chapter 11

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Meghan's pov :

Meghan was sitting In a table outside the Starbucks shop , She was looking around and trying To find the guy , The problem Is that he doesn't know how she looks and she doesn't know how he looks , He might know how she looks because he saw the profile picture of meghan on her account when she texted him .

A Half-fat boy , Wearing sunglasses , black hair and his clothes were more like secret agents' clothes , He seemed like he was around 16-17 , He sat on the table Meghan was sitting in but in an opposite seat .

Meghan : death striker?

The guy : No ?

Meghan thought that he was the death striker But He said that he wasn't so she started looking around the place to check for the guy .

She finally lost hope so she got up and she was about to leave when the guy sitting in front of the table stopped her .

The guy : you didn't answer my question earlier?

Meghan : what question ?

The guy : I asked you if you were the No?

Meghan : what? No you said 'No' as a reply to my question you know what never mind . Yes I'm the No I guess

The guy : sit down ,and let's talk

He was talking like a secret agent or something like that , He was pretending to be one , Meghan returned back to her seat .

Meghan : OK so tell me why am I ...?
The guy interrupted Meghan and didn't let her finish her question

The guy : let's order some mocha first , Do you want?

Meghan : No can we just focus on...
He Interrupted again ...

The guy : I'll be just back

He got up and went inside Starbucks , Meghan was feeling annoyed , She was thinking that he might be a fraud .

He returned 3 minutes later with a cup of mocha , he sat in front of meghan and put the cup on the table .

The guy : OK , So How do I know that you're the No

Meghan : This morning I Pushed A Girl 5 meters away by just lifting my hands

The guy : And?

Meghan : and I keep seeing this Faceless Dark Shadows on the shape of a man appearing to me and scaring the shit out of me , telling me that I'm the No

The guy : OK , How did you find Me?

Meghan : I googled dark shadow creatures and I kept looking around until I found your blog post

The guy : OK I will tell you what I know , Every 100 years the souls of No and The Guy she loved Possesses one boy and girl souls , And the cycle will keep going on until she finds the body that the guy she loved possesses and kills him before his 100 years pass , Which never happened in the history and that's the only way to end the cycle , The soul of No always Gets a body That is far away from the body of her lover , she will overcome you by time and at last she will take control of your body , You will adapt witch powers like the thing you did with that girl that was magic , you will need to learn how to control your powers.

Meghan : and will you Help me do that ?

The guy : I will do what I can

Meghan : tell me about the shadow creatures

The guy : they are demons from Hell , They want to end this supernatural cycle and they will come after you and after the guy whose soul possessed by No's lover , I've read that sometimes in order to Kill No and her lover they also try possesse human bodies .

Meghan : and the guy No's lover , Do I get Feeling if I got close near him?

The guy : as you see Their souls never got close to each other in the history , but yes you will have a feeling like anger or something .

The guy brought an ancient book out of his jacket pockets , and put it on the table

The guy : this is a magic book , it contains spells that you can use and you will control your power by learning the spells

Meghan : Wait, I didn't ask , how do you know all this?

The guy : my great great great great great grandfather studied No , And he travelled the world looking for this book , I was going though my grandfather's stuff and I found out his great great great great great grandfather's research .

Meghan : OK thank you

The guy got up and he was going to leave

Meghan : I didn't get your name?

The guy : why do you want it? So you can come after me when The No witch take over your body and kill me

Meghan : why would I / The no witch kill you?

The guy : because I know things about Her

The guy walked away , Meghan grabbed the book and started examining it , It did seem ancient as the papers were yellow and some were torn .

Meghan put it in her handbag and she returned home .


Meghan was walking to her house , She saw a police Car Parked outside the house .

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