Day Two: Yesterday

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TN: so, I should have done this in the first chapter, but I didn't say what the prompts for the challenge. If you want the list, it's on tumblr. If you can't got on tumblr then I can put the list here. Anyway, this is Day 2. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own any Yugioh Arc V. I will have some of my OCs pop up once and awhile.
Day 2: Yesterday
Yuya was on his stomach in his room, pouting. He and his brothers/counterparts were grounded because of what happen yesterday. Since they can't do anything, Yugo, Yuto, and Yuri were also in Yuya's room.
"This has to be your fault, Fusion," Yuri said.
"My fault?! How is it my fault," Yugo shouted.
"Well..." Yuri started.
Yugo was is the kitchen, trying to make some food. As he was mixing pancake batter, he accidentally spills some on the ground. He didn't know and slips on it, spilling more pancake batter all over the place. Yuya went in the kitchen and saw the mess.
"What happened in here," Yuya asked.
Yugo got off the floor.
"I spill some pancake batter," Yugo explained.
The tomato just sighs and went to get the mop.
"Well, be careful nex-," Yuya starts to say but, he too, slips on the batter and accidentally knock down a bag of flour on the ground.
Now the kitchen is even messier than it was before. Yuto and Yuri come in an saw Yugo and Yuya cover from head to toe of flour and batter.
"What happened," Yuto asked.
The tomato and the banana explain everything.
"We better clean all this up before mom sees this," Yuri said.
Yuri went to get a broom and Yuto went to help Yuya get off the floor. Right above Yuto, the batter drips down onto the eggplant's hair and face. The XYZ counterpart wipes some off and flung it on Yugo.
"Hey," Yugo shouted. "You did that on purpose!"
Before Yuto can protests, Yugo grabs a handful of batter and flour and throws it at him. Yuto dodges it, but the batter hit Yuri, who came back with the broom, in the face. Everything was quiet. For the people who were outside the Sakaki's house, all they can hear was shouting and crashing. Everything was quiet again when Yoko came in.
"Boys, can you-" Yoko starts to say, but saw the mess the boys made.
Yoko slowly opens her mouth and the Yu-salad were ready for her to explode. After some yelling and cleaning, they went to their rooms.
~Flashback ends~
"It was an accident and you know it," Yugo said.
"Keep it down, or I'll ground you longer," Yoko shouted.
The four just sigh.
"What should we do now? We can't duel since mom took away our decks," Yuya asked.
"We can play a board game," Yuto suggested.
The other three agree and they play board games until they were ungrounded.
TN: This is a really short one. Too short for my taste. Oh well. I hope you enjoy this day's prompt. As for the list, here it is.
1.) BANG!
2.) Yesterday
3.) Fairytale
4.) Costume
5.) Uniform
6.) Happy 2 Year Anniversary!
7.) Duel fuel
8.) Reunion
9.) Void
10.) Lancer
11.) Dreams
12.) IKEA
13.) It's Showtime!
14.) Bracelet Girls
15.) Midnight
16.) Rain
17.) Red
18.) Joy
19.) War
20.) Dimension
21.) Pirate
22.) Glasses
23.) Academia
24.) Winter
25.) Animal
26.) Journey
27.) Fight
28.) Summer
29.) Reset
30.) Goodbye

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