Chapter 23

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{Guys Sorry that this WHOLE chapter is in Shane's POV... The next chapter will be all Joey's POV. Okay! Read along! Go ahead.}

{Shane POV}

I wasn’t even nervous at all when I asked him. It felt... Right. But Joey seemed to be weighing the options in his head or something... Like he didn’t know what to say.

Joey- I dont know what to say...

Oh god, this isn’t going to turn out good is it?

Shane- Just say what you’re feeling.

Joey- Well, Im feeling... Surprised. I mean I’ve obviously though about marrying you before... But then-

There was a really long silence. Not awkward, just that we were both thinking.

Shane- So.. I-its a no?

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

Joey- I didnt say that! I just- need time to think it all through. Ill have my answer by tomorrow morning. But for right now, can we just be boyfriends?

My heart didnt break, but it certainly got a little weaker.

Joey’s mom- Hey Joey... Are you doing okay?

Joey- Yeah mom I’m fine thanks... Oh! And this is Shane, my boyfriend.

Joey’s mom- Oh your... Boyfriend. Okay well Its nice to meet you Shane.

Did she know what Joey was gay? She seemed a little confused.

Joey- Uh Shane... Meet my sister Nicole... *Yelling* NICOLE!!!!

Okay. Wow, someone could go deaf in here.

Nicole- Wha- Oh hey Shane!

Have I met her before?

Nicole- Ive seen you on Youtube, and Joey told me about you a little bit after his 3 day sleep.

I laughed... I remembered Joey’s dream. Almost every detail. But I also remembered reality, and how beautiful he was when he was sleeping.

Joey- Okay... Uh, Shane lets go back to the room now.

We walked into the room and closed the door behind us.

Joey seems to be doing better, he hasn’t even mentioned Miss Edwards.

Shane- Are we still going to go out tonight?

Joey- Lets just stay here. I miss laying with you. I mean like, for hours. Just us and silence.

That sounded perfect right about now.

Shane- As you wish...

Joey- What? Whats that from?

Shane- Its a line in the movie The Princess Bride...

Joey- Doesnt sound familiar.

We need to watch this. He HAS to see this.

Shane- We’re watching this now.

Joey- Okay.... As long as I can totally ignore the movie and stare at you the whole time...

Shane- Deal.

We werent even separated for ONE night, and he’s already wanting to make up the time. But its okay, because he is perfect. Perfect to me, and perfect for me. As perfect as something can get. That’s why I proposed. That’s why I love him so much.

Joey- Okay, the movie is on... You, wanna lay down?

Shane- Yeah. Of course.

I didn’t want to cross any limits since we JUST got back together... Kinda. I guess. Were we broken up? Anyways... I didn’t want to lay too close to him.

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