Chapter 24

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{Second post in one night, yeah I know you love me.}

{Joey POV}

Shane- And IM supposed to be the dirty one! May I remind you we havent had sex yet?

I lean in close to his ear again... And whisper with the softest voice I can muster.

Joey-*Whispering* Maybe we should practice.

He shivers. Good. It worked. He knows how much I want him.

Joey- Lets go! 

I grab his arm and pull him out the bedroom door.

Shane- Wait, so... Were NOT going to practice?

Oh Shane. If only you knew where I was taking you.

Shane- Wait, will we make it back in time for your teacher’s funeral?

Joey- I- never told you about that... Did I?

Shane- Well, not consciously.


Shane- You talk in your sleep. I guess its easier than talking when you’re awake. You arent aware of it.

Joey- Oh, well.... Yeah we’ll be back in time.

Shane- Okay. Lets go.

Its a little weird, I’ve never talked in my sleep before. Ehh. I’ll just brush it off. Not a big deal.


Shane- God Joey, what is it with you and yelling?

Joey- Maybe Ill yell my vows.

Shane- Oh god please no.

Joey- Nope its already done. And here, put your blindfold on. I hope you’ll like this.

Shane- Yeah, this is a damn nice blindfold.

Joey- Just put it on smartass.

He puts it on... Perfect.

Shane- You arent taking me to Disneyland are you? Because... *Shanaynay* That was my idea first bitch!

Joey- Not quite. 

We drive to the destination... It wasnt far, like ten minutes tops. I opened Shane’s door for him leading him inside.

Joey- Okay. Be ready.

I took it off, and I couldnt read his face, I think it was partly confusion, so I explained.

Joey- Its a town-house. Its ours if we want it.

Shane- And leave everything in L.A.? What about our friends? Storytellers? Our fans? We havent vlogged in nearly a month. They don’t even know where we’ve been. We basically dropped off the face of the earth.

I guess I didn’t think about it.

Joey- We can fix it! Just a vlog explaining everything... before the marriage. Like, explain that were together.

Shane- We didnt do that? Oh, that was your dream, damn. I wish we could skip this...

Joey- So what about this?

I gestured around the room... I know this town house is in Boston, but Its pretty close to the airport, we can visit places often....

Shane- The only thing I can feel right now is this..

What is he talking- Oh. This is great. Now I can only think about his lips on mine. 

All the worries gone. This kiss was magical, almost as amazing as our first kiss as a couple.

Joey- Thanks for that... 

I blushed. Damn. Ive been managing to hold it back for a while. But now I blushed more than ever.

Shane- Of course I want to move in with you Joey. But I really think we should stay in L.A.

I get where he’s coming from I guess. 

Joey- Okay. Whatever you want... My lovely fiance.

Shane-DAMN. You got the second one too? I’ve been waiting since 2010 to date you, marry you, and I dont even get to call you my fiance for the first OR second time?

Joey- You got the third though.

Shane- Not the same.

I made a fake feel-sorry-for-me-because-you-hurt-me face. He giggled. 

Joey- Okay, lets go back to my mom’s house and get ready. For the- Uh.

I couldn’t say it. I didn’t want to. Luckily Shane saved the moment so I didn’t break down into tears.

Shane- Yeah. I agree, I look like a mess. You did yank me out of bed at noon... Thats like 3am in my mind.

He laughed... So intoxicating. We get to the car and quickly drive back.

Joey- Lets go inside. And Shane?

Shane- Yes my darling?

Joey- Just know that Miss Edwards was my everything. She was the reason Im still here right now.

Shane- I respect that. And her. She sounds like she helped a lot. And anyone who helped you to be who you are now gets SO much respect from me. Because you are amazing.

God, I wish Miss Edwards could meet him. She would love him. 

Joey- Alright, let’s get ready.

We walked inside the house and began to get ready. Time for the worst part of the day. The funeral.

A/N: So Two chapters in one night.... Because the vote bomber returned... You know who I’m talking about. :D Anyways... TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN FUCKING READS!!!! Guys, Guys. GUYS. GUYS!!!! Seriously. THANK YOU SO MUCH. You are amazing!!! The next chapter or two will be the funeral... Lets just say, things go down. For the next chapter, I need to get to 150 votes. VOTE AWAY! Okay... Bye guys! (I already said I love your faces in the other chapter... So, kay. Bye.)

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