Daniel & Jake - Chapter 28

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I wonder who could this be. Maybe not. Well nothing's wrong if I'm going to reply. This is just a bit awkward really. Why would he call me baby girl? Does he know me? Maybe Jake? There is no way Jake's gonna be like this. He is so messed up when talking online, like he's not open here. He's a bit secretive, unlike me.


Daniel: hi.. im good. wbu??

Anonymous: cool.. same here.. 

Daniel: yeah.. btw, how did you get my name?

Anonymous: just some random search.. something wrong with that one?

Daniel: of course not.. well pretty much surprised you called me baby girl.. 

Anonymous: oh.. bout that.. sorry.. is your boyfriend there? he might just run through me and beat me.. :P

Daniel: actually, we're not together right now. you know..

Anonymous: cool off?


I wonder if cool off is the right term for that one. I can't figure it out myself cuz I thought cool off is like breaking up already, sort of. 


Daniel: not really i guess.. haha..

Anonymous: :3

Daniel: whats with that face? o.O

Anonymous: nothing.. just wanted to see you smile..

Daniel: there.. :)

Anonymous: better


Somehow, I feel comfortable talking to him, like I've known him for quite a long time, though we just chatted and it's just like a few minutes ago. I wonder who this guy really is.


Anonymous: hey baby girl. can i ask you something?

Daniel: yep!

Anonymous: do you really love your boyfriend?

Daniel: wtf is that question? of course i do love him..

Anonymous: okay.. uhm...

Daniel: what?

Anonymous: just realy popped out of my mind.. sorry bout that..

Daniel: neh.. dont worry.. im fine.. btw wbu?

Anonymous: what do u mean me?

Daniel: well you know if you have a girlfriend or by chance a bf???

Anonymous: you can say that.

Daniel: why? you broke up recently?

Anonymous: no2x, we just have a fight bout something and well nver talked for quite a long time..

Daniel: ohh.. im sorry to hear that.. i guess we're in pretty much the same situation ryt now.

Anonymous: why is that?


Should I tell him, really? I don't even know this guy. Besides, he might just one of these guys who would dare to make up something.


Daniel: can i trust you with this one?

Anonymous: yep! i swear to god and hope to die.

Daniel: just dont let me see you cross ur fingers or i'll chopped them into bits

Anonymous: now now.. lets just stay away from physical harm.. anyways just tell me. i wont tell anybody.

Daniel: well we sort of fought about something he really misunderstood..

Anonymous: mind if i know what it is?

Daniel: well he thinks that ive cheated on him.. 

Anonymous: did you?

Daniel: well i'll be honest alright. i have this one crush that i really like the most. he sort of know who it is and would tease me whenever we see him. there was one time that he had to go somewhere else just right after he proposed to me..

Anonymous: ur engaged?! wow! congratulations!

Daniel: well thank you.. anyways, the day after he left, i have a lunch with my crush and we were so doing it like almost everyday.. and i asked him if i could go to his house on the weekend and he said yes.

Anonymous: and you had sex with him?

Daniel: rofl. like im gonna do it with someone else besides my boyfriend..

Anonymous: lol i thought so.

Daniel: just wanted to clarify it really.. we were like running in the rain from the park to his house and once we arrived at the doorsteps, i was like shaking, shivering.. i also have a slight hypothermia. so his mom recon that i should take a quick hot bath.. i felt a bit dizzy after taking a bath and he told me to have a rest.. well we kinda slept together but no sex.. honestly!

Anonymous:  make me believe you haven't. :D

Daniel: i swear! we didnt do anything even we're millimiters away.. i told you like im gonna do it besides my boyfriend..

Anonymous: ok2x i believe in you.


That's not what supposed to go out. I think I just can't help it really. I wanted to defend myself. Besides, I find this person fascinating, not as fascinating as Jake but never had a chance to be like this with him for quite a while.


Anonymous: baby girl? you still there?

Daniel: yeah.. and i find it quite annoying already.. calling me baby girl.. btw im gay.. i guess you know that already.

Anonymous: sort of.. you've been using him instead of her. so i figured out ur gay.

Daniel: and ur not worried bout it?

Anonymous: why would i? im bi and i hav a boyfriend to. i really prefer boys, i like girls but sometimes there just too bitchy.

Daniel: im sort of bitchy for a gay and u kind of remind me of a friend of mine. 

Anonymous:same here. i do hav a friend like that.

Anonymous: hey btw.. ttyl.. my mom is yelling already. just way too irritating. ;P

Daniel: yeah.i know how it feels.. i'll be on til midnight. 

Anonymous: see you then. :3


Anonymous has signed out.



"I love you Dan." I kissed his picture on my screen. I went off my computer and ran towards the dining table. Mom is just so irritating today. "Jake! Dinner! How many times do I have to call you?" 

"Coming!" I entered the room and sat on my place. I just imagined Daniel sitting across the table and laugh at me. He really enjoys when I'm getting told off. "Mister Jake Andrews, let me remind you again on some of our table manners."

"Yes Mom."

"So how are you and Daniel? Working it out already?"

"Getting there, I guess." I shoved a chunk of meat in my mouth, still looking at the seat across mine. Daniel used to sit there, and he would just make me laugh at times like this.

"You seem quite busy in front of your computer. Are you dating someone online?" My dad asks as he continues to cut off a piece of meat from his place. "Why would I do that? I mean, if I would date online, it would be Daniel, definitely."

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