Jake - Chapter 20

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After breakfast, we immediately left for school. Dan seems to be a bit quiet after shower and during breakfast. As far as I know him, he isn't like that because he always wants to talk and talk when at the table. Something must be bugging him. I can feel it and I have to know about it.

As we drive towards school, he just simply sat down and stared blankly on the streets. Now that's a bit of a worry now. I don't want him ending up hurting himself again. I don't want him to do some serious cuts on his body. I know he does that and sometimes I just know it after a few days and I would scold him for that. He seems not bothered whenever he does that but it pains me to see him like that.

"Hey, baby. What are you thinking now? You seem to be a bit not yourself and distracted." He shook a bit. Probably thinking something really bad.

He looked at me and made a big smile. "No, I'm fine. I'm feeling great!"

"Please tell me the truth. I know something is bothering you right now. Don't keep it to yourself. YOU have me. I'm willing to listen." I took a quick glance at him. He really is good at diverting something and pretty hard to convince also. Sighing, I pulled over just right before I could take the turn. I guess this is just the only way to convince him. "Why are we pulling over? Aren't we going to be late for the class? Besides I'm in a bit of a hurry now. I still need to meet up with the other officers for our weekly duties and do a lot of stuff."

"Forget all of those things right now.Just tell me what's going on. I've been out for a week and I have no idea what's been happening to you." I said to him as calmly as I could. "Jake, now is not the right time to do it. We still have class."

"No, now is the right time and we will not leave if you don't tell me." He rolled his eyes and tried to open the door. I locked it even before he can pull the lever. "Let me out Jake! If you're not in a hurry, I am."

"What's wrong with you? Even at the shower and at the table, you seem to be distant. Did I do something wrong?" Not trying to yell at him.

"I said nothing! Just drive please. I need to go to school now." Tears slowly rolled down through his cheeks. He covers his face with both of his hands and sobs. I reached his shoulders and rubbed his back. "You know it's not fine with me that your keeping everything to yourself. Besides, I'm your boyfriend and future husband. You should let me in to your life."

"Jake, it's not that I'm hiding something away from you, it's that feeling that..." He paused.  "That?" 

"Please do trust me on this. I just want us to give each other some time. It's not we're breaking up but probably some space for each other. I beg you on this one. We've spent so much time together and that I have to figure out or do something by myself. Tell me like it's stupidity right now, but do understand me. I miss you too and I love you more than you'll ever know." His eyes were glassy as he remove his hands off. 

He kisses me on my forehead, unlocks the door and left me all alone in the car. I looked at the sky and it seems like it's going to rain.  I just watched Daniel walking away from me. The distance he's making is getting bigger and bigger. Soon, rain falls down like the heavens weep for me. And I'm here sitting in my car, all alone , looking like an idiot and doing nothing to stop him. I am left behind, thinking of what is running on his head, his thoughts.

Am I holding him tightly that he's getting hurt and just wants to pull away from me? Or there is something that is pulling him away from me?

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