Chapter 3

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Charlie's pov :

Charlie opened His house's door and got inside , He was feeling Broken and Sorrowful for Emmy , Even though He didn't know the girl that much but he felt sorry for her , His head was feeling complications , He still doesn't fully believe that he's adopted , His mom/Foster mom was in the kitchen cooking lunch .

"charlie" she said she walked quickly into him and gave him a hug .

"I heard about what happened , that poor girl"

Charlie didn't reply , "are you OK? "

Charlie didn't reply either

"what's wrong with you son? "

"son ?, I want to know , am I adopted?"

His Foster mom twisted her lips , she didn't deny it , she looked away .

"we will talk about it when your father comes"

"my father?? " Charlie said as he shed a tear

"we wanted to tell you but we were waiting for the right moment"

Charlie went to his room and closed the door .

Meghan's pov :

Meghan Entered the house , her mom and dad were in the sitting room , Meghan was walking straight to her room But her mother stopped her .

"I'm still not quite satisfied with your hair"

Meghan didn't reply , some tears came out of her eyes , Meghan's parents got up and went to her .

"Meghan what's wrong? " her mom said

"tell us sweetie , it's OK" her dad said

"I ... I may have Caused a girl to suicide" Meghan said crying .

Meghan sat with her parents on the couch and she told them everything .

"it's not your fault babe , you did not kill her , she did" Meghan's dad said

"go take some rest sweetie" Meghan's mom said

Meghan nodded her head , she went and took a shower , she changed her clothes and went to her room , She lay on the bed .

She was reviewing everything that happened so far , she was thinking about the shadow she saw in the girls' bathroom , it felt real , she wasn't Hallucinating or something , it scares her to think about it .

she thought of Charlie , She felt regret that she confronted him about him being adopted , she started remembering how she found out .


Meghan was at Charlie's house , she was helping him study for the physics exam.

"my parents left the house" said Charlie

"really? " said meghan

Charlie got closer to Meghan and they kissed each other .

"I will bring us something to eat from the fridge" said Charlie


Charlie left the living room and went to the kitchen .
Meghan stood up and she was looking around the living room , she was was carrying her book and she was wandering around Charlie's house , she entered Charlie's dad office , as she was just looking at some papers on the desk out of curiosity , she dropped her book behind the desk .

She went to the other way to grab it , she noticed a secret small closet hidden beneath the desk .

She felt so curious to see what's in it so she slowly opened it , it wasn't locked as she thought it might be .

She saw Charlie's name written in a paper in the middle of a pack of papers , she was curious and she grabbed the file and read it .

It was Charlie's adoption contract .

Flashback End

She fell to sleep ...


Meghan woke up at the sound of her brother Ryan calling her .

"wake up lazy bear ?"

"what? "

"Kelsey came to see you"

Meghan didn't know if she wanted to see anyone right now , she didn't want someone to remind her about Emmy's suicide , but she let her in anyways .

"she can come here" said MEGHAN

"I'll tell her that"

2 minutes later Kelsey Entered Meghan's room



"listen I just wanted you to know that I have no problem with you , and I'm sorry for what I said earlier , I shouldn't get my nose into your relationship with Charlie"

"I'm sorry too , I was too rude"

Kelsey sat besides Meghan , they held each other's hands .

"poor Girl"

"I killed her"

"no it's not your fault"

"it is , if I was nicer to her she might wouldn't do this to herself"

"she Did this to herself , again it's not your fault"

"thanks for coming over and making me feel better"

"that's what friends do"

They both smiled ,

"I would like to stay more but I need to go with my family to my grandparents house" said Kelsey

"that's fine , you can go"

Kelsey hugged Meghan

"I will come tomorrow for the English lesson report"

Meghan remembered Emmy as she was Meghan's partner , she felt bad again . She nodded her head , Kelsey walked out of the room .

Meghan lay down on her bed , she thought of Her nude picture , "if mom and dad see it I'll be done" she thought. The direction of the picture was this way opposite to the bed , which means that the photo must have been taken from that way , she got up and stared at the desk opposite Her bed .

"what's that? "

She walked to the desk , she noticed a small camera-like thing , she picked it up and examined it , A Secret Camera ! .

She Wondered who put it there , she thought of Charlie , she got overcomed with anger , and she wanted revenge.

She suddenly remembered the most thing that Charlie wants , He always talked about wanting to take the lead role in the musical that the glee club is doing , the person who sings the most , He is obsessed with this role .

"I can join the glee club and audition for the role , my vocals are stronger than Charlie's and I can win" she thought

This will break his heart , and that's what I'm going to do .

/6 hours later/

Meghan grabbed her phone and she was surfing through instagram , "what the hell? " she thought

People were commenting on her photos , and sending her Dms , calling her a whore and making fun of her.

She turned off her phone , "I can't believe how awful people can be" she thought , she put it away and she turned off the lights , she went to the bed and fell asleep ...

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