Liam - Chapter 26

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I know what I've done is right. Why shouldn't I expose him? Daniel is a bitch.  He is just so bitchy adorable, lovable and every single word with able at the end that means something good. He has a boyfriend but still dating someone else. If not bitch then he is worse than that. Well I guess that sorts everything out. But what happens after this? Do I have to regret it or enjoy it? For a moment, I fell happy, happy that I told Jake about them, but what about Kean? I know I only care for him and all I want is for him to feel the same way towards me. Something tells me it's not going to be alright though Kean and I will be together.
What do I feel right now? Guilt? No way I'm going to be guilty. Daniel should be guilty of what he's done to Jake. He(Jake) is the most adorable person in the whole campus, like no one ever can be compared to him. Daniel is just so lucky to have such a guy like Jake. And to some point, they're having a perfect relationship. Almost every single couple in the school is so jealous. You can almost see them together every day, at the office, at the park, at restaurants, almost everywhere. Yes, I am one of those jealous bitches, but who wouldn't? No one can ever hide it away from everybody. By just looking at them, makes you wonder what yours would be like.
Knowing that they are actually engaged caused the whole school to uproar. No one can believe it, two lovers engaged at such a young age. For me, it was no surprise already since I've been betting with some of my girl friends about their current status. All of us really wowed and wanted to congratulate them.
No, stop thinking about Daniel. Maybe you're just so jealous on him because he did nothing to get Kean. Unlike you, you would almost kill yourself just to have him. Yes, I would really do everything just to have Kean. He is like the whole world to me. I would make him feel special and make him feel good.
I was shaken from my seat by a blow behind my ears. "Liam, I love you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I guess those feelings were just over-shadowed by my feelings towards Dan, but he cleared everything up. Now I know who I really love, you." Kean said those as he surprisingly embraced me from my back. He left a shock on my face. Is this for real?
"What do you mean by that? Can you just repeat what you said? I don't seem quite to understand everything that you've just said." I turned around to face him. He chuckled. "I said, I love you Liam Anders." Then a big smile popped on his face. This is really happening right now. He really loves me. "Can you be my boyfriend? I want to spend my whole life with you." He asks me as he knelt down the floor, kissing my right hand. "Kean, yes! I want to be your boyfriend!"
Almost all of the excitement filled why whole body when a sudden chill hit me. No! I shouldn't have done that! "Liam, what's wrong?"
"I just made a very huge mistake in my entire life." I can feel tears rolling down, my head feels like it's gonna blow up. My legs are shaking, heart beating fast. "Kean, please tell me where Daniel is. I need to tell him something." Kean looked at me with so much confusion on his face.  "Why are you looking for Dan? I just saw him past the club room."
In an instant, I rushed towards Daniel. What if something bad happened because of what I have done? I pushed all the people that are on my way. I glanced at all the signs on top of the door until finally I reached the club room. Kean was following me from behind. "Slow down babe. What's the rush anyways and why do you look so worried right now?"
"Kean, please don't get mad at me whatever I'm going to tell Daniel right now."
"Okay. Just don't try to upset him alright? They seem to have a fight earlier when I saw him in the shed." With a huge relief, we both entered the room. We can hear someone sobbing in one of the cubicles in the room. We searched every single one of them until finally.
"Daniel, I'm so sorry. I was the one who told Jake. I shouldn't have done that. I totally misunderstood everything."
Dan just looked up at me, still sobbing. He's shivering cold, his body seems to break down any moment if not tended to. "It's alright. I guess we both need some time away from each other." Without so much hesitation, Kean covered him in his jacket. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous, but it doesn't matter anymore. "Dan, tell us what happened."
Instead of telling us, he bursts into crying even more. Now, my conscience is killing me. Ruining such perfect relationship just to make me feel satisfied, it's too pathetic, knowing I was the one who done it. "Daniel, I'm really sorry. I'm so stupid."

"It's my fault, Liam, not yours. I guess I deserve this one." He just curled up, covering his face with his arms crossed at each other. 

"I'm so sorry Dan."

"I'll be okay. Don't worry 'bout me."

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