Chapter 26

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{Shane POV}

The. Best. Date. EVER. And I can’t wait to take Joey on it. Well- its a kind of date.

Shane- Joey? What is the first thing on your bucket list?

He seemed really surprised by that question. Little did he know, I’m going to give him a night he’ll remember.

Joey- Why?

Shane- Because we’re going to do it. Our bucket lists, that is.

Joey- Isn’t that in a movie or something?

Damn. It probably is. Oh well, to late to turn back now. 

Shane- First thing on your bucket list?

Joey- Well, I don’t want to tell you, it’ll be embarrassing, I wrote this like, last year.

Now I REALLY want to know.

Shane- Tell me, you can tell me aaaaaanything.

Joey- Well, *mumbles something*

God damn it Joey, I cant hear you.

Shane- Louder please?

Joey- I said... The first thing was to marry you.

Shane- And you wrote that a year ago?

Damn, commitment. Even when we weren’t together.

Joey- Yeah, see I told you its stupid.

It absolutely wasn’t.

Shane- Let’s go.

I grab him by the arm, and pull him towards the car.

Joey- Shane you can’t be serious... We’re engaged! Thats enough. Just to know you’re mine.

Shane- Do you know a good marriage officiant in Boston? 

Joey- Come on, let’s wait until we can have family members and friends there, let’s not rush into this...

Shane- You’re thinking to hard about this. But if we REALLY must, then we’ll wait to get married.

Joey- Good. Now, what’s the first thing on your bucket list?

I tried to think back to what I wrote down first on that blue sheet of paper... Oh yeah, that. I shiver just thinking about it.

{Joey POV}

Shane was... Shivering? Was it really that cold outside? I put my jacket over his bare arms as we got into the car.

Shane- Thanks Joey.

Joey- So?

Shane- The first thing was, to get over my fear.


Joey- What fear?

Shane- My fear of... Joey I can’t, you’re gonna laugh at me.

I probably would.

Joey- Shane, just tell me, I promise I won’t laugh.

Shane- To get over my fear... of ferris wheels.

Oh my god, Shane? Afraid of ferris wheels? I almost did a double take.

Joey- Lets go to the nearest carnival or festival then.

Shane had a worried look on his face.

Shane- No, lets just forget this whole bucket list thing.. And go out to dinner or something.

Joey- No, we’re going to get you over this fear. Whether you like it or not.

I started driving to this festival they ALWAYS had by my house when I was little. I’m glad it was still there. We got out of the car, and soon enough, we made it up to the ferris wheel.

Shane- Joey...

I looked into his eyes. He was genuinely scared.

Shane- I really am scared. More than you know.

Joey- I know.

Was this a bad idea? I don’t like seeing him like this, all tense and jittery... He hasn’t stopped twiddling his thumbs since we got out of the car.

Shane- Okay, as long as you will be sitting RIGHT next to me, I could get through it.

Joey- Lets get in then Shane.

He was standing there for what seemed like two minutes. I smiled and sat him down inside the ferris wheel seat. I sat right next to him as he grabbed onto my arm squeezing his eyes shut.

Shane- I cant- I cant...

He started to mumble something inaudible.

Joey- Shane, look at me.

He started to look up, eventually meeting my eyes. Our ferris wheel seat started to slowly shift upwards. With all of the crazy noise, all of the blinding blinking lights, out of all of the crazy people All I saw was Shane. I was lost in his bright, eccentric, blue eyes...

Shane- I love you Joey.

I still feel butterflies everytime my fiance says he loves me. I leant in to kiss him, closing my eyes. Only to be met with his own soft lips dancing against mine. We had a special rhythm, I couldn’t explain it even if I wanted to. Just the way his body moves, the way he moans, the way he laughs just made me want to kiss him forever. We eventually broke loose, and looking around we realized we were at the top of the ferris wheel. All the lights shining around us and him sitting with his arm around me, made me feel like this was the perfect moment. And I wouldn’t ruin it for the world. Unfortunately, I had no control over it, because someone else did.

A/N: Soooooo WE CRUSHED the vote goal.  192 Votes when I asked for, what was it? 175? And in ONE.(And a half) DAY(s). You guys, are amazing. Really. How was everyone’s Halloween? (I know its been two days.. Im a little late on that) And how did you like this chapter? Who do you think ruined their night? Mmm? I cant tell you until next chapter sorry :(. Next chapter will be posted when I get uhmmm... 200 votes. So easy, I know you guys can to it! I love you guys, along with your faces, and have a particularly beautiful day.

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