Chapter 5

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{Joey POV}

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes, and the birds were chirping, all seemed right with the world, but wait, where was Shane? Oh no, did I dream everything about Shane and I being together? I couldnt have, it was all so real, I felt his touch, I kissed his lips. 

Joey- SHANE!

Shane- In the ba-b-b-bathroom.

Joey- Are you okay? Are you- are you crying?

Shane- Can you leave me alone for a little while?

Joey- Not until I know whats wrong.

Shane- I’m sorry, I just.. sorry.

Joey-Open the door Shane!

I waited a few seconds, I didn’t hear anything.

Joey- SHANE!!!

Shane kept whispering I’m so sorry, im sorry, im sorry over and over again.

Shane- You are going to hate me.

Joey- Nothing you do will ever, and I mean EVER make me hate you.

Shane- You will after this.

Joey- SHANE I LOVE YOU. Open the door, please?

I said that last part so softly. I was about to break down crying, what was he trying to hide from me? Why was he so sorry? I suddenly heard a quiet ~click~

Joey- Shane?

I slowly pushed the door open.

 My heart was instantly broken.

Shane- I didnt know what I was doing until I did it, I swear!

Joey- Like hell you didnt!

I calmed down, I realized yelling wouldn’t help him like this.

Joey- Look, I just dont like seeing you like this, crying on the bathroom floor with cuts all over your arms! It kills me inside I hope you know that.

Shane- Look I know,

He said with tears in his eyes...

Shane- You don’t really love me. 

Joey- But I d-

Shane- NO YOU DONT! Youre just going to leave me... Everything and everybody in my life already has! They never loved me, I know you dont either. Nobody could possibly love me. Im a fucking tragedy. I shouldn’t even be alive.

Joey- Shane... You weren’t trying to- SHANE!

I was sobbing so hard, I couldnt even speak.

Shane- Maybe. What does it matter to you! Anything I love or have ever loved just leaves me. Whats stopping you? Im giving you a chance to get out of this, Joey.

I just dont understand. He loved me one night, and the next, he though I hated him!

Joey- I DONT WANT TO! I love you Shane! How many times do I have to say it before you realize how much you fucking mean to me?!

He started to speak but I held my finger up to his lips. 

Joey- I’m going to help you through this, no matter how long it takes.

I wrapped my arms around Shane’s waist, and kissed him softly on the lips. After I released, I grabbed some gauze that was under the sink, and cleaned his cuts then wrapped them. I carried him downstairs and layed him on the couch.

Joey- Im making you food. Stay here.

Shane- But, I-

Joey- No Shane. Stay. Here.

{Shane POV}

Maybe Joey was different. Maybe he wouldnt leave me. Would we be in this forever?

*A little ways down the road*

“And Shane, Do you take Joey to be your husband?”

Until the end of time.”

*Flash forward ends*

Hopefully, he feels the same way...

Joey- Shane? 

Shane- Yes, babe?

Joey- Uh... How do you like your eggs?

Shane- Poached.

Joey-But that takes SO MUCH TIME! And its difficult.

I just really wanted to see him struggle with poaching an egg.

Shane- But they’re my favorite! 

Joey- Fine, but I won’t guarantee its not going to be raw!

Oh my god, I HAVE to see him attempt this. I walk into the kitchen and he’s pulling out a pot and filling it with water.

Shane- You don’t have to do this you know...

Joey- Shut up. I want to. Because you are excruciatingly lovely.

Damn, he should be writing poems or something.

Shane- Well you are, I- I can’t even describe you. Any word I would use would be a disservice to you. But maybe this helps...

I snake my arms around his hips, and I yank him closer to me. I kiss him so passionately, things start to get heated... {Lol, cuz they are in a kitchen... Get it?  Dont mind me, you can keep reading.. ;)}

Joey- Oh shit! The eggs!

We looked down into the pot, the egg was burnt. 

Shane- How did you possibly burn a poached egg!

I chuckled, he smiled at me.

Joey- Well with a little help from you anything is possible. Hey, fuck the eggs! Lets cuddle on the couch!

Shane- Like real men!

Joey busted out laughing, Ohmyjesus. He is so sexy when he laughs. Maybe when we were done cuddling, we could do something a little more inappropriate? Just thinking about it made me hard. I hid it as well as I could.

Joey- We should watch a movie,

Shane- Okay, just the one to watch is the real questiooon

I got excited as he pulled out The Jungle Book. 


Shane- How did you know I love Disney Classics?

Joey- I just do.

Shane- Oh my god. I. Love. You.

I kissed him, and sat down as he put the movie in. When he turned around I patted the seat next to me, he quicky sat down, after a while Joey looked a little ‘deep in thought’. 

Shane- Hey, Joey? Whats wrong?

Joey- Nothing, really. Let’s keep watching.

Shane- Joey?

Joey- Shane. I really love you. Promise me you wont do anything stupid? I would die if you just, well.

Shane- Died?

Joey- Ye- Uh. Yeah.

Shane- I promise, Joey. I wouldnt ever want to hurt you.

We decided to turn the movie off and go to bed, even though it was like 3 in the afternoon, we were both tired as hell.

Joey- Goodnight love of my life.

Shane- Goodnight, my life.

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