Chapter 7

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{Shane POV}

I begrudgingly walked out of the room and up to the door. I nearly fainted.

Shane- J-J-JOEY?! Come here!

Joey- Calm down Shane I’m coming!

Once Joey saw what I saw, he ACTUALLY fainted.

Shane- What are you doing with her?!

???- What does it look like im doing? Anyway, meet me at the alley behind this house at midnight, unless you never want to hear from her again.


???-You took something that’s rightfully mine. Like I said, Alley, midnight, tomorrow, be there. Alone. Understand?

I slowly nodded, fearing for my life, and for hers.

???- Good boy. And tell your boyfriend to get his act together. 

I slammed the door and tried to wake up Joey.

Shane- Joey!!! JOEY!

He turned to his side and slowly opened his eyes.

Joey- Shane wh- what happened? 

I explained everything that happened while he was passed out on the ground.

Joey- Well how did he know that we were together?

Shane- I really dont know, Joey.

Joey- What will he do to her?

Shane- I hope nothing, she doesn’t deserve any of that guy’s shit. I mean he was holding a knife up to her neck, so how much crazier can it get?

Joey- Should we call the police?

Shane- I honestly think it would be better if we didn’t. 

Joey- You ARENT going alone.

Shane- Joey, those were the instructions. I have to go or they’ll hurt her.

Joey started bursting into tears. I had a few gentle tear drops rolling quietly down my cheek, as I hug him and tell him I’ll be fine.

Joey- BUT WHAT IF YOU AREN’T! I dont know what I’d do. You are as good as it gets. I can’t, I WONT, live without you.

Shane- It wont come down to that. Joey, please stop crying. You’re making me cry.

Joey- Could you at least make out his face?

I shook my head slowly. This morning just turned from lovely to deadly with just a knock on the door. All I want, is Lisa unharmed, and Joey unharmed.

Joey- Well we have a day to plan this out, and figure out what we will do, or whats going to happen, right?

Shane- Yeah, at least we have time.

I kissed his lips so softly, his seemed to melt into mine. I was trying to seem calm and collected for Joey, but I was really as scared as I could ever be. But I knew if I was freaking out right now, Joey would be too. So I held it in, trying to be a solid foundation for him. For him. All for Joey.

{Joey POV}

What am I gonna do? Shane AND Lisa could die. I just wanted to forget about this, before I start hyper-ventilating.

Joey- Do you want to watch some T.V.? Its something to... take our mind off things...

Shane- That would actually be nice right now.

We turned it on, and flipped through a few channels.. Until I saw something.


Shane- This way?

Joey- STOP! That channel! Lisa and the guy were in a car crash!

Shane- Oh my god, I know where that is, let’s go!

We got in the car and drove to the scene. It was a mess, The car hit a Semi and flipped off the side of the road. We pulled over and asked of we could go in the ambulance with them.

Paramedic- Relation to these two?


Paramedic- Hop in.

Shane and I slowly walked in the vehicle realizing who ‘the guy’ was.

Joey- IT WAS HIM!!!

Medic- Please refrain from yelling at the patient.

Joey- You don’t understand. He kidnapped that girl! He came to our apartment threatening to kill her!

Medic- I can’t sort out details right now, I’m trying to save this patient’s life, sir!

Shane- Joey, calm down. It’s all okay!

Shane held my hand, and looked me in the eyes. I fell in love all over again.

Joey- How do you do that?

Shane smiled.

Shane- Do what?

Joey- Make me feel better with just a look!

Just as I said that, we arrived at the hospital. The medic carried The 'guy’ and Lisa on gurneys into the ER.

We came in quickly after, I couldn’t think about what happened without crying. We sat in the waiting room. 


       Just waiting...

                Hoping for the best.

                         Waiting for sanity to return.

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNN!!! Lol, So,  was this mysterious guy? Ehhh??? Obviously someone they know! Who do you think? How do you think they knew about Shane and Joey? Why was Lisa dragged into this? What did Shane ‘steal’ from ‘the guy’? So many questions. You will find out in the next chapter, READ ON!

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