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Somehow, things between Kean and I have settled down. We've been through our worst arguments yet but somehow, he continues to prove that I am all he wants and not Daniel. He is always an issue between us. I've got no hard feelings towards him, it's just like whenever Dan is so down to his knees and just crashes down and by chance, Kean would see him, Kean would likely to run towards him and comfort him. I always get jealous about him and Daniel because Kean would give more priority to Dan than to me. I know Kean even better than Dan but why do they always make me so mad, I always end up getting myself into a fight with my boyfriend.

This week though, is a bit busy week for me and Kean. He's been helping me out in my costume for our play later today and for our after party. Of course, everyone will be there too, including all the school staff and the student officers, which meant I got to see Daniel and Jake down there. Damn. I know I'm really insecure about Dan, I'm just being honest to myself. I've seen both of them together sometime this week and perhaps, judging from what people been talking about, it seems like they're back together again after that incident. Jake must have done something or maybe that bitch.  For all I know, they have never talked to each other for two weeks and they don't seem to feel each other. I guess, time has really made them stronger as they last. I wonder if ours is going to be the same.

I was already waiting at the back stage, preparing some of my stuff for the play which is just about thirty minutes before starting. I was putting on my costume and some makeup. Kean is still not around, probably busy on the flyers and spreading of information about our play, since his group was assigned for the advertisement. "Hey Li, how are you and Kean doing right now? Everything back to normal?" My friend, Kim asks as she puts some more makeup on me. "Well, sort of. You can actually see it don't you, that we still have a bit of problems and we are making progress with it." She dropped her shoulders, got her brush and put too much powder on it. She presses it on my cheeks making me cough. "Girl, you better not put too much on it. Just not too much."

She puts down her brush and sighed. "Well better not lie to me then, tell me what's wrong about you and Kean. I can hear you arguing every single day and it really worries me." 

"We're fine, I swear. It's not a very serious matter you need to pound Kean for. I love him and he loves me too. That is enough for me already. If we're not getting any better, you will be the very first person I will alert." I grabbed her brush and started putting makeup myself. "No, it isn't for me. Let me just tell you that all the time, you've been arguing about Dan and his sort of relationship with Kean. They are very intimate with each other and who knows if they are still seeing each other behind your back. If you won't make a move, I will. I will try to salvage your own relationship. It's not worth spending your time with him if you don't value your relationship."

"Kim, please. It's not worth your time also. You're just going to waste your efforts. Let me take it on my own pace. I want to take it slowly, besides what are you going to do anyways? Be a bitch to Jake? Like hello girl! Wake up! He isn't going to fall for that one especially to you." She seemed to laugh at what I just said. "Probably that's a good idea. I've always wanted Jake anyways, much better to take him on in front of Daniel."

I glared at her. "Kim, if you're going to do that, better not make me an accessory to your crime and I'm not kidding on that one. It's not a joke you know." She laughs evilly. She is really like a witch in the woods. "Like I've never done that before with Jake. Twice, Li, twice already and I'm still proud of it and I'm longing for him. I want fucking Jake in me right now." She touches herself lustfully. She seems to enjoy it. I just gave her a disgusted look.

"No, don't you dare pull that move. I'm gonna be sick if you do that. I've done it before already ruining their relationship; I don't want to do it again. Never again and just a friendly favor, stay away from them." I hold her shoulders and gripped them hard. "Relax kiddo. I'm just kidding. I'm not really interested in their relationship, just with Jake. I really wonder how they are doing right now. Might pay them both a visit later."

“Not interested are you? Who are you trying to fool anyways? Me? I can see from your eyes that you lust for Jake. This is wrong Kim; it’s not what I want.” She taps my shoulder and grips it. “I just wanted them to have a very miserable relationship, just as how Jake dumped me like a piece of shit.”

I sighed, knowing that she is really depressed on how Jake dumped her last time. Her attitude since then has become even more aggressive. I can't blame her, no matter how hard I tried to console her. "Kim, just let it go. He doesn't deserve you. Look at how pretty you are."

"Just tell me when you and Kean are having a fight over that Daniel. I'm going to kill him."

Kean barged into the room and rushes towards me. "Hey, baby." He wraps his arms around me. I hold on to his arms and turned around to see him. We both shared a kiss. "Hey, I miss you." Kim just smirked, looking at us. I don't like this feeling, this aura surrounding her at the moment. She knows what she’s doing, I just don’t like the way she does it. 

Even though Kean is here, I can sense that his spirit is floating somewhere else. It’s not looking for me, but longing for someone. I’m hoping that I’m wrong with this one.

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