[[Chapter 4]]

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Now we arrived in korea, we just landed a while ago and it feels refreshing but cold in the same time. So we're just going to pickup our luggage and then manager-nim said the boys will pick us up. I already felt that im going to meet them early than I expected. Now i already got my luggage and then i carry my guitar case were i just carried a while ago, then i heard a phone ringing and i look besides me and saw that it's manager-nim's phone, so he pick his phone and then started talking to the person who was just calling him, After that we proceed to go outside the airport and to the waiting area, But then we saw many fans outside the waiting area while the guards stopping them from getting pass through it, But then theres 7 handsome boys waiting at the waiting area and one of them holding a banner and it says our name. Wait i didn't know that the guys already know but how? maybe they already informed of my departure but im still curious. so i face manager-nim with a question look.

But Manager-nim just proceeded on walking to the boys while waving at them 'ohh my glob h-how can I approach them uhm SJ think, you're now getting nearer and nearer to them wahhh how can i do this i should–' I said in my head while talking to myself in there. But then manager-nim stops and greet the boys with warm hugs but then he said it."Kids this is Samantha Jay Park she is you're new member of the group" manager-nim said then after what he said they stare at me but then after that there jaw dropped
"U-uhm Samantha Jay Park imnida but you can call me SJ if you want" i said then i bow ok i think i did a pretty well good job on my introduction to them then but then I realize  they just stare me down like I can't even read them but still some of them jaw dropped some of them just stared at me until manager-nim clap his hand then the boys got back to normal.

"Yahhh kids are you not going to introduce yourselves" Manager-nim said then "Hana..deul..set...ANNYEONG HASSEYO BANGTAN SONYEONDAN IMNIDA" they said after that they bowed and one by one they introduces there selves "Annyeong hasseyo Kim Namjoon imnida the most handsomest of them all nice to meet you SJ" then he smiled at me but then someone said"Yahhh hyung you're not the most handsomest you are the God of...." "Handsomeness yeahhh i know" Namjoon said while smiling but then someone interupt him again "Anni what jiminie said was you are the God of..." then All of the members except Namjoon said " Destruction!!!" then they laughed because of that and im just in my stern face but inside im dying from laughing.

"Yahhh!!! aishh when we get back home i will get back with you all" he said with an angry face then another one of them said "ok guys let's go back to our introduction"
"Annyeong hasseyo Kim Seokjin imnida the number 1 handsome in the world and maybe the mom of the group" Jin said then smiles after that comes the next member to introduce.

"Annyeong hasseyo Min Yoongi imnida the Swagger of the group" then i just have my stern look and gave him a nod after that "Annyeong hasseyo Jung Hoseok imnida I'm your hope, I'm you're angel, JHOPE!" I guess he's the happy virus of them
" Annyeong hasseyo Park jimin imnida" then he gave me an eyesmile but im still in my stern look but in the inside im dyeing because of the handsomeness but then
"Annyeong hasseyo Kim Taehyung imnida. I'm V~!!" then he give me a cheekly smile 'Oh my glob i think im now going to die rest in peace me ghad why is there so many beautiful creature here' i said to myself in my head but then there's another one and i think he's the last one of them but then i felt for a moment there he's glowing or something "Annyeong hasseyo Jeon jungkook imnida/90 degree bow/ the Golden maknae of BTS " he said while he smiled a little

To be Continued


Hi guys hope you like this Edit chapter and im really sorry if this is so short but i hope you still like this and please don't forget to leave a comment and vote love y'all...

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