Chapter 5

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Kelsey's pov :

Kelsey came over to Meghan's house so that they can work a report for Shakespeare's play Hamlet , she came straight to Meghan's room .

"ah-meghan are you OK , you seem freaked out of something? "

"no it's nothing , I just had a terrible nightmare last night"

"do you want to talk about it? "

"not really , let's just work on the report"

"OK , let's work work work work work work , you see me Hafi work work work work work work work" kelsey was singing

Meghan giggled , "Kelsey , we are working on a report about Hamlet not about Rhianna"

"I know I was just warming up"

"OK now"

Kelsey opened Meghan's laptop , she noticed the page that was still open , about a witch called No and her story etc....

"what the hell were you searching for on Google? "

Kelsey Noticed how Meghan reacted strangely and quickly

"ah yeah it's nothing important just clicked on the wrong link I suppose you know the internet" Meghan said

"hmm OK , let's Shakespeare our selves a little" said Kelsey

/1 hour later after reading so many articles online and writing and printing and A lot of WORK /

"so here it is , it's finally done" said Kelsey

She noticed that something was still bothering Meghan

"Meghan If something is happening with you , you can tell me I'm your best friend"

"I'm fine I told you I'm just not feeling so good today whatever"

"you know , I had a bad nightmare too last night , I dreamed of Emmy , I will never forget the moment when I saw her dead , it was the most terrible thing I've seen in my life and I sometimes imagine her dead body in front of me"

"Kelsey I'm so sorry ,it's my fault I made you be the one to discover her body"

"I will leave the report with you , I'm going home now , do you want us to go out later and do something , go to the mall ? Or watch a movie" asked Kelsey

"yeah sure why not , we can go"

"that's fine , I'll come by your house"

Kelsey got closer to Meghan and they hugged each other

"we will get through all this drama , don't worry"

"I hope we will"

Kelsey smiled , she walked out of the room .


Charlie's pov :

Charlie entered the class where His friends were , he walked to jojo (she was a friend of his and Meghan's)

Charlie : Jojo hey

Charlie and Jojo hugged each other

Jojo : charlie , how are you doing?

Charlie : I'm better

Jojo : are you and Meghan still ... ?

Charlie : yes , actually worse

Jojo : she loves you , she might not show it and she might act like a bitch sometimes , well most of the times but she has a pure heart

Charlie : I don't know about that

Jojo : you two are just cute for each other

Jojo pinched Charlie On his cheek , Charlie looked around the class , he noticed that Ashlee was there , "what would the most popular girl in school do In glee club?" he thought

Charlie : what is Ashlee doing here?

Jojo : practise as I suppose , like the rest of us

Charlie : I didn't know that she is going to audition for the musical

Jojo : unlucky for us she Is

Charlie and Jojo walked out of the room to go to the auditorium and practise their roles , while they were going out they heard Ashlee and the girls around her gossip .

Some girl : oh my god Ashlee there's a button missing from your shirt

Ashlee examined her shirt , the bottom button was missing , Ashlee freaked out

Ashlee : what ? I wore it on Wednesday and it was fine , oh my god I can't live one more minute in this shirt I must change it

Ashlee grabbed her handbag and brought out another shirt , she took off her shirt and slowly wore the other one , she was looking at charlie while doing that , she winked at him

Charlie couldn't resist at the beginning to look at her , the most popular and beautiful girl in school and some of her skin was shown , he felt something for her but he ignored it and walked out of the room , he didn't want to admit that he fell for her since he always had a crush on her .


/4 hours later/

Meghan's pov :

Meghan went to the kitchen , she opened the fridge and grabbed a slice of pizza from last night , Her younger brother Justin walked to the kitchen .

Justin : hey older sis

Meghan : Justin

Meghan said while chewing the pizza

Justin : I saw a picture of you

Meghan threw up the pizza , Her heart was beating so strong , she thought of the nude picture , If her younger brother has seen it then it's a matter of time until her parents see it , she thought of that .

Meghan : what picture?

Justin : the .... Of you in your room .. Wearing the clothes you were born with .

Meghan : Justin I swear it wasn't me who took it someone put a secret mini camera in my room and filmed me without my permission and sent it to everyone at school but please don't tell mom and dad

Justin : oh my god you're in a mess , no don't worry I won't tell our parents

Meghan calmed down a little

Meghan : thank you

Justin : I might be able to help you

Meghan : how?

Justin : if you still have the stalking camera I may be able to do some of my magic with my computer and figure out who's controlling it

Meghan : you can do that ?

Justin : I can try

Meghan went to Justin and hugged him

Meghan : I love you little brother

Justin : OK but I can't breath well

Justin said jokingly as Meghan was hugging him so tight , Meghan giggled and she moved away .

Meghan went to her room , she opened the bottom drawer in her desk and grabbed the stalking camera , she closed the drawer and she was getting up when she saw something on the floor , she grabbed it .

It was a button , she put it on the desk and left the room .

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