Chapter 11

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A/n: Hey welcome back! don't ask about the 'cast' I just felt like having a couple things there. lol. Anyway, enjoy!


Zane's POV


It's been weeks since I have even interacted with F/n. Yet I have thought about her day and night. It's like she is a chip implanted in my brain.

My father has been giving me a hard time ever since she came over. He keep saying that she should come over again because she is "my girlfriend". Yeah right. Like she is ever going to come back after what you pulled. I have a suspicion that he only wants her here to do...his....'extra curricular' activity on her. I can't let that happen though. 

"Zane! Come on you said we would spend today together. Don't back out on me now!" a voice said through my door. "Yeah..I'm coming...hold on." I say so he can barely hear. I grab my headphones and pocket my wallet along with my phone.

I walk out to see a mop of brown hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. "Come on slowpoke if we wanna get to where I wanna go today we have to leave now!" He said. "I said I'm coming Vylad!" I say.

That's my brother Vylad. He's adopted and sometimes gets on my nerves. Yet I can't help but like him. It irks me.

I follow Vylad out the door and walk about 2 steps behind him not listening to his rambling. I put in my headphones and listen to music from a guy called Ro'mer. He sounds like Garroth sometimes. I suspect when he thinks no one is listening he releases songs on youtube.

I have the music playing until Vylad completely stops walking and I bump into him. Taking out my headphones Vylad whispers, "Hey, do you see that girl? That's who I was talking about on the way here!"

I search the crowded sidewalks of downtown Phoenix drop to find who Vylad was pointing at. Then I saw her. Well, she was beside the girl Vylad wouldn't shut up about. F/n was there and I couldn't stop staring like a fool at her. I shake out of my trance and Vylad was looking at me an eyebrow raised.

"What?" I said. He just smirked and dragged me to meet up with that other girl. F/n looked to be with her. 

Oh god please help me...


Your POV


You were walking with Lucinda's sister in the crowded downtown for some reason and you hated it. To many people in general. Your companion tugged at your sleeve and nodded her head in the way of a guy with brown hair and green eyes and beside him was....Oh god. Please no. Please don't let them come ov- and they are heading our way.

You sigh and put up the hood on your hoodie to hide your face from Zane. "Hey you! Didn't think I would run into you here! Who's the friend? She seems awfully shy." The mop hair boy says. You see a slight blush tint your friends cheeks. You realize you don't even know her name.

" name is F/n L/n." you mumble. "Nice to meet you F/n. My name is Vylad Ro'meave. Brother to shy companion #2 it seems." he says. So he's Zane's brother. I see. He is quite different than the other ones. " I'm Misti's best guy friend if she didn't tell you. Although I have heard that I am given quite the high praise by her." he says.

"You talk to much Vylad! Anyway where are you guys going? F/n and I were going to...uh..." Misti says. You nod as if to say, yes go ahead. She clears her throat and starts again. "F/n and I were going to the town's one and only anime and manga shop. We wanted some uh..posters to decorate F/n's room. She is moving in with me." Zane looks at you with his one eye sadly. Looking away you start walking in the direction in which you were walking before you were stopped.

You heard Misti and Vylad call out to you to stop but you keep walking and soon you lose them in the crowd and find the shop.

You walk in and find the section with Black Butler. You pluck out a couple of the latest ones and sit to read. You hear someone walk up to you. Looking up, you see Zane staring down at you only his eye to show you any emotion.

"You know it's rude to run off like that F/n. Plus you could have gotten hurt. You never know what can happen in a crowd." he says sitting down beside you. "What do you want Zane? Did your father order you to come retrieve me? Or are you doing that on your own?" You ask him not even sparing him a glance.

You could feel the room's oxygen go thin as you expected an answer. After about 2 minutes you stand up slowly to buy some of the manga. Zane follows you. Ask you check out Zane finally says, " I didn't come here to 'take' you I came here to apologize and I was hoping I could be forgiven."

You are about to leave but  before you do you say, "Some apology." You could feel the anger boiling in him a little and you leave blending into the crowd.


5 minutes later


You think you finally lost him. Zane was trying to catch up with you for a while but you finally ditched him. Suddenly you feel a hand grasp your shoulders and pull you into a nearby alley while no one was looking.

Your captor puts a cloth over your mouth and you feel yourself losing consciousness. I must have been drugged. D*mnit. I'm sorry mom. I failed at protecting even myself. You feel your head spin and you fall to the ground. You eyes close little by little and the last thing you see is a man with Ice blue eyes.


A/n: OH NUU! cliffhanger ;P anyway, disclaimer!

Gail: Today Vylad will be doing the disclaimer!

Vylad: Hey! glad to be here!

Gail: Really? Your glad Vylad?

Vylad: Don't please..this already happened to Max..

Gail: Awww... don't be mad Vylad. In fact you don't even need to be sad Vylad. Just he glad, Vylad!

Vylad: I literally hate you right now.

Gail: So you ARE Mad Vylad.

Vylad: I will do the disclaimer ONLY if you stop.

Gail: Fine go ahead.

Vylad: k. Gail does not own these characters. Aphmau does. If Gail did, she would had Garmau happen like, 141 episodes ago.

Gail: See not so bad Vylad.

Vylad: Thanks I just read the script th-

Vylad: I just saw what you did there.

Gail: Sorry not sorry. *runs*

Vylad: I know how max feels now....

Gail: *distant voice* Don't be sad Vylad!

Vylad: goodbye guys...

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