Chapter 20

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Kelsey's pov :

Kelsey was dressed in black , she was standing in the graveyard along side Meghan's mom and brothers , and most of Gary's relatives and friend attended his funeral , Kesley was feeling sad and broken because Garry was like a second father to her , well a third father , But he was like a more real father than Her Drug dealer father and her really real father that she never got to know .

Kelsey was thinking about how Meghan is not at her father's funeral because she was taken to prison last night for the crime of Killing Emmy and supposedly her father , Kelsey had this feeling that Meghan Is innocent and she is being blamed for all this , and for Kelsey it wasn't just a feeling it was the truth .

The funeral Ended and people started leaving , Kelsey and Garry's family stayed a little longer , Every one Brought a flower and put it on Garry's Grave and said some emotional words about how a great father and a husband he was .

Kelsey stepped forward and she out a flower on his grave .

Kelsey : I never had a real father in my life Not until I met Garry , He Always treated me like her real daughter And that I will never forget , I hope you find peace in heaven , dad .

Kelsey stepped back To her place .

Minutes later They were about to leave , But Kelsey didn't follow them , She was Aiming to go the opposite way , Ryan turned back and noticed her .

Ryan : aren't you coming?

Kelsey : there's someone I need to visit , I'll return by myself .

Ryan nodded and he turned back , They were getting away while Kelsey was looking at them .

Kelsey walked between the graves and she stopped at Emmy's grave , She sat down on her knees beside the grave and started crying , She was wiping her tears over and over .

Kelsey : In the middle of all this craziness and all This drama , I did have this feeling inside of me since the day I saw you dead , I have this emptiness inside of me this hole I don't know if it's because I saw you right in front of me dead or because I'm the reason you're dead .

Kelsey : There is this part of me that wants to believe I'm innocent 0f all these things but , I Had a dream about you two days ago that I didn't tell anyone about , I saw you in my dreams in a wide garden that no matter how I looked I couldn't find an end to it , a beautiful place with rivers and trees , You came to me and hugged me , then I woke up in the middle of The night right after it , I believe it's you telling me that you forgive me for doing what I supposedly did , even if it wasn't my mind but it was my body , my shape that Killed you , And even if you forgive me there are others things I need to do .

Kelsey : I need to Do the right thing !

Kelsey got up and she walked away .


Meghan's pov :

Meghan was sitting in the interrogation room , She cried from time to time about her father , the police wouldn't tell her any further informations and she was in this room since last night .

Suddenly the door got opened , Detective Robert and one of the police officers Entered the room and they sat in Chairs opposite to Meghan with a table between them .

Meghan : tell me about my dad ~ Meghan said weakly and with hate towards the detective

D. Robert : lucky you , results came today from the medical examiner's office , your father died naturally of a heart attack and the medical examiner believes that the reason is because when he saw you and your brother seemingly dead , He had. Breakdown followed by a heart attack , but you did kill him , only not intentionally .

Meghan was imagining herself strangling the detective from his neck and stabbing Him time after time , She hated him very much for being nothing but a dick to her and for making the joke about her Father's death , Meghan was looking at him with an angry face.

D. Robert : but yeah you need to answer some questions , for example can you explain to us why Ryan's clothes were torn apart and burned , and why there is a big black spot on his chest ? Do you somehow launch fireballs or something tell us?

Meghan gave a small laugh with a smirk .

Meghan : Maybe , And maybe I can launch one into your face right now

The Detective gave an evil smirk to Meghan

D. Robert : you know threatening a detective is considered a crime

Meghan : it's not a threat If I can't do what I said

D. Robert : when the medical examiner checked your brother yesterday he noticed weird stuff going on in his body , Some of his vitals were dead and They were replaced with new ones like new stuff formed in his body , he said that he haven't seen any stuff like this before and even your brother has no idea about anything and the last thing he remembers was locking you in the room , so you have any idea ?

Meghan : well I never took an A in biology .

D. Robert : tell me about the door ? It was destroyed like an explosion happened there , tell me how did you get out after your brother has locked you in your room?

Meghan : I opened the door with my keys , I had a Spare copy in my room , and the door has been this way from way before , The power point next to the door Got too much electricity and it exploded very big causing the Hole in the door .

D. Robert : your reasons always seem very unreal

Meghan : that's what happened

D. Robert : so you don't mind me calling to your house and ask your family *clears throat* what left of your family about the door .

Meghan's desire for wanting to torture him to death increased every second , she gave him an angry face .

D. Robert : OK moving on to the next question , We found A book that included Crap about magic and stuff , why would you have one unless you're a witch or a psychopath ? , I vote for the second option .

Meghan : how do you know ? I might be a witch and I might be able to turn your life into endless Hell .

D. Robert : You know what they say , burn the witch

Detective Robert smiled and gave a very nasty smirk , When he said the Phrase "burn the witch" Meghan started having random visions in her brain , They were confusing and Hard to understand but she could see people looking at her , screaming "burn the witch" as two men were grabbing her hands and dragging her through the ground to the , what seemed as a scorch , the next thing she could see was a village burning down and she could see People dead all around her .

Then she saw a man , a man moving towards her , then the visions ended.

The man that was walking towards Her , he looked exactly Like this new guy at school , this guy that she first saw at the shopping center , this guy that she feels hate and love for him even if she doesn't know who he is , Meghan was very shocked .

D. Robert : Did you remember something ?

Meghan : No

D. Robert : Ok then , we're done here .

The police officer got up and he got closer to Meghan , He grabbed his keys from his pockets and he uncuffed her .

D. Robert : you're free to go Meghan , you can take your stuff from the keeping room , You might be free now but remember that I'm watching you .

Meghan : I don't understand

D. Robert : your friend Kelsey , She turned herself in a while ago , She admits that she is the one who killed Emmy Palmer .

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