2 & a 1/2 psycho

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                The car pulled up to a fancy looking building in the red light district. It was breath taking to look upon. The two gang members who drove them looked back as the fox and deer in the back seat as they began to load their guns.
                "What are you-?"
                "Miss Abby, you must trust us when we say it's too dangerous for you in there." The diver said as he made sure he was ready.
                 "The fact you came at all shows your bravery and devotion to the boss but from this point on, we need you to stay in the car." The other in the passages side said making sure the safety was off.
               "What are you talking about?!" Abby spoke up as her large ears went upright. "Have you forgotten were we are? We're in hell gentelmen." She said as she looked at the two as they looked upon her. "Me being here proves I'm not completely useless."
                  "Even so, the boss would have our heads if you came into harm." The driver spoke. "So please little missy, listen to us and stay in the-"
                 A sickening sound interupted the driver as blood fling upon the underling in the passages seat. "SHIT! EDDIE!"  The other hissed as he leaned over his friends body and shot at the building windows.
                Alastor quickly followed Abby down to the floor out of the car windows view. The deer used his body to protect her as he began to shout a conversation with their only ally.
                  Abby didn't catch anything said or being done. She laid upon the car floor with her eyes glued upon the dead spider in the drivers seat. Eddie. She didn't get to talk much with him before but the few times she did, he seemed like a cool guy. The spider who used to be found smiling about their headquarters... gone. His smile forever vanishing from everyone's sight. There was a faint sound of guns being fired but it was almost as if in slow motion. Then that feeling feeling came... She knew it only once before. It clawed it's way from inside her gut and up her throat. The sting of its claws ripping though her body to get out again sent shivers down her spine. Slowly everything faded into black as she surrendered to it. Then her vision went red. She reached up a small hand and took the gun from Eddie's dead grip.
                  "Abby?" Alastor asked as he watched her pull the gun from the dead driver. She looked off without responding. The joyful spark vanished and seemed to be replaced with something much darker.
                  "They took his smile away." She said quietly as she looked up at the deer demon and he intantly knew what that look was in her eyes. A dark sinister smile crept upon Alastor lips as he felt a formilliar sickening joy  burning inside him.
                   "Only if I go with you." He said with a dark chuckle. "After all, friends share their toys." Then he turned his eyes to the other. "Would you be so kind as to watch our backs from out here?"
                    The spider on the passages side froze. He hadn't seen a look like theirs in a while and to be truthful, it scared the ever living hell out of him. He silently nodded in agreement as he watched the two slipped outside the car. Quickly he began to cover the two as they made their way to the building.
                 "Alastor, help me reach the window." She spoke just loud enough to he heard. Being a fennec had a few down sides, like hight differences. The deer only lifted the small fox and helped her reach the glass. He didn't see what she did, but the window was open without a sound and the small fox slipped inside. She found herself in the men's bathroom of all places, though at the moment she didn't really care. It was awake again, and it needed payment.
               Alastor knew he couldn't fit though there but he wouldn't give up. He saw two guys go out a back door to try and get another angle and his sadistic side returned. Before the guards knew what happened, the two were bleeding out upon the ground holding their necks in agony. "I'm sorry, but you're not worth eating." Alastor spoke, holding their torn out throats in his hands. He snickered quietly watching the life fade from their eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a massacre to join in." He said in a sickening playful tone as he headed to the door.
                 When Alaster walked inside he seemed a bit surprised. Most of the guys inside were already dead. There was broken glass and guts everywhere. Brain matter splattered a few places on the walls and in the middle of the room was Abby stabbing the hell out of one of the guys faces... if you could call what was left a face. In truth, it was quite a turn on, though he wouldn't say so out loud. Seeing someone so small and innocent having so much power... oh he shivered in bliss. Then out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a guy turning to shoot her from down the hall. With unnatural speed he quickly knocked the hitman to the ground, tearing into him like mad. Then a click was heard. Slowly Alastor lifted his blood stained face to see Vivica with a gun pressed to the back of Abby's head. The fox didn't seem scared. In fact, the blood thirsty look on her bloody face just seemed to more annoyed by the action.
                  "Why the hell did he have to pick you?!" Vivica hissed out pressing the gun harder against the back of the foxes head. "I've fought to be the best of his bedmates! Do you even know how many he has? Three weman, since Arackniss had to end one of them for how dangerous they became, and seven men! Do you know how hard it is to be number one against that number?! To make yourself stand out when there's so many all over him?!" She yelled at the fox in pure hatred. "For years now, I have worked to be better than his other 'gals'! I was actually starting to win him over and then you come along!" She screamed as her trigger finger twitched ever so slightly, making Alastor feel jumpy. "I love him! I always have from the moment my eyes landed on him and you took him away from me with just a second! An unattractive, stupid, freak of a fox took my perfect Angel away! Did you think I would sit back and let the man I love vanish so easily?!" She screeched as tears began to fall down her insane face. "It's too late, you demonic freak! Once he wakes he'll forget you ever existed and we will be happy together, just like it was supposed to be!" He said as her finger began to squeeze the trigger in show motion.
                   "You're wrong." Abby spoke making Vivica pause. "Forgetting me or not, he won't end up with you." The fox spoke as she slowly turned her head half way so one of her eyes could look at the black widows face. "Inside, Angel is looking for a perfect lover, and hell, I don't even think I'm that person either. If you truly love him, then shouldn't you be happy when and if he finds that happiness?" She spoke as her bloodlusting softened to her normal expression. Vivica felt a pull at her heart. She couldn't be happy without him. If he felt her she'd become broken. She felt her anger and sadness twist and mingle as she went to pull the trigger again.
                "This is why we will never work out." A formilliar voice spoke, truly making her freeze all together. Slowly a long gloved hand took the gun from Vivia's hand. Hesitantly, turned to see Angel standing behind her with Arackniss leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "It's a shame though. You were one of my batter gals. Even so, I'm not blind to the feelings of others." He spoke in a serious tone. "I noticed a few weeks before Abby showed up how you were beginning to get possessive. I thought it was kind of cute, but after this..." he sighed as he looked into Vivica's eyes. "... there is no trying to make things right about this." He sighed out checking the gun to see how much ammo was in it. "I could accept a bit of light stalking. In fact, it was kind of adorable. You always seemed to try and find what I liked to make me happy, but... Abby is different." He said loading the gun back up. "She just does what she would normally do and I find myself looking in her direction. That is something I haven't felt in a long time." He said as he clicked the safety off. "And I understand how that must have frustrated you, but you cannot control me, Viv." He said as the hatred and betrayal in his eyes seemed to burn into her soul. "I don't know what will become of me in the future, but I'm sad to say you are not a part of it." He spoke as he pressed the gun to Vivica's head as her eyes widened.
             Before Angel pulled the trigger, Alaster dashed over and pulled Abby against his chest to keep the fox from seeing the other woman's death. Carefully not to let the fox move from his chest, he picked her up and carried her out to the car.
              "You two are still alive?!" A voice spoke out and Alastor leaned down to see the spider from before. He was injured but alive.
               "I could say the same to you." Alaster smirked as he slipped into the car and sat Abby down beside him.
                "Are you okay?" Abby asked the other as she leaned up to look at the wound on the gang members shoulder making the spider blush a bit akwardly as he leaned away.
                "Y-yeah. This?! It's no big deal! Just a flesh wound!" The spider spoke akwardly he struggled look anywhere bit those big blue concerned eyes.
                "Hello Jason." Arackniss spoke as he went into the drivers seat. "I didn't realise you came."
                 "Yeah well, we lost Eddie." Jason sighed as he sat back. "I put him in the trunk. Figured we could give him a proper goodbye once we got the bsse to safety." The minion sighed as he rested in the passages seat.
                 "Too bad." Arackniss sighed. "I really liked Eddie." Then the back door opened as Angel slipped inside. He kept silent as he closed the door and looked out at the house. The black brother glanced a bit back to the three silent passages before he started the car. As they began to pull alway from the building, it exploded into flame.
                   "That was brave of you, Abby." Alastor said quietly as the car pulled off to an appartment building. He took the small foxes hand into his own and smiled before kissing the back of it. "If you ever need a friend or a get away from it all, I'm always just a call away." Seeing the fox smile and nodd, he slipped out of the car and watched it vanish down the road before heading to his appartment.
              The moment Alastor was gone one of Angel's arms reached out and pulled the fox against him without warning, slightly startling her. He needed comfort and there was nobody else Angel wanted to cuddle to than his fennec. He nuzzled into her neck as he silently cried into her shoulder. In return Abby held him to her and gently rubbed the back of his head in calming motions.
                "Thank you." Angel said quietly. "You came to save me, yet couldn't bring yourself to harm that woman. Why?" Angel asked quietly. 
                 "I didn't want to cause you to be upset anymore than you already would be, though if I had known the outcome, I would have tried to save you from going though the pain." She said quietly.
                "How the hell did such a kind fennec end up in a place like Hell again?" Angel asked quietly.
               "You probably saw what happened in that building." She said softly. "Seems after what happened to my lover, I got a bit of a blood thirst." Abby sighed a but as she nuzzled back into Angel's neck.
               "I love you Abby." Angel said quietly.
                "I... I love you too Angel." Abby said shyly as she rested in his arms. "And no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. Even if you end up leaving me one day."
               That was not something Angel ever planned to do, but neigher was killing Vivica. He just slowly nodded and held the fox closer to himself. The rest of the ride was silent all the way to the base.

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