave down someone.
            Arackniss looked at his brothers face for a moment before he stood up and left the room.
           "Where you goin'!" Angel called out only to be ignored. he sighed heavily and seemed to pout to himself. "Guess I'm alone then." He whispered as a drink was sat infront of him. He looked up to see Mimzy take a seat with him.
          "Not if I can help it." She smiled with a big smile.
          "Thanks Mimz. Your the best." Angel smiled as he took the alcoholic drink in his hand, and began to drink it like water.
         "What's got our cheerful spider all gloomy?" The singer asked curiously.
         "Well, tried to help a new girl get a job here. There are so many boring waiters about. I thought she might add a bit of something new and exciting you know? In the end, everything just fucked itself up. Who knows when I'll get to see her again. Probably never...." He sighed as he began to take a large drink.
           "Not as long as you think, Angel." A voice spoke up making him spit his drink on the person infront of him at the other table. He looked to see his brother and growled. "Just be pacient. Things will work out one way or another." He spoke as he got another waiters attentioneasily. "Two beers." He said as he sat back in his chair.
          Angel looked at his brother, obviously confused by his brothers words. "What did you do? I thought you left!"
         "Just had some... buisness to take care of." Arackniss spoke as the two beers were sit infront of them. He took one and began to drink.
         Angel looked at Mimzy to see if she knew but when she shrugged he looked to his brother. Then he took the other beer into his hands.
        "I'm about to go on again. I'll talk to you later okay?" Mimzie giggled as she patted Angel's shoulder and headed back to the stage. "Good luck with the new girl!"
         "I'm too sober for this shit." Angel sighed as he looked to his brother. "I'm going to be counting on you to make sure I get home safely." He muttered as he began to chug his beer.
         "Isn't that normal?" Arackniss muttered as he watched Angel go to the bar to get some harder alcohol.
           Abby and Mr.Lee, the fox found out the bunny's name was, had been searching for a few hours. In fact, it was getting late. The two decided it was time to head back to the hotel.
         "Worse comes to worse, you could be a maid at the hotel. It's a terrible job but I've seen worse ones." Lee said as he kept Abby close. The night streets weren't safe if you didn't know how to get where you were going. This was hell after all.
          "Thank you, Mr.Lee. That's very kind of you." Abby said as she looked about to try and remeber where she was going. As the two walked she a spotted Arackniss with a very very drunk Angel hanging over his shoulder. The moment the black spider saw her, he dragged the drunk sibling over.
          "Miss Abby, was it not?" Arackniss asked in a tough guy tone.
         "Listen here you holigan!" Mr.Lee fussed but the spider obviously paid him no mind and continued to the talk to the fennec.
           "I have some very important work to do and I can't have a drunken dumbass fucking things up while I work." He growled as he looked at his brother. "Since you seem.... responceable enough, I want ya to take the idiot and watch him for the night."
          "What?" She squeaked as she looked to the spider. She barely knew him. What if he was a sexual predictor or worse?! "I-"
           "She ain't doing anything for you punks!" Mr.Lee spat at the black spider. "You lot are dangerous and cause nothing but trouble! The last thing she needs is a connection to the Mofia!"
            "M-mofia?" She said even more nervously. "I don't-"
            "Thanks." Arackniss said as he practically threw his drunken brother to the smaller fox girl. "I'll pick him up in the morning." Then he walked off, giving the poor girl no choice but to take him home.
            "If you're smart, you'll leave that drunkard's ass on the street! They're bad news, Abby."
           "I'm sorry but I can't do that." The fennec said softly as she fixed it so she could carry him piggy back style. "If I was in his shoes I wouldn't want someone to do that to me."
            Mr.Lee sighed. "Fine... but watch him closely. He is seriously dangerous." He growled.
             Once at the appartment, Mr. Lee unlocked her door and pushed it open so she could carry the spider inside her room. She turned to thank him but he was gone. She smiled and said it under her breath as she carried the larger male to her room. She laid him down on the bed as carefully as she could before removing his boots and gloves, setting them aside. She grabbed the black covers and tucked the drunk spider in before walking back and locking her appartment door.
             "Today was a.... nice start I guess." She muttered as she peaked in the room to make sure Angel was still asleep. "Good night." He whispered as she went back to the livingroom and laid down on the couch. It was very uncomfortable but she would survive. Curling up and went to sleep holding her fluffy tail in her arms for comfort.

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