Meeting New Friends Is Wonderful!

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                 Abby woke to find herself laying on Angel's stomach. It seemed the two had fallen asleep in a spider web hamack at Angel's base. She didn't remember much after arriving here. Angel had carried her inside and held her while he sat in silence in his office. He seemed to be deep in thought. Very very deep in thought. He never noticed when Arackniss had entered the room and left drinks and a snack on the desk. Didn't notice how the two talked quietly before the smaller brother left. He did notice however, when Abby seemed to start to doze off to sleep. He reached down and messaged  her ears, helping her relax into a peaceful slumber. Now here she was. Laying on Angel's stomach as his arms held her small frame to his own. She couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about. The poor spider was upset. Nervous. Maybe even scared. She thought about waking him. Seeing Angel in pain was one of the worst things to her. Finally, she gave in.
                    "Angel." She said softly as she gently tried to shake his shoulders. "Angel, wake up." She said a bit louder. "You're having a nightmare." She spoke as the spider seemed to set up with a start. As he did the hamack wrocked a d the two ended up flipping to the ground with a loud thud.
                  Angel quickly sat up and checked on the small fox as she sat up rubbing her head. "I'm so sorry, Abby! Are you okay?!" He spoke frantically making sure she was uninjured, making the small fox giggle.
                "I'm fine Angel. Are you okay?" She asked looking at him curiously.
                 Angel felt his face flush as he nodded. The way she looked at him made his insides feel all warm and fuzzy. It was a comfort he wasn't used to.
               "Yes. I'm fine." He said seeing her smile in a way that make him feel akward. "Sorry about the lame sleeping arrangement." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck with one of his hands. "I know you were tired and I didn't want to take a chance in waking you while trying to get you to our appartment, so I kind of made us a bed here for the night." He felt himself getting more flushed as he glanced up to see the foxes smile just glow with such emotion, he had to look away again. He loved Abby. He admitted it on several accasions, but since the Vivica incident, he couldn't help but see the fox in more light. She made his heart pound in ways he never knew it could. He was so caught in thought he didn't notice Abby calling him. Gentle hands pulled him out of his thoughts as they guided his head so his eyes landed on her again.
                 "Angel, are you sure you're alright?" She spoke softly. The worry showing in her eyes. "You're acting a bit strange today."
                  "Am i?" He asked a bit surprised. "I didn't notice." He said honestly.
                  "You went though a lot of stress lately." She said softly as she smiled again. "Maybe we should take the day off and head back to the appartment to relax." She said softly, getting one of the goofiest grins from yhe spoder, making her joyful smile return.
                   "You know, I think she's right." A voice spoke out of know here startling the two. Both turned to see Jason standing at the door with a tray in his hands. He knelt down and handed Angel a mug and then akwardly handing one to Abby. Then he turned his attention back to his boss. "You've been though a great deal of stress lately, sir. One day of rest will do you some good." He said with his trademark smirk. "Besides, Arackniss knows enough to keep buisness afloat till you return." He said as he patted Angel on the shoulder only reason receive a very confused look from his boss. Standing, Jason made it to the door before he paused and looked back at the pair.
                "Jason, thank you for yesterday." Abby spoke out getting the spider hinchmen's full attention. "Is you're wound better?"
                Jason felt a chill run down his back. He wasn't use to such kindness. He couldn't hide his face turni ng 50 shades of red either as he quickly looked away from her. "Yeah. It's fine. Stop asking." He hissed out. It sounded agressive but Abby knew it wasnt. She just smiled as he left the room closing the door.
                Angel looked back and forth from the door to Abby curiousily. Then he paused for a moment on Abby. "Is it just me, or is my entire mob falling for you?" Angel asked with a small jealous yet curious glaire, making the fox giggle.
                "I don't think it's that their falling for me. It's s more like they don't know hoe to respond when someone treats them with as much kindness and respect as I do." The fennec responded getting an even more curious look rom the fuzzy chested spider.
                    "At this rate I'll be fighting all of hell off with a weapon in each hand tor keep them off you." Angel muttered making Abby bust out laughing. "You're too adorable, you know that?" Angel said as he got up adorable and went to his desk to pull out a bottle of rum and took a long drink of it.
                      "I know." She said playfully watching him down the alcoholic drink. "You tell me very often how adorable I am." She teased.
                      Angel sat down his rum and sat at the desk, patting for his fennec to sit on his lap. She giggled as she got up and went over to him. Carefully he lifted her up and placed her on his lap before snuggling her like a child to a stuffed animal, making her laugh.
                     "You know, as much animals a say off sounds inviting, I have a big plan going." He said with with a smile.
                      "If you're sure." She said softly as she relaxed against him. "But you at least have to take off tomorrow." She said with a smile.
                     "Why's that?" He asked curiously as he picked up a few files and began tot read though them.
                     "Because tomorrow is Christmas silly." Abby said with with a giggle making The taller spider freeze up in shock. She glanced up at him curiously. "Are you alright?"
                     "Oh, yeah! Yeah! I'm fine!" He said in a slightly panicked voice. "You know what, Abby? I think you're right!" He said sitting the fennec on his desk as he stood up and grabbed his hat. "I think today sounds like a wonderful day to take off!" He laughed nervously as he rushed about the room. He didn't seem to notice the odd look the fennec was giving him as he ran about looking for things and stuffing them in his pockets.
                  "Are you sure you didn't hit your head when you fell earlier?" She asked softly in worry.
                  "Yeah! I'm fine! I just have some things I have to do ourside the office!" He quickly spoke as he ran over to her and gave her a quick passionate kiss before running out the door leaving a stunned flustered fox sitting on his desk.
                    Arackniss watched his brother leave in such a rush, he almost knocked his younger sibling and many underlings over who were unlucky enough to accidentally be in his way. The black spider watched as his brother ran out the base door and slowly back to Angel's office door.
                   "Abby do you know what's going on with-?" He paused in his speaking seeing how the fox was blushing so deep. Her  fingers touching her lips as he looked at the floor all flustered. Her tail was wrapped about her waist. Arackniss had to admit it was a hot image. He felt himself heat up but quickly shook it off and cleared his throat to try and calm his perverted thoughts.
                  "Miss Abby." He spoke out finally getting the bashful foxes attention. Having her eyes on him in such a state didn't help his perverse thoughts. He knew he had to be blushing brightly. Who wouldnt? "What did you say to Angel before he rushed out?"
                      "I.. I told him it was Christmas tomorrow and he just deny panicked, ran about, gave me one of the most passionate kisses I've bet gotten and just ran out the door." She said blushing worse as her tail tightened around her a bit more.
                     "I see..." he said with a sigh. "Brothers and idiot for leaving you so suddenly when you're like this..." he muttered to himself.
                     "What was that?"Abby asked her large ears perked up curiously and Arackniss turned deep red. He cursed himself for saying that out loud.
                   "I said my brother is an idiot." The black brother said as he looked at her again. "Abby, if you keep being that cute I don't know if anyone in hell would be able to keep their dirty hands off you. Me included." He spoke as he went to close the door to give the fox time to calm down. Once closed the black spider leaned against the door covering his face with one of his hands. "I swear if Angel throws this one away I'm going to kill the fucking bastard and take her myself." He said quietly as he went to his desk and began to work to try and get his mind off the obviously turned on fox in Angel's office. He refused to let anyone go near his brothers office door unless they wanted their life to end.
                    Abby came out, finally calm after hours if sitting alone. She looked at  Arackniss and smiles warmly, earning a smile back. "If it's alright, I want to go out shopping for Christmas." She said as she fixes her bandanna around her neck.
                   "Wait a minute, Abby." Arackniss said as he stepped around his desk with a box in his hands and held it out to her. "Think of this as an early Christmas gift from me." The black spider said with a smirk. "Later tonight Hell will being to get freezing cold. This may help a bit."
                    The fennec smiled as she looked at the box and back at Arackniss. "Are you sure it's okay for me to have this now?" She asked softly.
                    "Yeah." The black spider said as he fixed his tie nervously. "It's one of the three I got you so it's fine." He said blushing at how she could look so innocent so easily.
                     Carefully she took the box in her hand and opened it. She smiled brightly as she pulled out a long red scarf. "Thank you, Arackniss!" She said cheerfully as she began to put it on. He smiled as he knelt down and assisted her to put it on snuggly.
                    "Be careful out there Abby." He said softly with such an akwardly pure happy smile. "Call me if you need me, okay?"
                     "I will." She giggled as she hugged him tightly before running out of the bulging leaving a very flustered black spider akwardly frozen in place.
                     "Arackniss, are you alright?" One spider hinchmen asked curiously.
                    "He'll be fine." Jason said as he snickered since he saw the whole thing. "it t seems Abby struck again." He said as he got his own coat on.
                    "Where are you going, Jason?" The hinchmen asked curiously.
                  "I'm going to follow that fox and make sure she's safe though her shopping. I think Arackniss should loo for his brother once he gets out of his flustered shock." Jason teased as he headed out the door.
               Jason kept just close enough to not lose sight of the fox but far enough that she wouldn't notice him. He lit a cigarette and took a long drag before exhaling. He oticed some strange figures that seemed to be watching the fox like he was. Something about one of them seemed formilliar, but how? Suddenly it clicked. The file of guys Angel and Arackniss had him dig up! One of the men Abby killed! He felt himself become overly protective as he made his way over to the fox. He knew the look in the guys eyes as he was heading twords the fox. Bloodlusting and revenge... before he could get too close Jason had got to the Foxes side and pulled her close. His eyes glaired at the other, to notice him back off and leave. Most likely report back to his boss. Not good.
                   " Jason?" The sweet voice spoke out getting the spider to look down at the curious fox.
                  He quickly let her go and crossed his arms blushing. "Abby, we have to go. Now." He said as he looked about tog a me sure nobody else wad close by.
                    "Jason, what's wrong?" She asked in worry as she watched the spider looking about. Without a word he suddenly picked up Abby with two sets of hands while the other stayed in his coat pocket, holding his gun st the ready. He began to walk, carrying the fox carefully as he kept alert to his suroudnings.
                     His last free hand pulled out a cellphone and he quickly dialed a number. "Took you long enough to answer." Jason hissed over the phone. "We got a code red. Heading to our regular meeting place. Make sure to get Angel along the way. Shit just got dangerously real." He said before he hung up. He could feel the fox tensing up and couldn't help but feel bad. Once he put his cellphone up, he used his free hand to gently stroke the foxes head to try and help her relax. The moment he saw the bar, he went inside and gave the manager a look and a nodd. The manager nodded and kicked everyone out before locking up the place.
                      "Jason, you're scaring me a bit." The fox in his arms said as he walked inside more. Carefully he sat her down on the table and gently began to pet the fox in soothing ways.
                     "Sorry Abby. That was not my intention." He said as he smiled apologenicly. "You see, I followed you to make sure nobody tried anything with you. While following you I noticed someone else was too. It took me a moment, but I realised who it was and knew I had to get you somewhere safe." The spider spoke as he saw Mimzy make her way over to the table.
                    "You must be Angel's girl, seeing how this guy rushed you here." She said with a smile. "Nice to meet ya." She said as she sat a drink beside the fennec. "My name is Mimzy." She introduced herself. "Good ro finally me ya." She said in a playful tone.  "All Angel's friends have been notified about what happened. Their all on their way here." She said as she took a seat near the fox.
                  Abby was a bit caught off guard by all this. She still felt nervous from everything happening so suddenly. That was till there was  rapped knocking at the door. The moment th e manager opened it, a rad blurr had dashed in, and scooped up the fox, making her squeak in surprise.
                     "Abby, you're okay right?!" Alastor asked holding her close  before checking her over. "That bastard didn't touch you did he?!"
                     This caused Abby to giggle as he relaxed a bit. "No. I didn't even know what was going on till just now." The fox said softly.
                    "Did you really think I would let one of those bastards get close enough to hurt her?" Jason hissed making the deer smile.
                    "How long have you been here Jason?" Alaster asked getting the spider to give him a death glare.
                    "I've been ere the while time you moron!" Jason snapped.
                     "Oh? I didn't notice." Alaster said in a wicked tone. "You stand out as much as a background actor."
                    Jason hissed more as he clenched his fists in rage but another voice spoke up cutting his rant from escaping passed his lips.
                     "Oh! New girl!" A high pitched voice squeaked as a demon girl with one eye ran over excitedly to Alastor.  "Hello! You must be Angel's new girlfriend! You're so adorable! Look at this big ears and that cute bushy tail!" She giggled until Alastor moved to pull the fox from the others sight like a soiled child. "Alastor that's mean! I want ro be friends with her too!" She whinned as she kept trying to face abby, though Alastor kept moving to try and keep the fox to himself.
                     "Normally, I wouldn't mind but Abby is special." Alastor spoke out looking at the other female.
                     The fox giggled as she watched the two. She knew he was only doing that to try and cheer up the nervous fox. "What might you're name be?" Abby asked curiously.
                      "I'm Niffty!" The one eyed demon giggled. "How did you and Angel meet?!"
                       "It's a long story." She said softly with her usual smile making Alastor smile in return.
                       "It don't mind! Is it romantic?! I bet it is!" She giggled. "Oh please tell me! Pleasepleaseplease!!"
                      "Now Niffty it's not polite to drill the poor dear." Alastor spoke out.
                     "Neither is hogging her!" Niffty said back.
                      "I swear you sound like Angel and Vaggie." A deep voice spoke catching their attentions.
                      "You're here early Husk." Alastor spoke still holding Abby close to him.
                       "This better be important! I was about to win a game when I got that damned call." He spat as he sat down at a table.
                       "It is, but we have to wait till everyone is here before we can start." Mimzy spoke out as she watched Hust Grumble and pull out a deck of card to shuffle them.
                       The door opened and the next thing anyone knew Niffty ran over and giggled at the male who entered. "Hello Baxtor! We got a new girl in the gang! Her name is Abby and she's so adorable and fluffy looking! You got to come meet her!" The one eyed girl giggled as she dragged said the boy over to Alastor.
                    "Hello." Abby said as she gave a shy wave. The male didn't respond. He seemed to be in deep thought. He opened his mouth to speak when the door slammed opened and once again, a blurr dashed over and got Abby out of Alastor's arms making the fox squeak in surprise. She looked up to see Angel cuddling her lovingly as he held her tight.
                "Are you okay, Abby?!" Angel said in a panic as he looked her over just as Alastor had done before. She giggled as she gently held his head in her hands and looked him in the eyes. "I'm fine, Angel." She said softly. "Jason got me here before I even knew what was going on." She said warmly making him visibly relax.
                       Arackniss walked in watched the two curiously before looking around the room. "It seems we still have two more on their way." He spike to himself before the door slammed open. "One more." He sighed.
                      "WHAT THE EVER LOVING SHIT IS GOING ON?! I WAS DOING SOMETHING REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT YOU KNOW!" A red and white werewolf screamed screamed as she entered the room.
                       "We all had something important to do, Crymini." Alastor spoke out getting the werewolf angry glaire on him. "But this is a very important matter. Why not take a seat and have a drink?" The deer asked with his usual smile. The werewolf growled deeply but did take a seat at one of the empty tables.
                    "Now all we are missing is Vaggie." Arackniss said as he kept close to the door. Though he wasn't told to, he thought of himself as the door guard to make sure no unwanted trespassers got in. Hearing the door open he saw the Ling haired girl walk in. "Speak of the devil." He said as he went over and made sure the door was secure before looking at everyone. "Everyone here and accounted for." He said as he leaned against the door watching everyone.
                    "Everyone!" Angel called out as he held up his girlfriend like in the scene of the lion king. Abby blushed as her big ears went back in embarrassment. "This is my girlfriend, Abby! She is the reason I called you all here!" Angel said before Alastor took her from Angel and held her to him. Getting a death glaire from the spider.
                 "You don't have to introduce her like that, you know." Alastor spoke petting Abby's ears making Angel get a jealous glint in his eyes.
                  Seeing how the two didn't seem to be doing more than a death glaire battle over the fox, Arackniss spoke out.
                  "To make this short, Abby died after killing a group of men who did a great wrong twords her and wound up coming to hell. Angel fell for her and apparently, so did Alastor upon getting to know her. " the black spider said with and sigh. "But that's not the point. We called you here because one of those very same men spotted her today. He went to get close to her to most likely kill her when Jason, one of our men, approached her and got her out of the danger zone, though at the same time, the man got away. He most likely went to tell the others about her." The black spider said as he looked at the fox who had at some point gotten away from the two and looked at him in shock. "I wouldn't doubt their planning on getting her back for what she had done to them before and will came a gang war. It-" Arackniss pause as Angel held up one of his hands to silence his brother before he looked to his friends.
                 "If they do declare a gang war, it won't be safe for Abby to be alone at all till this is settled." Angel spoke out getting everyone's attention on him. "I called all of you to ask, as my more trusted friends in hell, to aid me and my gang to keep her safe."
                 "Getting to know Abby myself, I found she isn't like most hell residence." Alastor spoke out next before Angel could say anymore. "She is polite, caring, and kind. I didn't believe she was a real Hell residence till I saw her snap for the first time. The moment I heard them mention she was in danger, i had already made my choice." The deer smiled warmly at the fox before him.
                   Angel clearly didn't like how Alastor was looking at Abby but he put it off for now. "Won't you guys help us out?"
                     "How can we help?!" Niffty asked as she tilted her head curiously.
                      "Until we get this whole situation straightened out, it'll be dangerous to stay in one place for too long. Will you guys be willing to take turns keeping an eye on her?" Angel said softly. "It will hurt being away form her even for a second but if it keeps her safe, I can get though it."
                     "Angel..." Abby said as she looked at his heart broken look on his face. She walked over and took his hand in hers as she nuzzled it against her face, making his smile sweetly.
                    "How dangerous are these fuck ass shit head?" Crymini asked watching how odd Angel seemed to be with the small fox.
                    "We don't know yet." Angel said as he looked up at his friends. "In fact, the only thing we know is the group of men themselves." He said honestly. "We don't know how many may be following them now. That's why I asked for your help. While we research more and choose the next move, we may end up being targets of some rough play. My men and I have been though our fair share of that, but Abby... she hasnt." Angel said as he picked her up again and kissed the top of her head. "Plus I can't be as agressive as i normally am with her there..."
                       "I will totally help out!" Nifty said waving her hands in the hair in a playful manner. "She seems so adorable and fun to be around! I'd love to get to know her better!"
                      "Angel, I hear rumors from a few of your old call 'girls' that you recently dropped all contact with them. Is that true?" Vaggie spoke out causing many to look at Angel in surprise.
                       "Yeah. It's true." Angel said softly. This received a few gasps of shock in the room.
                       "Does that mean that the thing with Vivica was-" Horis spoke up in the group.
                     Angel went to speak but Abby placed her hands on his lips to try and silence him before he could speak.
                     "Vivian lost touch with logic and mentally snapped. She tried to bring harm to all of us in one way or another all in the end, made it clear she would never be able to accept things as they were. She would not stop unless forced to." Abby said softly. "It was terrible, but for the safety of everyone, it had to be done." She said as she looked about the room. Her ears pressed down in sadness.
               The room fell silent for a moment. This was something none of them had head Angel do before.
                "So you're serious about this fox?" Baxtor spoke up. "Like, really really serious?"
                 "Yeah." Angel said smiling down at Abby. "Really really serious." He said softly.
                  "Doesn't seem like we really have a fucking choice then." Crymini spat out. "Who the fuck can so no when you look at her like that?! We may be fucking ass demons but we aren't completely heartless!" She snapped looking about the room getting nodd all around.
                   "Well if that's settled, all that's left to do is see who will be in charge of watching Abby first." Arackniss spoke up as everyone looked about at eachother.
                    "Well, since I already know miss Abby so well I think I should-"
                    "Not be it!" Angel spike up interupting Alastor's words holding Abby away from the deer. "So who is willing to watch her first?!" Angel called out to the room.

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