Chapter 27

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{Shane POV}

???-Hey! Fags on the ferris wheel!!!

God damn it. He chucked his hot dog up to our seat, and it hit Joey in the face. 

???- I know how much you like wieners in your face...!

He started laughing hysterically.

Shane- I swear to god Joey, once I get down from here they’ll be dead.

I really would kill them.

Joey- Leave them be, let them fuck up their own lives. Ours will stay perfect.

Seriously, why did he have to find the bright side of every situation? This is exactly why I fell in love with him in the first place... Besides his eyes, his body, his confidence, his- Wait, we’re at the bottom?

Shane- It’s over?

Joey- Yeah, I see you aren’t scared anymore?

I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Shane- Only because you were there.

Joey- Should we continue with the bucket list?

I thought about it, I looked at my watch and sighed when I realized it was 10 at night. 

Shane- No, let’s go to sleep... We have an early flight tomorrow, remember?

Joey- Fine. *mocking Shane* Let’s go to sleep.

We drove back home without another word, mostly because Joey fell asleep after we got out of the parking lot. Every once and a while I would look at him and his relaxed face, the smile he always had on when he was sleeping, god damn was he beautiful. Damn, Joey still needs to vlog. He’s sleeping, right. I park in front of Joey’s Mom’s house, I pull the camera out of the glovebox... And press the record button.

Shane- How are you doing... uh, Phsycopaths? Yeah, phsycopaths. I know I’m not Joey, but he is riiiiight here.

I point the camera towards Joey, then back to me.

Shane- We had a long day, we went to a funeral, we went to the fair, and that’s about it... Oh! and we’re in Boston. Joey’s hometown. 

Don’t ask me why i’m here.. Just friendly comfort. And uhm, I dont know what to say, since he’s asleep. Oh! May the odds be ever in your favor GOODBYE!

I covered the lens with my hand and pressed the ‘stop record’ button. Now, to get Joey inside. Should I wake him up? Nah, I’ll just carry him. With Joey’s camera in one hand and Joey laying on my arms, it was a little difficult to shut the car doors and open the house door, but I managed. I felt his heat radiating on my arms, I must admit, it turned me on a little. I lowered him onto his bed and set the camera down. I slowly took off his shoes, as not to wake him. I rolled myself into Joey’s bed and shut the light off. Tomorrow we go home.

Joey- Thanks Shane.

He was awake this whole time?

Shane- How long have you been awake?

Joey chuckled.

Joey- Since you started vlogging...

Shane- Then you could’ve walked your own damn self inside?

Joey- Nope. I like it when you carry me.

Right. I started to doze off into sleep, when Joey started talking.

Joey- Hey Shane?

Shane- Yeah?

Joey- Have you ever had sex in Boston?

A/N: Sooooooo. Yup. Sorry for the short chapter, in a rush, had to watch my brother... Ugh. Next chapter gets a little steamy. Just saying. And guys. The vote goal went THROUGH THE ROOF. I asked for... 200 right? Well I have 223 as of now. THANK YOU. Who else is excited for Storytellers? I pledged on the Kickstarter a while back...and I can’t wait! AHHHH! Annnnnyways, leave any suggestions for the story down below (vv In the comments) And I will take them into consideration... Do be sure to vote on the story if you want another chapter.. The vote goal is 240. And I love your face, have an amazing day!

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