Daniel - Chapter 29

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Somehow, that person is a bit funny. He's not so annoying, aside from calling me baby girl which is like Baby Doll from Batman The Animated Series, well sort of creeps me out really. I mean I have a slight phobia on dolls especially those tall ones and him calling me Baby Girl? Huh, I don't know really and adding to that factor is that he's too mysterious. I wonder who that guy is. If I could just trace up his IP Address like all those hackers in some movies would do but ends up behind prison bars and I don't want that to happen to me. I may be good at this but not as good as some experts. I wonder if he's gonna show up later.

After dinner, I helped out Mom in washing the dishes. "Mom, can I tell you something about Jake and I?" "Sure baby, anything. Is something wrong or something better?" She dropped the sponge and looked at me. Gosh, this is so nerve wrecking. She doesn't actually know that Jake proposed to me before this happened. "Well, Jake, uhm,.." "He proposed to you? Oh I'm so happy for you! Tell me when he did that? Did you figured everything out already? Did he propose to you today?" I rubbed my neck and sighed. "Mom, that's too much to answer."

"Okay, just answer one at a time, but make it compact and simple." She took her apron off and sat on the high stool. "Okay, actually he proposed to me at the beginning of the school year just right before he left for that event. So basically, he did it before we have this fight right now." The expression on her face is not so pleasant. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." She gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead. "It's going to be alright, Dan. He really loves you, no matter what and I know you love him too."

"Yeah, I know that already." We both finished up washing before I head back to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and read through my text messages. It's a bit funny to feel that you have a boyfriend, but you enjoy talking to somebody else, especially like you've just known for such a short time. Let's take Kean for example. We've just known each other for like a few days and I'm feeling comfortable already; I could talk to his as open as I wanted to be. I could be myself as long as I wanted to be. But sometimes with Jake, I have to restrict myself. It's not that he is the one asking me to do it, but it's actually me that controls me, limit it. I don't think it’s not a bad idea or so, i guess. Sometimes, I just feel a bit awkward. I don't get it really. Maybe it's just normal in a long relationship.

I get this awkward feeling that this guy I'm talking right now is a familiar person to me. He must know me and for some reason I am quite suspicious about him. If it's Kean, I'm gonna be like 'Hey! You got a boy now! Just be happy, alright' and then hide in the corner and cry. It can be sort of a disappointment to me but I guess this will help, in a way that I could work things out with Jake. But still, if it's Kean, probably I'm gonna confess everything to him, how I really feel about him, how much it kills me to let him go and how much I- No, wait. This is wrong. Darn. My feeling's right now are so tangled, worse than Rapunzel's long tangled hair. I was not supposed to say that and that could only mean that I'm really being such a bad person.

My eyes was about to see pitch black darkness when the sound of my messenger rang up. I jumped off my bed and look at the message. It's the Anonymous guy again.


Anonymous: how are you baby girl?

Daniel: stop that or i wont talk to you

Anonymous: okay then. so what do you want me to call you? porky pig? :D

Daniel: im no fat!

Anonymous: i think u are.

Daniel: dan is fine.. -.-

Anonymous: u seem to be irritated. am i bugging you ryt now?

Daniel: sort of.. anyways.. you could probably change that name of yours already.. i dont like that name really.. very creepy

Anonymous: okay then.. just let me think of a cool name. hmmm

Daniel: hmmm o.O

Anonymous: cant think of anything. any suggestions?

Daniel: what do you want?

Anonymous: something scary. :3

Daniel: sp3ctr3

Anonymous: hmm... well..

Daniel: dont like it? :(


He didn't reply for quite some time. Maybe his boyfriend is there right now. Probably I'll stop talking to him right now or his boyfriend would ditch me out. Maybe they're fighting about me already, just maybe. I'm not that important really but I don't want to ruin theirs.


sp3ctr3: still here.. :D

Daniel: myb i should leave now.. ur bf might be there and well..

sp3tr3: we're not cuddling and he's not here.. he seems to be quite busy bout something

Daniel: you actually liked wat i suggested?

sp3ctre: yep! well its not that scary but i'll work it out.

Daniel: hmph!

sp3ctr3: lol

Daniel: so wat do you wanna talk bout?

sp3ctr3: well nothing i guess.. what are you doing now?

Daniel: just talking to you and maybe about to text my boyfriend. but i still feel a bit guilty.

sp3ctr3: why?

Daniel: just for some reasons really. no need for you to know..

sp3ctr3: you can tell me.

Daniel: please. maybe its not good for someone to know exactly wat it is,, especially to someone i just knew.

sp3ctr3: okay. i guess a little privacy for u.

Daniel: something like that. wbu?

sp3ctr3: well just listening to music aside from talking to you and my bf.

Daniel: sweeeeeeet!!! :3

sp3ctr3: u seem quite to like it..

Daniel: sort of. i just miss talking to my bf.

sp3ctr3:  miss you too

Daniel: sorry?

sp3ctr3: sorry wrong send

Daniel: hahaha. well its alright. so what sort of music are u into right now.

sp3ctr3:  hmm.. let'see, flyleaf, bvb and some inserts of boyce avenue.

Daniel: u actually listen to that band? like ew. i mean i like covers but there's just so overrated

sp3ctr3: well not really. im just into their music and i do dedicate one of their songs actually to my bf.

Daniel: yeah? what it is?

sp3ctr3: here's the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh-mZ4qyZ...

Daniel: okay i'll listen to it.. :P


I clicked the link he sent me. I wonder what this song of theirs is. As soon as i clicked the link, the song that played was Find Me. Damn it! Another one! It's like on my phone. This is getting really creepy now. But, this is so getting a bit beautiful, just pure instrumental and it's so good.


Daniel: wow! i mean ur bf's gonna love this song.. im starting too like it myself..

sp3ctr3: i guess.

Daniel: anyways. im going to bed now. maybe tomorrow again?

sp3ctr3:maybe.. or i'll see you at school..

Daniel: hahah as if we're in the same school..

sp3ctr3: i wish.. good night baby girl :P

Daniel: good night.. sweet dreams! :3

sp3ctr3: no good night kiss? >:)

Daniel: watever :*


Just A Kiss - BoyxBoy -Complete-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon