Lian & Kean

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Kean has been here for a while, acting as my standing guard for the rest of the time, but he's more like a bouncer really, which is really ironic since he's the one getting bullied all the time. I can't wish for anything really, except for him to be here and give a confidence boost. I know that I've been thinking a lot of him doing other stuff, like making out with Daniel when I'm not around or maybe thinking of how to make another cut. Speaking of his cuts, I just have to treat a recent one he made since he had a depression problem. He really gets depressed so easily. I just worry about him way too much; I wouldn't mind myself getting hurt. Of course, it's not that I'm becoming a martyr for Kean, I just want this relationship to last, just like my parents.

To be honest, I am so jealous about their relationship. I can't imagine myself in that position the same as theirs. Both of them have been in a lot of ups and down already, I have been a witness myself of those things and they stayed with each other. I mean if you look at them, they seem to have a very happy relationship, which they have struggled to keep and protect no matter what happens or whatever challenges they face. Yes, they quarrel a lot, let's say twice a week. But then, they sort it out themselves and tried to keep up with each other. It really makes me wonder if I could do that with Kean.

I know it too early to say some things like we're going to end up like my parents or the other way round, which I do not really prefer, but it's really safe to somehow expect what you want to happen in the near future. Obviously, I'm always dreaming of me and Kean having our own family, raising a kid, living in our own house, and then grow old together. It's like a fantasy that I've been daydreaming almost every day, each time we spent each other's time together.

The place starts to get crowded as the time draws near for our performance tonight. I can hear, even at the backstage, all the voices of people, cheering, yelling and singing. All of those thought came into my mind and makes me completely nervous. I don't want to wreck this whole thing just because I mess up and I wanted Kean to be proud of me. It is a very big night for us and I won't disappoint him.

I was shocked by Kean, brushing his lips against mine, cupping my cheeks with both his hands. I simply followed his mouth's movements and trying to sync my actions with his. He pulled away, looking at me with a big smile. "Hey, don't get nervous. I will be here."

I nodded silently. he wrapped his arms  around me and gently pulled me in for a hug. Oh, this is heaven. and I feel very relieved. I bowed down to his shoulder and hugged him back. "Yes, I know."

He lets go and waved me goodbye. "I'll see you later."



I went out of the backstage and tried to find a best place to sit in. Li has made me promise to sit in the front row, so I tried to search for and opening there. I looked at every seat and noticed that it was all reserved. I stood there for a while thinking of what to do. Li would be so pissed off me if I can't find a sit here. I felt a hand on my shoulder, slightly turning me around. "Hey, you can have my seat if you want. I don't want to sit in front really and I know you want to see Liam up close."

I was stunned by Daniel. He seems to be alright after all the things that happened for last few weeks. I can immediately notice his hair with dashes of blue dye on it, which makes him even cuter that before. "I-I-uh,"

"Well just go accept it." His friend yelled at me from the back. He looked at his friend, giggling. "Relax Zoe. He’s just too shy to accept it.". He looked back at me and smiled. "You'd accept it, would you?"

"Uhm, y-yeah. I guess." They both nodded and sat on the seats right behind the front row. This is kind of embarrassing, since it's supposedly theirs and their giving it to me. I'm not even that special.

But, Daniel seems to be fine now. I guess they have worked it out after all. I still have that weird feeling whenever I see Daniel around. My stomach twists and knots, my heartbeat skips and that entire sudden surge I can almost feel. I don't know why I don't feel this for Li, instead, I should be feeling this for him, not to Daniel.

"You seem to be spaced out there?" Daniel peeked on the seat right above me. "I guess you needs some company there." His friend, Zoey, suggested. They immediately moved towards the seats beside me. "So you're Kean. I'm Zoey. We haven't been introduced here by my baby Daniel who seems to have forgotten about it." She shows her hand out. I reached for it and made a handshake. "Y-yeah, I'm Kean. Nice to meet you too."

She pulled her hand and started squealing. Daniel tried to stop her but she carried on. "Mommy Zoe, please don't act so strange here. People might think you're into something."

"Shut up, Daniel. Besides look at the cutie here. He's blushing way round." She points at me while I look away from them. I can hear Daniel giggling. "Oh Kean. Just ignore her alright."

Sighing, I turn around and slouched on my chair. "So how are you and Liam?"

We're not doing fine. I want you to know that I want to be with you. I just love you Daniel, I just do. "Uhm, we're fine. We've been working it out really. A little harder at first, but trying to keep up."

"That's good to know. So, how long have you been already?"

Please Dan, stop asking about him and our relationship. I want to be with you. Just admit it to yourself too. You always wanted me. "We-, uh, we're about three weeks already, I guess."

I clenched my fists on my pants, trying to grip everything. I don't know what I'm saying. My thoughts are trying to jam every word I have to say. I don't want Daniel to know what I've been thinking about now. Zoey broke the silence growing by her squealing. "Oh, that is so cute! Even cuter than with Jeff."

"Zoey?!" He gave her a stern look. "Fine, whatever. Kean, just tell me everything when this guardian of mine leaves, alright?" She winked at me. What does she mean about that? Does she know everything about me and Daniel?

I sat silently in my place, while listening to Dan and Zoey's conversation. They would point at some random person and giggle. They can be quite annoying sometimes but I enjoy this even for a shared moment because I know anytime soon Jake will be here and Daniel would simply ignore me. I wish this moment will last longer and longer and I hope Li won't notice this single share of ecstasy that I have right now, me sitting beside Daniel.

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