Deals Are Deals

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                 The moment the car stopped at the Tue Vision jewelry store, Abby had ran out of the car and inside within a blink of an eye. She searched about frantically looking for Angel but there was no sight of him. As Alastor walked in the small fox had dashed to the store clerk. "Have you seen two spiders walk in here earlier today?! One is a little bit taller than me, all black! And the other is really tall with a stripped suit?!" She asked, almost pleaded to hear the answer she was looking for.
                 "S-spiders?" The clerk asked shocked by how desperate the other sounded. "I'm sorry miss but I haven't seen any spiders today."
                  Abby's heart sank. This was their last hope. Now they had no leads and no way of tracking the two brothers. Angel was in danger and now Arackniss was too. She couldn't hold back her silent cries as the tears flooded her cheeks.
                Alastor hated seeing Abby like this. He felt his anger and hunger taking him over. He eyed the clerk and when she noticed, she seemed nervous. Panicked even. A twisted smirk slipped upon the deers face as he approached the small fox and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Dear Abby." He said with a sweet innocent smile as the girl looked up at him sniffling. "Would you please wait out in the car. I would like to talk to this.. 'kind' lady in private please."
                 the clerk seemed to stiffen as the small fennec nodded and Alastor reached down to gently wipe away the small foxes tears. "Okay." Abby said softly with her ears pressed flat against her head.
                 "Thank you, Abby." He said softly and watched the fox leave the building before his true nature began to slip to the surface. "So, do you make a habit of lying to depressed adorable little girls?" He asked as his grin darkened. His eyes turned their attention back to the clerk with a bloodlusting glare.
                   "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" The clerk said as she tried to keep herself calm.
                   "Oh don't try to lie to me, Miss." Alastor said as he felt his blood boil in need. "I can tell when one lies. Call it, a gift if you will." He said with a sickeningly dark chuckle. "And I do detest liars. They're the one type of sinner that really," He took a deep with of the others sent before his smile grew more hungry. "... get the apitite up and going." He said as he tilted his head at her in a playful manner. "Now, I suggest you tell me what you're hiding from that small fox and why you thought it to be the best choice of action to begin with."
                     The clerk felt panicked. The way the other looked at her was beyond uncomfortable. It was like a predictor looking at their prey. It sent shivers down her spine and the more he talked the more she feared she may lose control over her batter from the fright. "F-fine! I'll speak! Just stop looking at me like that!" She squeaked out with a shiver. "The two spider brothers did come in to do some sort of Christmas shopping, but then this lady came into the store. She was really pretty spider woman. She walked to the two and said something about needing to tell them something important in private!" The clerk shivered as her dear ears pop up into view making Alastor's smile grow. "They seemed hesitant and they said something about a girl? The brothers left quickly outside and the lady came to me and said if I told a soul she would make my life miserable until the day I die!"
                    "I see." Alastor spoke seeming to take the information in. Then he looked back at her in a playful manner. "Well, good and bad news my dear." He said  quietly. "The bad news is, by telling me what you have, you crossed paths with a very dangerous black widow. Nobody who does survives very long, I'm sad to say." He faked a frown before he smiled again.
                "W-what the good news?" She asked hesitantly.
                "The good news is, I can keep her from hurting you." He said cheerfully.
                  "Y-yes can?" The clerk woman asked softly as she looked at the other with hopeful eyes. "How?"
                   "Of course I can. I'm actually a fairly old demon you see." He said softly as he walked around the counter to stand before the lady deer. "I know how to get around deals with her kind. It isn't easy and has a price but for you, my dear I'm willing to assist you for the information you gave me." He said happily.
                  "Thank you!" She said happily. "Oh thank you sir!"
                   "Oh my dear, I wouldn't thank me yet if I were you." He said as he suddenly lunged at her and covered her mouth with one of his hands. With such unbelievable swiftness he sank his razor sharp teeth into her throat. She tried to get him of as she cried and gagged under his palm. He then pulled away with her throat in his mouth as he chewed it up with a pleased moan of saticfaction. "You see my dear, the only way to get out of the situation your in is death." He said happily as he watches the life drain from her eyes. "And trust me when I say what I put you though is nothing compared to what she would have done." He said as he leaned down and kissed her dying lips. "I would love to stay and chat my dear, but I have an old friend to save and a sweet young girl to make happy again." He said as he licked his blood covered lips and headed the employees only bathroom to clean his face up. Once he was satisfied he went out waving to the bloody corpse as he passed and rejoined the fox in the car.
                 Abby was curled up looking out the window when she heard the door open. She looked over to see Alastor sit beside her and close the door with a very pleased grin. "You look happy. What happened?" She asked quietly.
              Alastor smiled as he reached out and dried her tears again from her face. "The nice lady and I had a little chat. She even offered me a bite to eat." He said happily. "I couldn't refuse because that would be rude but I made it clear I had other buisness to attend to." He said as he pulled the sniffling fox closer to him. "I also got more information. Seems she was threatened to keep her mouth shut, but I have ways of getting around threats." He purred trying to calm the small fox. "It seems our two spider brothers were approached by Vivian. I believe she lied and said something bad happened to you to get them to go with her somewhere private, and I do believe I may know where she went." He said seeing the hope returning to the small dears eyes. "Driver." He called out keeping his eyes on those big hopeful blue eyes. "Take us to The Bleeding Rose."

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