Chapter 28

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{Shane POV}

I-I can’t even think right now... Why was he ... What?

Shane- No, uhm...

Joey- Relax, Shane it’s just a question.

Shane- Why did you want to know?

Joey- I was just wondering, and Shane?

Im so confused.

Shane- Yes?

Joey- Do you want to?

He had this look in his eye, I can’t explain it other than... Pure lust.

Shane- Joey, we can’t, I cant... We have a flight tomorrow morning...

Joey- Fuck the flight.

I can’t believe what im hearing. He crawls on top of me looking into my eyes.

Shane- Joey... This isnt you.

Joey- Listen Shane, I just- I am tired of waiting. Every time I look at you, I just want to jump your bones. Just saying.

Im SO appalled... I look at him, wow. I didnt know anyone would ever think that way about me. Plus, he’s always been the one with the clean mind.

Shane- I... wow. But Joey, we’re in your mom’s house. I cant- I havent-

Joey- Everything will be fine, I assure you.

He smiled, and started to kiss me. I couldnt push him away like I wanted to... His lips are too addicting. When we had to break for air I took the opportunity to explain to him.

Shane- Joey... Im-

Joey- A virgin?

How did he?

Joey- You’re easy to read Shane. 

Shane- Well, okay... I’m not sure I want to-

Joey- We don’t have to, not until you’re ready. But I just wanted to show you...

He started to take my pants off. What..?

Joey- How much I love you.

Wait, he’s... Oh my god. I feel a wave of pleasure come over me. I instantly throw my head back involuntarily. Joey’s warmth is encompassing me... Gently gliding up and down as my nerves fly out of the way making room for ecstacy. I can’t help but moan...

{Joey POV}

Shane- Mmm, Joey...

His moans make me go faster, His body curves upwards asking for more. I’ll be sure to give it to him. I deep throat him nearly choking, but enough to make him throw is head back further into the pillow. I can tell he’s resisting the urge to thrust into me, but failing. 

Shane- Joey- I’m,

I stop, moving up to his lips, kissing him gently, then laying down.

Shane- Joey. JOEY!

Joey- Yes?

I was acting sweetly,  but I know what he really wants.

Shane- Joey. Come on Joey. You can’t just, stop!

Joey- I think I just did.

I smirked, hearing him beg for it is the best. Really.

Shane- Jo-jo.

Ewww. Jo-jo?

Joey- Stop that. My name isn’t Jo-jo.

Shane- it is when you pull something like you just did.

Damn it. 

Joey- Good night Shane!!

I hear him grunt, and feel him turn to face away from me and settle himself to sleep.

Shane- You’re really evil you know that? 

Joey- Of course Shaney...

He cringes at the name. Perfect. Now everytime he calls me Jo-jo, I’m going to call him Shaney.

Shane- Oh god... It’s worse than Jo-jo.

Joey- Precisely. 

I smile, tomorrow we’ll be home.

Shane- I love you Joey...

Joey- I love you too Shaney.

Shane- Ewww. What a horrible name.

Joey- Fine, I love you SHANE.

Shane- Okay, goodnight.

Joey- It is now.

And with that we both drift off into peaceful slumber... Awaiting the flight back home.

A/N: Heeeeeeeyyyyy. Sorry for the short chapter.. :/ I have things to take care of. So, no sex. Sorry to disappoint. There will be some 'intimate moments' (AKA sex scenes) in the future. But as of now, not so much. In other news... 3.1K reads!!! *bows*  Thank you, thank you... I fan. It's crazy, because I thought no one would ever read this. I know everyone says that, but it really is true. Now I have 29 AMAZING people that follow me, and tons of people that read my story regularly. There is really NO way to show or explain in words how much this means to me. You guys are part of the reason I'm still alive. So really, stay amazing. Lost more to come, next vote goal is 255 votes... We currently have 240. Lets get it done!!! I love you and your fucking face. Have a perfect day! <3


Sooo, yeah. Somehow my reads went down about 2 or 3 hundred.. And my votes went down to 233. Don't know if its just my computer or Wattpad... But the show MUST go on! The new vote goal is 245... Uhm.. Same things apply (About your face and stuff, it still is fucking beautiful/have a perfect day)

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