[[Chapter 25]]

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          Awhile ago, I've been observing Jungkook and he seems to be in deep thought. yesterday while I'm just going to my room I saw him down the hallway but he seems to turned red all of a sudden when we got a chance to look at each other then he immediately goes to his room after that encounter. and then now that I have to wake him up for breakfast he turned red again while looking at me and he get's up quickly not even saying a word and goes straight to the bathroom to get change. while me feeling weird out about his actions. but any who time past and right now I still don't know what it seems to be the problem of him but I hope his fine though.

It is still kind of off but nevertheless, I have to prepare myself now for the photoshoot later. I know this will be nerve racking but, I have to do this even though I'm still not use to it and all but, in time I will. I just have to put some faith on me.

~Time Skips~

Time past we're all done changing and now gathered in the dining area to eat some breakfast. that Jin-Hyung especially made for us. For now I will explain our sitting arrangement.On the Left side sits J-hope-Hyung, Yoongi-Hyung, Jungkook and Taetae-Hyung. while on the Right side of the table sits Namjoon-Hyung, Eomma-Jin, Me and Jiminie-Hyung.

I know at first we're not that yet comfortable with each other presence as I can feel in the atmosphere that it isn't but now I felt that there has a progress in our circle. No seriously we're now just chatting around and fooling around basically like a normal happy group there is. like the atmosphere around us has been calmed and relax not that tensed and awkward anymore.

If you ask me I feel comfortable now and I feel at home, like I'm not one of the amongst stranger level of vibe. You all get what I mean, for now I'm just relieved that the tension has been gone now and the same time happy about the positivity of the surrounding right now.

No One's POV

After everybody already finished their breakfast, they all now headed outside with their bags on their hands/ or either their shoulder or back. while they're getting in the Van, after a couple of minutes the manager started the engine and drove to the venue where they will have their photoshoot for their comeback.

While their still not arrive yet to the venue. SJ felt nervous and anxious that she's having a panic attack. She tried to calm herself down with her phone then she put on her earphones while she's listening to some relaxing music to relax her but it still not helping.

Then the next thing happened was someone grasp SJ's right hand and then squeezed it not so tightly. she look at the person and saw that it was Jimin who's holding her hand. she ask Jimin why is he doing this then he replied.

"Because I felt that you need it. and saw you looking nervous so I hold your hand to make you relax a bit. You know that we're (I'm) here for you and always remember that you'll never be alone (because I'm here)." 

He then smiles at her and then goes back on looking at the two youngsters Taehyung and Jungkook singing Big Bang compilation songs in front of their sit.

SJ felt surprised at first, but then she felt relaxed and happy after that unexpected act of Jimin. she pause for a bit then finally gave in and she squeeze Jimin's hand back lightly, while looking at the view outside the window while listening to some relaxing music. But the both of them didn't know that there are two members among the group looking at them. glaring at Jimin while getting jealous of what both of them doing.

~*Time skip*~

Later on that day, they finally arrived on their destination safely. They all now been escort to their spots where they will be changing and all. But before they arrive the venue. in the past hours before they arrive the venue, they decide that they take a nap.

~*Time Skips*~
[(I'm sorry guy's  I'm really lazy today so I have to skip some parts)]


An hour past, we've been just fooling around the area of were we going to held our photoshoot out of no where someone is calling to my phone with an unknown number. So I excused myself from them for a brief moment. Me being the curious person I am, I answered the call.

"Hello who is this??." 

I said to the unknown caller.

"...( a pause for a second then the person chuckles) Hey little jay~ it's me, miss me?." 

I pause for a moment, shocked by that familiar voice that I wish I never heard again.

~*To be Continued*~

Hey guys!!, I'm really really sorry for the late late update. How are you all?? I'm really sorry to wait you all and that I update this chapter shortly. because to tell you the truth the reason for me not updating. because I've been in writers block this past months, and I'm really that I didn't tell you all about this because of some things stopping me to update you all on what is going on in my life.

If you all are wondering I'm fine but in the past months I've been not well. Many problems came and i didn't take all the problems that's been coming so I hope you all understand. I know that I've been on a really really long hiatus and maybe some of you are now losing hope for me to update that is why I'm really really sorry about it. I've been promising you all that I'm going to update but I've made you all wait that long that is why I'm really really sorry for not updating.

And to all that is still there waiting for me to update I'm really really thankful that you still there and still supporting me even though some of my chapters has wrong grammars. I'm really sorry about that because English is really not my first language and that is why its like that I'm really sorry about that though. But I'm trying my best to correct it for you all that is why I'm really really thanking you all because I didn't expect this story that I made would have many readers .

Because to tell you all the truth i just made this for fun and just a hobby I didn't expect this to grow like this so I'm really really thankful to you all and to all of my new readers I hope that you all like this even though some of it has wrong grammars.

If you all have questions to ask don't be shy to comment it in the comment box and I will reply to it as soon as I can and if some of my grammars are wrong please tell me so that I can correct it right away.

Thankyou everyone for reading my story until my next update love you all
;* ^w^ - Author-Eonnie

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