Frowns and Smiles

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              Angel Dust growled as he pased around in his base. He was worried about Abby. She had been gone for awhile and his brothers only words on the matter was 'She's fine. She's a big girl. I'm a dumbass!' Well, maybe the last part was just his imaginary version of his brother talking, but that didn't matter. He didn't like her being away for so long. Then there's the case of the fuckers who had hurt the fennec when she was alive. He found out they were a part of a new up and thriving hang of delinquents that had been showing up lately. Their leader was Supposibly cruel and heartless. A lot of people feared them, but not Angel and his men. They had been in the buisness long enough to know when to be careful of others but these guys were amateurs. They didn't know the first thing about running a buisness or how to deal with others. They just resorted to violence the moment they got looked at. Sure they made others nervous to see them, but a real pro makes you're very name bring nightmares for weeks and watch your back in horror of ending up in the others shadow. He had heard the romurs of how they died. Oh, that was priceless. The image of that small beauriful fox putting those pansies in their place made a shiver of pleasure run up his back. He couldn't be more proud of her.
               He sat on the edge of his desk and picked up the file with those punks information. The idiots didn't even notice they were being followed most of the time. Oh, he was going to enjoy ending them. As he began to plot their painful demise, there was a knock on the door. Stood up and walked behind his desk and hid the files before he set his feet in the proper place upon his desk and leaned back in his chair with a sinister yet charming smile. "Come on in." He purred out.
                  Arackniss walked into the door and sighed before closing them. "I know you've been very busy and all, but have you thought about a gift for Abby?" He asked quietly.
                    "A gift? When do I not offer her gifts, you idiot?! She's my girl after all!" Angel said in a playful yet spiteful way.
                   "So then, I take it you found her the perfect Christmas gift then." The black spider asked as he looked at a book in one of his hands.  Angel froze up. His expression dumbfuddled beyond compare as his eyes opened wider than his brother ever thought possible.  "I will take that as a no." He spoke with a smirk on his lips.
                     "What?! I can't believe I forgot Christmas!" Angel spat as he felt angry at himself. "FUCK!!!!WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA FUCKING BUY HER?! GOD DAMN IT!" Angel began to panick. What could he get her? She already had a bunch of things she needed! He could always try and wing it, but what of she hates it? What if he disappoints her with some shitty gift and she leaves him?!
                 "If you keep flailing about about like that, you're never going to clean up the mess." His brothers voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Angel looked about to see he had, without meaning to, trashed his office by knocking everything off his desk. "Angel," the voice calmed him a bit as he looked to his younger brother curiously. "You know Abby better than anyone else in hell, other than the devil that is." The black brother spoke softly. "I'm sure you won't fuck up getting her a gift she likes." He said as he closed  the book and looked to the other. "Don't over think it or you will screw yourself over. Get whatever makes you think of her in the best of ways."
                 "Thanks bro." Angel said quietly. "How is it that I'm the boss again?"
                 "Fuck if I know." Arackniss sighed. "I'd say you ended up screwing lady luck on one of your fuck fests and she decided to bless you with this charm to win people over. Why she wasted it on a dumb fuck like you I'll never know." The younger brother spat but with a plague smirk on his face as he opened the door to leave.
                 "Fuck off asshole! You're just jealous of how fabulous I am!" He hissed throwing a note pad at his  sibling, not surprised the other catches it before inpact.
                  A smirk played on the others face as he closed the door with the note pad in hand.
                   Angel sat in silence. His mind went over everything he just took in. He had to get out of the office and find the perfect thing. What would that be though? Where would he even begin looking? He stood up and only glanced at his brother before the two started off on their way to town.
                 Alastor watches the little fennec in deep thought. He knew what to do. Part of him wanted to be greedy. He would love to hide the vial in his pocket and let the spider forget. He was rude, perverse, an alcoholic, a drug addict, and tended to get those involved with him in danger. Therefore, even if both were unaware, putting the akwardly gentle fox in a bad place. She could get hurt or die because of one of Angel's many scew ups and that would be a terrible thing. On the otherhand, Abby seemed to happy with him. When she spoke of him there was such enormous emotion there. Such unsettling purity that drew him in. If he kept it quiet and hidden, there was a chance she may lose that shine. She may become gloomy, self hating, and nervous. He could ruin the thing he loved about her. Sure Alastor could try and make her happy again, but she would always have that glint of heartache. Could she recover from losing him? Would he risk it? He sighed to himself. His forced smile fading slowly into nonexistance.
              "-stor?" A voice spoke quietly in his contious. "Alastor?!" Finally snapping back to reality the deer looked to the small big eared fox and his grin returned ten fold. "Yes dear, Abby?" He spoke in his usual manner.
               "I was asking your opinion on what I should get for Angel." The big eared fox said softly. "I have two things in mind, but I'm not sure what he would like best."
               "Abby dear, anything you get him would be enough to bring a smile to his face." He said with glee.
               "You think so?" She asked big eyed making his heart skip a beat.
               "Of course dear." He said back to her, watching her smile.
              "We will save Angel and then we can all get together and celebrate the holidays together!" She said sweetly. "I would love to meet some future friends and make my home here in hell as good as it can be."
             The taxi stopped at Angel's base and the two stepped out. Alastor chuckled as she hopped out of the vehicle and quickly made her way inside. It was only when he saw her rush back to him that he became worried.  "Abby?"
                   "Some of the guys said they left a few hours ago!" The fox said as she watched two of Angel's men come out in a nice black car. The two looked at eachother and nodded as they got inside. Once the doors closes the car sped off in high speed in search of the others. "I hope we make it to them..."
                "I'm sure we will, Abby." He said softly as Alastor pulled her in a half hug.


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