Dreams upon Dreams

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              "Wake up, love. It's time to get ready for our big day!" A formilliar  voice spoke so happily. Angel rubbed his eyes tiredly as he yawned. He sat up in the soft bed trying to get rid of this tiredness. He looked up to see  Vivica in her sexy red babydoll gown. She smiled brightly down at him as she gave him a loving kiss.
                 "Good morning too, Viv. When did I get here?" He asked quietly as he began to focus more.
                  "You don't remember?" She play pouted as she sat down on the bed beside him. "You came over to help me plan my Christmas party. You even helped me come up with some wonderful ideas."
                   "I did?" He asked feeling a bit confused. Something about this didn't quite sound right. Then again, he could have been the drugs making him feel that way.
                    "You even asked me to marry you!" She said happily showing off her ring on her finger. This caught the male spider off guard. He didn't remember that! That's deffinately something he should remember right?! "I take it you don't remember that either." She said in a quiet tone. Afraid to speak, Angel just shook his head no. "It's okay." Vivica said softly. "After all, we have the rest of our lives to create memories together." With that she gave him a playful kiss and headed out of the room.
                  "What the hell just happened?!" He yelled quietly to himself. He wasn't a guy to settle down so easily. He had several 'girls' to call on to release tension but marry one of them? He couldn't see that. Then again, Vivica was different then most of the others. She understood and supported him. "But..." he said out loud as he got a strange feeling in his heart. It felt like something was missing. Like a void was beginning to build up within his being. "Why does marrying Viv feel so.... so wrong?" He asked himself. Standing up, he headed out of vivica's bedroom and went straight to bathroom. "Maybe a hot shower will help me get my thoughts together..." he muttered to himself.
                 Angel undressed and slips himself a nice warm shower. The water felt nice against his fur, but then it suddenly seemed so cold. He shivered as he tried to fix the temperature to comfortable again. After fiddling with it for a bit he suddenly got doused in boiling hot water. Hissing, Angel hopped out and turned the shower off.
                   "Fucking piece of shit shower!" He dried himself off with a towel and went to the fogged up mirror with a sigh. "Once I'm married, I'm getting rid of that piece of shit and putting in a proper working bath." He looked at the mirror and with one quick motion wiped off the glass to see his reflection, only it wasn't him. At least not how he was then. The other Angel was still dressed and glairing st him in a horrible manner. "What the fuck-?!"
                "Shut the Fuck up shit face!" The other Angel snapped. Making the other stop mid sentence. Satisfied by the silence the mirror Angel leaned more twords the glass. "What the fucks wrong with you?! This isn't how we run thing! The toots tells ya she is your fiance now and you don't even question it?!"
                 Angel paused at that. Was he insulting his girl?! "What the Fuck are YOU talking about?!" He snapped back at his reflection. "Viv isn't like those other sluts! If I married anyone of them it would be her!"
                "Numbnuts, I get it and I agree. If I had to marry one of those 'girls' you sleep with, of course it would be Viv, but FOR FUCK SAKES MAN!!!!" The mirror Angel yelled. "You don't remember anything right? Where were you last?"
                "I went to the bar with Arackniss to see Mimzy." Angel growled not liking how his reflection was speaking to him. Them again, why the Fuck was his reflection speaking to him?!
                 "What happened once you got there?!" It snapped sounding annoyed.
                   "Well, duh fucktard! We went inside to get a drink and find Mimzy but we-!" Angel suddenly paused. He remembered entering but then everything got fuzzy. He looked up to see a twisted joyful expression on the other Angel's face.
                   "Well, go on!" The other Angel spoke as he pressed one of his hands on the glass. When Angel kept silent, the other chuckled sinisterly. "Well well well... look who seems to have lost his manhood." His words dripped with such venom it made Angel jump a bit. "You can't remember anything, can ya fuck face?" He spoke in a sly tone. "Why do you think that is huh? Why is it that you're unable to recall what happened?"
                  "I can so!" Angel snapped. "I remember at some point I sat down at a table depressed about something....  and Mimzy came to talk to me!"
                   "Oh? What was it she was comforting the ever joyful Angel Dust about?" Mirror Angel asked with about chuckle.
                   "It was- I mean- it had to be-!" Angel kept trying to think it over but the more he tried to more his head began to hurt.
                    "Just give up trying. You can't recall it." He hissed out.
                   "I'll just ask Viv."
                   "Go abouts Viv? Oh what a wonderful idea! Not like the BITCH won't LIE to you. Won't TRICK you to get what SHE wants."
                   "Viv wouldn't do that!" Angel defended.
                   "Why? What makes her so special? Because she was nice to you? She understands you?"
                    "She does understand me!"
                    "YOU'RE WRONG!!!" The mirror image screamed in frustration before breaking down into crazed laughter. "FUCK SAKES MAN, LOOK AT YOU?! YOU'RE PATHETIC! WEAK! THE BITCH IS A LIAR! SHE DOES WHAT SHE HAS TO TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS, AND HER EYES ARE SET ON YOU LITTLE MAN!"
                     "You're wrong!" Angel yelled covering his ears in a panic trying to calm down. "Viv understands! She loves me!"
                    "Shut up!"
                     "I said SHUT UP!"
                        "PLEASE STOP!" Angel begged as he felt tears running down his face. "You're not real!" Angel tried to reason with himself. "I'm suffering from an after affect of one of those pills I took!"
                        "OH, I'M VERY MUCH REAL! YOU ARE THE FAKE!" It spat hatefully. "YOU'RE JUST A WEAK, HELPLESS, USELESS AS SHIT COPY OF ME!"
                      "FUCK OFF!" Angel yelled as he punched the mirror shattering the glass upon the floor. He looked down to see his normal reflection in the pieces. Taking shaky breaths he looked to his cut up knuckles in confusion.
                   The bathroom door busted open to reviel a worried and frightful Vivica. She eyed Angel and then the broken mirror. "What the hell happened Angel?!" She gasped out.
                  What am I going to tell her? I got in a fight with the mirror image of me? That would be too crazy! Gotta think of something quickly! "I fell?" Did I just answer that in a question?!
                  Vivica walked over to Angel and took his hand in hers. She looked it over curiously. "Well, luckily for you, I can treat this without taking you to the hospital."  She sighed as she lead him to the livingroom. She made him sit down as she fetched the first aid kit from her kitchen. Once she returned she began to bandage it carefully. "You really should be more careful Angel." The black spider said softly. "Would Abby will take care of you when I'm not around?"
                   Angel paused Abby? Who the hell was Abby? Why did that name sound formilliar? "What did you say?"
                 "I said, Who would take care of you when I'm not around?" She sighed sounding annoyed.
                  "Sorry, maybe I took some bad meds." He chuckled to himself. "For a moment it sounded like you said would Abby would take care of me."
                   "Abby?" The black spider asked sounding beyond jealous. "Who the fuck is Abby? Also, why would I even say that?!" She snapped.
                    "I don't know! What's just what I heard!" He snapped back. Getting up Angel stormed off to get a set of clean clothes to wear. Once dressed he headed to the door.
                    "Where the hell are you going?!" Vivica spoke with anger and worry.
                   "Going to get some fresh air!" She snapped. "Maybe I can clear my head if I go out for a bit! Is that okay with you?!" He snapped as he slammed the door shut and went out to town.
                   The young Spider was frustrated. What was this feeling? This void?! He felt himself getting pissed off from not knowing. As he was walking, he found himself hesitating in front of a store. It felt as if something was drawing him in. Sighing, he walked inside and began to look about. As he looked about he stopped suddenly as if someone had grabbed him by the arm. He looked to see a black bandanna with spider web pattern on it. Usually this kind of thing was stupid and cheesy to Angel, but something about this one felt formilliar. Warm. He picked it up in his hands. Eyes studying the fabric as if trying to solve a troublesome puzzle.
                     "She wore that you know." A formilliar voice spoke behind him, making Angel jump. He quickly turned with the bandanna still in his hand to see an antique mirror with his mirror image. He looked different. In a way, he looked broken. Small cuts and bruises covered his body as he held the bandanna close to his face. His eyes held such loving sadness.
                      "What?" Angel asked in shock. "Who? Who wore this?!" He asked holding the bandanna tighter as if doing so would give him unbreakable curage.
                     "She did." The mirror image spoke softly. "The one who you're missing." As he spoke his eyes began to twist into a crazed rage. He looked up at Angel as he also squeezed the bandanna. "We gave it to her. Our way of both claiming her and showing her that we would always be there if she needed us. Now look at us..." he hissed hatefully. "The longer you try and ignore that emptiness growing inside you, the more we lose her! Yet look at you! She could be in danger right now, yet you helplessly wondering about yourself!"
                "What are you talking about?! Who is she!" Angel snapped. The other Angel was enraged more as he reached out of the mirror and pulled Angel against the glass harshly. His grip around the others neck painfully tight. He could hear the other chuckle but it was missing the hatred and rage. It was insane, lonely, and depressed. Only one word was whispered. That one word made Angel's heart stop as his lungs burned.
                     Panic filled Angel. He pulled away from the mirror to see nothing there. He ran out of the store as fast as his long powerful legs would allow. He didn't care where he ran. He just had to get away. When he finally stopped, he noticed he was still holding the bandanna. He looked at it as he felt tears build up in his eyes. Why did he take it? Why did he feel he had to keep it close?
                     "Who are you Abby?" He whispered to himself as he fell to his knees and cried.  Just her name was enough to cause him such unbearable pain. He couldn't stand it. If this is what she brought, then he would forget. He would leave her behind.
                      Weeks passed, yet no matter how hard he tried, he never seemed to truly enjoy Vivica. Sure she was fun and man was she a good lay but she didn't make that emptiness go away. They went about town together to shop, went to the fair, danced away Mimzy's bar, yet he felt more and more empty each day. Every once and awhile he would see an object like a violin or a stuffed animal and he could get barely noticeable images of someone, a girl, who smiled at him in a way he thought was impossible in hell. It hurt and yet, he seemed to long for it. No! He had to leave it. He decided to forget! Then again, if he truly did, why did she keep returning to him? He felt he was truly in the worst kind of hell.
                  Tonight was the day before the wedding. To celebrate the soon to be 'happy' couple, they were having a party at the bar. Angel drank more than usual as he stared at his reflection on the tables surface. It looked broke and worn out. He couldn't help but wonder if that was how he looked now. Every sound seemed to blur into one unaudiable blob of noise. His reflection seemed to feel more and more like his true self. Was he really a poor copy of the frail looking being he was looking at now? The poor creature whose life forced seemed to be slowly drained away by the second. Music slowly began to make itself known in the background of the noice but Angel ignored it. Then the person began to sing.

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