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It wasn't long enough that I saw Daniel somehow back on his cheerful self. He would laugh with Zoey and sometimes make jokes about everyone else passing in front of them. Jeff and I would watch them from behind. Although Dan and I are not that back to each other, it seems like he enjoys having me around him. He doesn't seem to bother that I'm right beside him or just inches away from him. I can see him smiling again and that feeling is just so light. There's no doubt that he regain so much of himself. I'm just hoping that someday both of us will be back in each other's arms again, that everything between us can still be salvaged.

The four of us always hang out in the club room, whenever we have no classes. Since, there's an activity going on this week, we all decided to stay in the club room and spend the rest of the day there. Zoey and Daniel always arrive at the place as early as they could so that no one can disturb us. They would always lock the door and wait for us to arrive by watching us through the window. Zoey would open the door, while Daniel sits on top of the table. "Hey baby! How are you both today?" Jeff pecks Zoey's nose. This can get a little bit awkward for Daniel and I. "Uhm, hi." We said together. "Hello there." Again, in chorus. How can things be awkward between us? He looks away from me very shyly. I, on the other hand sat on the chair just across him.

"Cut it both of you. Here, let's just munch this stuff and drink all you want." Zoey threw a bag full of chips, Monster and cola. She seems quite a bit pleased of what she brought. "Hey, baby Daniel, I brought your favourite and I know how much you miss it already." She got out some sour cream Pringles. "Oh Mommy Zoe, thank you so much! Like I haven't been eating this lately." He pops it open rather excitedly and started munching every single one of them. I just amused myself staring at him while he enjoys eating it piece by piece. He offered me some of it. "Hey, want some?" All I did was shake my head and blushed. "Okay, just tell me if you want some." He is in cloud nine right now. It seems like he isn't very shy to offer me, no matter how hard I tried to keep myself from looking from him.

"Yo, Dude! Want some beer?" Jeff threw a can of beer towards me, which I gladly grabbed. "Hey, Jeff, you know Jake doesn't drink any alcoholic beverages. Daniel would kill you for this one." He hit Jeff on his shoulders making us all laugh. "Hey, Zoe, I don't mind that. After all Jake can take good care of himself, right?" He smiled at me. I can tell, he already drank a lot of Monster since he began eating chips and stuff. He is way too hyper whenever he drinks too much and I would have to stop him from drinking. That would make us argue even on the streets.

I hold on to his can and try to stop him from drinking too much. I was almost there succeeding in taking away his drink; unfortunately, he was able to see me. "Damn it Jake, don't take it from me. It's not yours besides, would you rather have me drink that beer of yours in exchange of this can of Monster? That rather looks tempting."

"Daniel, please you have enough of Monster. Now you're just getting hyper. I haven't seen you drink that much so please, you're gonna get yourself in trouble." I grabbed his can away from him, making him crawl all over on top of me. I spilled every drop of his drink on the floor, which make him even more imitated. WE both fell on the hard floor, right beside the spill. "Jake! What did you do! You-!" I gagged his mouth, but still he continued mumbling. He struggles to take my hand off his mouth but I didn't give in, no matter what he does. I smashed my lips against his as soon as I removed my hand from his mouth, just too keep him from talking. He's too annoying when he is like this all the time. He didn't try to resist it, but his mouth moved simultaneously with mine. I continued to brush my lips against his. I can taste some Monster still on his lips. I licked its side, making him giggle.

His arms were wrapped around my neck and I did the same around his waist. He gently broke away to catch some air. "Jake, I want you. I want you even more now." I pulled him in and buried his face on my chest. "Jake I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, for all the things I've done, for being such a liar to you, for being so unfaithful to you." He sobs loudly and intensely. The pain he's feeling right now is making me hurt, I can feel it myself.

"Daniel, it's alright, everything's gonna be fine. Hush now, I will always be here for you, now and forever."I pecked his nose and hugged him tighter. "There is no way I'm going let go of you. I missed you so much that I even resorted to do things in secret. You remember sp3ctr3? It's me. I'm sorry if I have to keep myself from you. I just wanted to-"

"You made a fool out of me! You're such a jerk! How could you!" He pumps his fists on my chest. "Dan, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that, I should have told you already that it was me. But as days passed, I lost all my confidence, but still I wanted you to know that I love you."

He was finally able to calm down and I got us up from the floor. He sat down on my lying body. "Dan, I love you. It's what matters now."

"I love you too Jake."

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