[[Chapter 5]]

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Now we're done introducing our selves, they voluntarily carry my luggage i said they didn't have to do it but they insist cause im a girl and like aish what are they thinking im just a weak girl that can't do it by herself for all they know i can do it myself with no one helping me after that I mentally sigh in head and i let this slide because this is our first meeting but next time i will not allow them to see me like a weak girl mentally sighed again.

We're now in the Van lucky we escape from the over flowing fans and thankfully no ones hurt and theres no fan that saw me going in the van mentally sighed again. i pick to seat near the window because i love to see all the nice buildings,houses,people that we're going to pass by etc. actually i like sightseeing that's why. while I'm looking outside the window i put on my Headphones so i can relax while listening some music and watching some scenery outside the window.

While the Van is still running i felt like someone's looking at me scratch that i think all of them are looking at me while im still looking to all the scenery outside the window but then someone pokes me in my shoulder, so i look who is it and it's Jungkook so i put away my headphones  and said "Yes jungkook-shii?" "I'm sorry if i bother you uhm..." he said "it's ok Jungkook-shii so...?" i said "oh im just going to say that you shouldn't have to be shy on us anymore because we're group members now and all hehehe" he said 'maybe i can open up to them a little but I don't know now, i think i'll just observe them first then i will open up hmmm yeah' then i mentally sighed "sure I would keep that in mind" then i smile a little and that he can only see "ok"then he smiled softly at me.

After that short conversation with Jungkook i came back on what im doing a while ago looking outside the window while listening in my headphones.

~~*A minute past*~~

We now reached our destination in the "BTS Dorm" or much likely my dorm now too cause im now the new member of the group. So we get out of the van then we get in the house, actually I can't explain what the house looks like because it's big and it's definitely nothing like a dorm that i imagine. So yeah it's big and they have different rooms but I thought first there all sharing rooms but maybe they moved to these house because there now getting big having additional member in there family.

Right now im taking a stroll in the big house cause Jin-hyung said that i can have a tour in this big house while there preparing for dinner i mean he so i take a stroll/tour while the others is doing what they usually do.


Hi Guys Hope you Like this New edited Chapter and I'm really sorry because of this being short chapter but please don't forget to leave some comments and votes love y'all...

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