Chapter 20

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{Shane POV}

Joey- I think we need a break. I need some time to think.

Oh, no this isnt good.

Shane- Joey... Dont do this to me..

Joey-Shane! Dont try to pin this on me! You’re the one that cheated.

Shane- I know Joey, and I’m sorry. I’ve already said that...

Joey- I know what you said, I was there.

Was this the right time to laugh? No, probably not.

Shane- Are we... dating other people on this break?

I really didn’t want to... I only wanted him.

Joey- At this point, I’m not sure.

If he really felt that he needed me out of his system, I was going to let him do whatever he wants. Including stop... dating me. I overreacted last time, and got myself in the hospital, I can handle it this time... I think.

Shane- If this is what you want-

Joey- It is Shane.

He was serious. More than I’ve ever seen him.

Joey- For the next week or two... I’m going to my parents house. It might be best if we don’t see each other, at all during this.

Shane- Okay.. But when you get back would we still be.. Nevermind.

Joey- Boyfriends? Depends.

Shane- On what?

I really didn’t want him to find someone else..

Joey- Depends on if we both find someone else.

You mean if you find someone else..

Shane- That’s not going to happen with me... Maybe with you. I mean...

I looked up and down his incredibly shaped body. I wish he was still mine.

Shane- Look at you. You can get any guy you want.

Joey smiled one last time before almost leaving.

Shane- Wait, Joey?

Joey- What Shane?

I want to breathe him in one last time... I need this.

Shane- One last kiss?

Joey leaned in and kissed me placing his hand on my hospital robe. I didn’t want to leave this, his smell, his touch, his taste, his everything. He is everything to me. After the kiss we hugged... For a long time.

Shane- *Whispering* Please don’t leave.

Joey- I’m sorry. I need this, we both need this.

I certainly don’t need this. We released the hug. Me not wanting him to go, Joey trying his hardest to get away. I didn’t mean to be the thing holding him back. But I was the roadblock in our relationship. I single tear runs down my face.

Joey- I want you to know I love you. I always will.

Lies. He probably doesn’t love me, he probably never did. But I told him how I feel.

Shane- Joey... I really love you. From everything that happened in real life, to everything in your dream. It showed me that you do care. I want you to know, even if you or I find someone else... I will always love you.

And with that Joey left. Not to be seen for two more weeks. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Cope with everything I guess. Joey always helped. But for once, he won’t be there.

~The next day~

{Joey POV}

I really didn’t want to leave... But I had to. He cheated on me, maybe on purpose, maybe because he was drunk.. But he still did. I don’t want to leave forever, I just want to sort out my priorities before we start getting serious. On the whole flight to Boston, I thought about the last things that Shane said before I left. “Even if you or I find someone else... I will always love you.” That phrase ran over and over in my head. I was lucky to have him before, but now he’s gone. Or I’m gone. I guess, in a way, we’re both gone. Did I make a mistake in leaving? He does love me, and I love him... What was stopping us? Sawyer. It was so easy to see. He was the whole reason this relationship (marriage) thing didn’t work out. He liked, maybe loved, Shane. Shit, I might need to go back.

Flight Attendant- *Over intercom* We will be arriving in Boston, Massachusetts in approx. 10 minutes. Please fold up your trays, and put your seats in the upright position. Thank you for flying with us.

Joey- *Under breath* And thank you, for helping me make the biggest mistake of my life.

A/N: AAAAHHHH Feels overload!!! Just so you know this wasn't ALL my ideas... My friend Alexia helped a bit. And may I just say.... DUUUUUUDE 1,365 Reads?!?!? AND 58 Votes... AND 74 comments. You guys areSOOOO amazing! I really want to thank all of you... THIS ISN'T THE END... Not even close... But much more drama coming up... Watch out! Shits gonna go doooooown. Okay.. Anyways I love you guys and your damn faces... Have a magical day!

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