Chapter 32

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Meghan woke up feeling Nervous about today , her life was ruined in the previous timeline right today so the same thing can happen , she tried to let go of these feelings and she got up and took a refreshing shower ..

Meghan wore normal clothes a white shirt and a black skirt And normal flat shoes .. She wanted to dress different than the previous timeline so that events will be different too probably ...

As Meghan was walking out of her room she remembered about the secret camera thing .. She immediately went to her desk and started looking for one but after 5 minutes of looking , she was relieved that she didn't find any secret camera which means that no one was recording her while taking off her clothes ...

Meghan took her lunch , she kissed her mom and dad and she got in the car with her brothers Justin and Ryan , Ryan was driving them to school ...

Meghan : Ryan ?

Ryan : what ?

Meghan : maybe she didn't tell you the truth because she wasn't ready to Confront you

Ryan : I've talked with Emmy last night and she denied that I showed up at her doorsteps , and Emmy never lies so it's not her

Meghan began to feel more suspicious about the situation

Justin : what girl are you talking about ?

Meghan : Ryan's cyber girlfriend

Ryan : Hey don't call her that

Ryan smiled a little

Meghan punched him lightly on his shoulders ..

They arrived to school , Meghan and Justin got out of the car and Ryan drove into his job ...

Justin went to talk with his friends and Meghan walked slowly to the school's door

Meghan hesitantly opened the door and walked inside .. She was walking unconfidentialy in the hallways and after some time , She realized that no one was looking at her and everyone was busy talking to their boyfriends or girlfriends or friends .. Meghan felt happy because she was safe of scandals .. She walked to her closet and Kelsey was grabbing her books from her closet that is side to side with Meghan's closet ..

This is the first time Meghan saw Kelsey in this timeline , in her last meeting with Kelsey In the previous timeline she pretty much kicked Kelsey's ass very hard as she threw her into the wall .. but yeah Meghan felt that they're over this now because this thing hasn't happened yet in this timeline .

Meghan : Kelsey !

Meghan hugged her , Kelsey felt weird
Kelsey : yeah hello hmm people are looking you're hugging me so tight I'm about to shock

Meghan stopped hugging her

Meghan : yeah sorry I just miss you I haven't seen you in a time

Kelsey : yeah right since yesterday's morning

Charlie walked through the hallways and he came to Meghan , He stood right behind her and touched her waist

Charlie : hey beautiful

Meghan giggled

Meghan : Hey Stop it

Meghan pushed herself away

Meghan noticed that Kelsey turned her face and she walked away as soon as She saw what Charlie was doing , Meghan remembered that in the previous timeline Charlie and Kelsey has kissed each other one time and no one other than them and .. Ashlee knows about it ... So she felt like there might be tension between Kelsey and charlie ...

My Name Is NOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon