Day Six: Happy 2 Year Anniversary

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TN: *crying*
Aka: What's wrong?
TN: I hate school so much. All I want was to have a good day, but no I have two tests and I think I fail one of them.
Aka: Well, maybe if you would have studied...
TN: But you know how I procrastinate things.
Aka: You know what, just go to your room and relax. I'll take over for today.
TN: Okay. *Walks to room*
Aka: Let's start Day 6. TNckitty doesn't own any Yugioh Arc V, only me and many others.
Day 6: Happy 2 Year Anniversary
Yuya was running around and panicking. Yuto was in the room with him, watching as his Standard Counterpart pacing back and forth.
"Yuya. Calm down," Yuto said. "What are you so worry about?"
Yuya stops and looks at Yuto.
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! I can't calm down. Today's the second year anniversary of Arc V and everyone is excepting me to host a party," Yuya said.
"It has to be a theme and I can't think of anything! I was going to do a costume party, but we already have one a few days ago!"
Yugo walks in and sees a distress tomato.
"Hey, guys. What's wrong," Yugo asked. "Did Yuya get a detention again?"
"No. He's just worry about a party that he is hosting and he can't think of a theme," Yuto answered.
"Well, did you search ideas on the Internet?"
"Yes, but nothing is was good enough," Yuya said.
Suddenly the door bell rings, Yuto got up and went to answer it. Behind the door, Aka was waiting patiently with a toolbox in her hand.
"Hey. I'm here to return Yugo's tools," Aka said.
"Yugo," Yuto shouted over his shoulder, "Aka is here to give back your tools!"
Yugo walks towards the two.
"Thanks for letting me use them," Aka said.
"You're welcome," Yugo said.
In the background, they heard a crashing sound.
"I need to see if Yuya is okay," Yuto said before leaving.
Aka looks confused and was waiting for Yugo to explain what is happening.
"Yuya is stressing out for the party he is throwing and he can't think of a theme," Yugo explained.
"Why not do a Coachella theme," Aka suggested.
"It's a Music and Art festival. It's very popular in California."
"That sounds cool."
"Well, I better get going. I have a lot of work to do. Tell Yuya I say hi and good luck."
Aka turns around and walks to her D-Wheel. Yugo walks back in and saw Yuya grabbing his hair and was pulling it.
"I can't do it. I can't do it," Yuya shouted.
"Aka suggested you do a Music and Art festival theme," Yugo stated.
Yuya looks at Yugo for awhile before he suddenly jumps up.
"That's a good idea. We can have it outside in the backyard. We can display art and play music. But I'm going to need help."
~Time Skip~
3 hours have passed and it was almost time for the party. During the 3 hours, Yuri came home and was force to help make food with Yoko. Yuya made last minute checks before he was satisfied with the backyard.
"We finally got everything ready and just in time too," Yuya said.
"Great job boys. I'm sure everyone will have a great time," Yoko said.
The door bell rings for the second time that day. All of their friends came and went to the back yard. It looks just like a music and arts festival.
~Time Skip~
Everyone was having a great time. It was starting to get dark. The Yu-salads disappear, but no one notice.
"This is the best 2 year anniversary ever," Yuzu stated.
Suddenly, fireworks start shooting up in the sky. The audience watch in awe and multiple colors were fired in the air. When the firework show was about to end, the fireworks spell out "Happy 2 Year Anniversary!"
Aka: And that is the end of Day 6. Sorry for it being short. The theme is not TN's idea. It actually came from a friend for a birthday party. Anyway, please Review, Favorite, Follow. Do whatever you like. Day 7 will come soon.

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