chapter 4

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Meghan heard a noise , the noise of a door being opened slowly , she woke up immediately and looked at the door , it was open .

She was overcomed with fear , yet she got up and walked slowly towards the door , she got out of the room to the hallway , she looked left and right but she saw no one .

She was going to return to the bed when she heard Another noise , noise of feet walking down the stairs .

She walked slowly to the stairs and she went down slowly , she was in the living room .

Meghan looked around at everyone direction but nothing was suspicious .

She heard a noise in the kitchen , again she was very scared but she went to the kitchen anyways , she heard a noise of a fridge door opens and closes .

She went to the fridge and opened it , she felt something behind her , she turned around to freak out and be scared more as a shadow on the shape of a man was standing right behind her , faceless , "No" whatever that thing was said with a thick scary voice .

Meghan lifted the upper part of her body up and sat on the bed , she was breathing heavily but she got calmed down As she realized that this was a nightmare , but she was thinking about what she saw in the girls' bathroom , it looked exactly like what she saw in this nightmare , and the both word was repeated , NO , you're the No , this thing was definitely freaking the heck out of her heart .

She went back to sleep even though she couldn't sleep easily at the beginning and kept thinking of everything but she fell to deep sleep later .

/In the morning/

Charlie's pov :

Charlie woke up to the sound of the alarm on his phone , he grabbed his phone and shut it down !!!! It's freaking Saturday !! But he forgot to disable the alarm that he made last week when he needed to get up early on Saturday morning when He went to the School for some glee club stuff .

He returned back to sleep .

/1 hour later/

Charlie grabbed His phone , "it's freaking 10 o'clock" he yelled

He remembered that He needs to go and practice with his friends for the musical auditions .

He got up , went and took a quick shower , he changed his clothes and went downstairs , his Foster/parents were at the kitchen

"Charlie , are you OK? " asked his Foster dad

"look I understand why you didn't tell me , but I need to know who my real parents are" said Charlie

"when we adopted you 16 years ago , they didn't tell us about your parents ,they didn't know who they were , we're sorry Charlie" said Charlie's dad

"I will go to school and practice for the musical" said Charlie

"won't you have your breakfast first?" asked his mom

"no thanks , I will Buy something when I'm hungry" said Charlie

Charlie opened the door and left the house , Even though His Foster parents told him that there are no records of who his real parents are , He was Thinking of looking for answers .

He walked to the bus stop and rode one , He was on his way to school


Meghan's pov :

Meghan woke up at 11 , and she was still sleepy , but anyways she got up of bed and went to wash her face , she returned back to her room , She was thinking of the creepy dream She had last night , "what is this No thing? " she said to herself

She grabbed Her laptop that she uses mostly to Edit songs that she record for fun , She went to google and searched "scary shadow you're the No" .

Not many results were up , She clicked on the first link which was a blog post by someone (Meghan read the name it was "death striker") about the tales of some supernatural stuff something like that , Meghan started reading the article .

It was about a girl called No , She was the most gorgeous girl Lived some years after the creation of earth in A village Known as Illaria , She rarely went out to the village and spent Most her life in her house , her father used to hate her and her relationship with her mother wasn't quite good , she spent all her time in her room , Her parents knew that she was a witch and Her father used to Beat her up Everyday , She finally Realized how powerful she could be so she used a spell to Make her father suffocate For 10 days to death and she slit her mother's throat , She also damned her village And turned Everyone into stones something like that , kings from around the world came to kill her but she destroyed them all but at the end she was Killed by a guy that she loved , he tricked her that he loved her too and he Stabbed her When she turned her back , while she was dying she was able to cast one last spell , A spell On her and the guy who killed her for them to live immortaly forever , Every 100 years their souls fall on one damned boy and one damned girl and they live inside their bodies , The girl gets the witch powers of No and the boy gets the strength of the Warrior , And they will live for 100 other years until they die And the souls transfer into other Bodies , Meghan Thought that this was a crap but she Noticed the name of the Girl is No which is very weird but That's what the shadow she saw called Her , she read the last lines .

The blog post also talked about shadow demons who haunt the souls of No and the unknown guy , They can't let the souls live forever and the shadow demons try to Take the souls back to hell , They go after the souls but mostly for the soul of No , As she was born witch to be the first and the last witch in the world .

Meghan turned off her laptop , She was feeling confused .


Authors note :

Lol guys I know everything may seem strange 😂 but , It's an interesting I promise .

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