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              Abby woke to find both her and Alastor naked on Niffty's bed. She smiled at the deers sleeping face. Getting up, she slipped into the bathroom to take a shower. Last night was unexpected, but wonderful. She heard a phone ring and Alastor grumble in the other room, making her giggle.
                  "Hello?" The deer sighed as he looked to see the bathroom door open and Abby's shadow behind the shower curtain making him smile. Then he paused. "Really? Tonight? Alright." He said as he hung up. He stood up and walked over to the bathroom and leaned against the door. "The spiders finally found their hideout Abby." Alastor spoke hearing the water bring shut off. "Tonight everyone is meeting up at Angel's base to work out the details of the plan to kill everyone."
              Abby grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself as she stepped out and looked at Alastor. Her smile grew twisted as she tilted her head a bit to the side. "Hope you're ready to get violent, Alastor."
                "I will be honored to watch you bath in their blood, my beloved." He said as he walked in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
                 Cars came to pick up everyone at their homes later that day. Today was the day. This had to end. Abby, Alastor, and Niffty  waited for their ride. It was silent at first until a certain adorable one eyed demon got curious.
                 "Does last night mean you two are an official thing?" Niffty asked with a smirk.
                  "If Alastor wants us to be." Abby said softly getting a loving smile in responce from the deer.
                    "Good. You seemed a bit downn last night. I was afraid you were depressed. Looks like I worried for nothing." She hummed cheerfully.
                     "I wouldn't let Abby stay depressed. She diserved to be happy." Alastor responded as he picked up the fox in his arms, earning a giggle.
                    "So whatever happened to that love potion of yours Abby?" Niffty asked getting curious looks from the couple. Then she remembered what she said and covered her mouth. Damn. She gave away she had easedropped on them!
                   "Well, I guess it's still in your room Niffty." Abby said with a warm smile. "You can dump it out and throw it away if you like. I don't need something like a stupid love potion when I got someone who really cares for me." She said as she nuzzled into Alastor earing an 'aaaaw!' From an overly happy Niffty. Suddenly a car pulled up and someone stepped out of the drivers seat to greet them.
                   "Jason!" Abby giggles as she waved. "It's good to see you again!"
                   "Same to you, Miss Abby." The spider smirked. "Glad to see you're still smiling.
                    "Of course she is." Alastor hummed. "She's never fully dressed without a smile!" He sing songed twords the fox making her laugh.
                    "Hurry and get in. We got some talking to do." Jason shook his head as she got back inside. The three quickly got in the car and they headed down the road.
                      "What's going on Jason?" Abby asked curiously.
                     "Well, we have to wait a couple more days it seems to move in on them. Our supplies are going to be late and Arackniss said he didn't want to go in without planning at least the safest entrance. The place will be huge and crowded. Deffinately going to be a large fight."
                       "I made those eight fuckers suffer once. I can easily do it again." Abby said in an oddly sweet yet frightening tone.
                      "And our dear little Abby can be quite a bloodthirsty beauty in battle." Alastor said as he shivered with excitement.
                   "That was oddly flattering. Thank you Alastor." She hummed happily earning a playful chuckle from the deer.
                    "I just want you two to know, that I am totally here to support the two of you as a couple." Niffty spoke up excitedly.
                    "I don't care who you're with, Abby. I'm always here for ya if you need me." Jason spoke up earning an 'Aww!' Responce from both girls making him blush and roll his eyes. "I'm being serious. Angel as put you down as an official member of our gang. If you ever and I mean EVER need anything from us, don't hesitate to contact us. Also, if you need assistance about something, but you don't want Angel or anyone else to know, I'll gladly assist you in a heart beat. "
                     "Thank you, Jason. I'll keep that in mind." Abby said softly making the spider blush more.
                     "Anyhow, back on topic, we are meeting at our base. We have rooms set up for everyone to sleep in. We are to stay close to one another as much as possible. There's a chance they may try to strike at us seperately, so Arackniss set this up to keep us all safe."
                        "It seems we're being followed." Alastor spoke as he watched the car behind them for a moment. "Most likely not one of ours."
                      "Deffinately not." Jason said as he smirked. "Hope you got your seat belt on kiddies. We're going on a ride!" He cackled as he floored it. The car began to speed after them. As hard as Jason tried, he couldn't seem to lose them. Then the gun fire came. Alastor held Abby and Niffty down and away from danger as the sound of the bullets hitting the car echoed in their ears.
                   "What do we do?!" Abby said looking at Jason.
                     "We need to fight back somehow!" Jason hissed as a bullet grazed his arm. He uses one of his free hands to grab a gun and shot out the window. It didn't help much but it showed they wouldn't just sit there and take it.
                     "I got an idea! Drive down a straight road!" Niffty yelled earning a quick nodd from Jason before he swerved onto another street. The enemy right in their tail. The one eyes female reached in her pocket and pulled out a sewing needle in a small clear vontainer. She opened the container, and pulled the needle out delicately with an evil grin twisting on her face. She then popped her head out the window and threw before going back down into the seat for safety.
                    "A needle? What good will that do?!" Jason hissed.
                     "Calm down silly!" She giggled. "It's a special needle Baxtor made me!" She giggled before he heard sound of tires screeching. The car behind them swerved and began to flip a few times behind them before exploding into flame. "The needle is hollow inside and has nitroglycerin within. It activates when it hits something solid and eats away at it." She giggled as everyone looked back to see a flaming man get out of the car screaming and running till he collapsed on the road.
                  "Wow..." Jason said as he looked to Niffty. "You're an evil little thing aren't you?" He smirked earning a giggle from the one eyed girl.
                     The rest of the way was an easy drive. They got to base, met up with everyone and laughed. Arackniss walked up to Abby and hugged her tightly before giving his brother a death glare making Everyone laugh. The place seemes lively as ever.
                    "Abby." Angel said as he stepped up with a gentleman beside him. The fox looked up and blinked in shock. The one eyed male smiled down at the fox before he knelt down and took her hand, kissing it softly.
                   "If it isn't that adorable lucky fox." The man said in a smooth tone making Abby blush akwardly. "I didn't know you where the one Angel had been obsessed with for so long. If I did, I would have bought you a drink." He said with a laugh. "Angel can be quite a handful at times."
                  "Tyco!" Angel hissed as he pouted cutely, making the one eyed man laugh. 
                  "Well, Mr.Tyco, please make sure to take good care of my Angel." She said with my smile though something about her was deeply threatening.
                     "I have taken care of Angel for awhile know." He said as he smirked. "But don't worry, I'll make sure he gets just what he diserves."
                     "Was that ment to sound dirty?" Angel asked as he looked at his boyfriend. "Because that sounded very very dirty to me..."
                     Everyone laughed together, and though it did hurt a bit inside, Abby was proud of how happy Angel seemed with the fancy dressed one eyed man. If he kept Angel smiling like that, she could definately support them. A pair of arms wrapped around her as the small fox was lifted off the ground. She let out a small squeak and looked to see Alastor smiling at her in an all knowing way. She smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. Everything seemed to have gone silent and the two looked to see everyone had their eyes on them.
                    "Alastor! You and Abby are-?!" Angel gasped out pointing at them dramatically.
                   "Starting today, yes." The deer said smoothly. "You know I have always loved her Angel. Since the first time I saw her i knew she was the only onw for me. That's why you didn't like me being alone with her, no?"
                   "Well... yeah... but I fucking swear you better make sure that fox is happy because if anything happens, friends or not, I will fucking make it like you never fucking existed! I swear on it! Hurt her and you're fucking going to die in the most painful and misery filled way I can muster up!" Angel hissed. Everyone of Angel's men were giving him the same look, expecially Arackniss. He seemed to be even more threatening, if it was possible.
                 "I would rather die than risk her unhappiness." Alastor hummed as he nuzzled the fox making Abby giggle.
                 "Alright... I'll... accept it..." he sighed and Tyco smirked widely at Angel. "What?!" He snapped at his boyfriend.
                 "If I didn't know any better I would think Angel Dust was jealous of a singing deer." Tyco teased.
                  "Shut up." He muttered under his breath causing everyone to laughed again. Tyco pulled Angel in his arms and the two kissed passionately.
                   The rest of the day was full of joy and laughter, but the next was not. It was serious. Deadly so. Careful planning and preperation was going on with everyone. Plans were laid out and was discussed over and over. The whole day everyone was mentally preparing for a bloody war. Many may die, but it was a risk the entire gang seemed ready to take. Before they knew it, they day of the massacre had arrived.
                As everyone got ready to leave, Abby stood up before everyone, and shared the story of what they had done to earn their original deaths. She also made a request. If anyone got their hands on that snake bastard of a leader, for them not to kill him. He was hers to deal with. Feeling a fire inside, they all got in their cars and headed out to the enemy base to wait.
                 Angel's smile twisted as he got in his car and pulled out a something special.
                "Wow! You're even getting me excited." Tyco chuckled as he got in the drivers seat.
                  "Trust me baby, you'll be more excited once the fun starts." He snickered as he glanced at his boyfriend seeing him shiver in need.
                   Tyco started the car and he charged to the enemy gates. Angel popped up from the sunroof holding a bunch of explosives. He cackled insanely as he threw one at the gate, blowing it open as all the cars rushed in. he threw a few more explosives at some of the guys exiting to try and stop the intruders.
               "Tyco, you're going to fuck my brains out after this!" Angel laughed hyserically as the car stopped and he lept put of the car holding a gun in each hand. He shot down a bunch of men in utter joy making the one eyed male snicker.
                "You know it, sexy." Tyco said as he got out to join his lover. Next thing the enemy gang knew. There was an army marching in. Dno mercy was shown. Only cruel bloody violence. Everyone had their own way of making sure their prey suffered before their demise.
                 Abby walked though the bloody carnage holding a baseball bat. Horrific cries echoes off the walls as the sounds of bones breaking and blood splattering bringong smiles and giggles upon everyones lips. As Abby walked, she suddenly felt the need to stop. Her head fell back and turned to the side to see a dark hallway. A twisted smile slipping on her lips as she began to make her way down into the darkness. Seeing her go, Angel, Alastor, Tyco, Arackniss, and Jason followed. The fox used her large ears to pick up their faint movements. By the sound of it, they were trying to find a way to escape.
                She smiled as she thought of the best way to scare the useless excuse of demons ahead. At first, she hummed a formilliar tune before she found the lyrics slipping passed her lips.

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