Day Thirteen: It's Showtime!

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TN: The show must go on!
Aka: Isn't that Dennis's catchphrase?
Dana: I thought it was "It's showtime"?
Andy: Does it matter?
TN: No. Anyway, we better wrap this up. Since you left yesterday, you do the disclaimer, Andy.
Andy: Fine. TNckitty does not own any Yugioh Arc V, only Aka, Dana, me, and others.
Day 13: It's Showtime!
Someone was knocking rapidly on the Sakakis' door at 6:00 A.M. The loud knocking was disturbing the whole neighborhood. Yuto gets up and stumbles to the door. When the door opens, a very energetic Dennis was waiting impatiently.
"Dennis, why are you here at 6 in the morning," Yuto asked.
Yuto was up really late trying to finish his homework so he doesn't have to do it over the weekend.
"I have something to tell you and your family," Dennis said excitedly.
"Can this wait?"
The eggplant just sighs and went to wake up everyone. Once everyone was up, they were ready to listen to what the Fusion user has to say.
"Okay spill, Dennis," Yugo said grumpily.
"I'm putting on a show that will blow the audience away, but I can't do it on my own. I need your help," Dennis explained.
"Why should we help you," Yuri asked rudely.
"Yuri. Don't be rude," Yoko said. "Of course, we'll help you, sweetie."
The brothers/counterparts have an anime sweat drop as they know how Yoko was around 'cute' guys. Yusho didn't seem to know as he too agrees to help Dennis.
"What are you doing anyway," Yuya asked.
"I was think of circus act with the Legendary Yusho Sakaki. You guys can also be in it," Dennis offers.
"I'm not much of a entertainer, but I can help with lunch," Yoko said.
"That's great. What about you four?"
"I'll join. It sounds like fun," Yuya said.
A show was something he would like to do. Yuto and Yugo didn't mind doing a show. Yuri more or less agrees.
"But wouldn't it take a lot more work if it just the six of us," Yuri asked.
"We can always asked the others to help us," Yuya suggested.
After calling everyone from You Show, Shingo, Gong, they made a plan on what they need and what they are going to do. They also plan on meeting later in the day.
~Time Skip~
Everyone meets up at You School Duel School. Dana and Andy also came as they were with Aka had the call from the Yu-salad. Aka seems very upset.
"What's wrong, Aka," Yuzu asked.
"She's just grouchy because your call woke her up. She not a morning person," Dana explained.
"Let's just get this thing over with," Aka grumbled.
"You already know that we're doing a circus. We need some performers. We already have Yuya as the clown, Yugo is going to throw daggers, and Yuto and Yuri are going to be a beast tamer. We need more," Dennis said.
"Let Aka be a tight roper or an acrobatic. She is very good with balance and very flexible," Andy suggested.
Aka glares at her friend. Andy got behind Dana.
"That's great! You can be both if no one want to do those things."
"I don't mind doing acrobatic myself," Yuzu said.
"The rest of you can help with the set and preparation. Come on people, let's make this show the best of the century," Dennis shouted.
"Yeah," everyone, except for Yuri, Shun, and Aka, shouted in union.
~Time Skip~
The show was a success. There was a few mistakes, but the audience didn't notice. The gang was surprise how well Aka did for her performance. She doesn't seem like the type to do gymnastics.
"Great job everyone," Dennis said.
"Whatever," Aka said.
"She's still grumpy about her sleep," Andy stated.
The three walks away.
"We'll see you later," Dana shouted before catching up with her friends.
Everyone else cleans up the place before leaving.
TN: I was too lazy to write out the show and I was tight in schedule.
Aka: Dana. Please.
Dana: Please Review, Favorite, and/or Follow. Day 14 is coming soon.

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