Chapter 13

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{Joey POV}

Joey- Well, we did it, Shane.

It started to slowly sink in...

Shane- I know. I’m happy, are you Joey?

I felt like I should be... but I really kind of wasn’t. I don’t know why. Wait, yes I do.

Joey- Of Course.

I tried to smile, it failed.

Shane- Joey, what’s wrong?

I’ve been wanting to tell him since the first day we started going out... Is it time?

Joey- Everything’s okay, really Shane. 

I tried to make it sound convincing. And again, failed.

Shane- Bullshit, Joey.

Joey- Okay, I’ll tell you, but promise not to be mad. Alright?

I felt like I would start to sob pretty soon. I don’t want to look so weak in front of Shane, but I can’t help it.

Shane- Of course Joey. I love you. I could never be too mad at you.

He’s just making it harder to tell him. I knew he loved me, and would do anything for me, but I just can’t shake the feeling of him leaving me because of this. I am pathetic.

Joey- Okay well, as you know, I have a history of unattractiveness. I-

Shane- Woah woah woah, Joey. No, you sure as hell don’t. What is this about, where is this coming from??

Joey- If you’d let me finish, I will gladly tell you.

This is going to be hard. He stares at me like he loves me, a lot. I can’t help but break down.

Joey-*through tears* Well, sin-since w-we started d-dating.... I-I felt l-like I needed to be p-perfect f-for you. And umm.

{Shane POV}

Please tell me Joey didn’t cut. I felt so bad that I already did... I just wanted to be the best boyfriend... Was I making him feel unattractive? All my thoughts were washed away with 5 words that would be stung into my brain, the sadness that overflowed me wasn’t even half as bad as what Joey was probably feeling.

Joey- Shane, I-I thi-think I’m b-bulimic.

Oh, no. Not my Joey. 

Shane- Did I make you feel... not wanted?

I was afraid of the answer.

Joey- I ju-just saw how p-perfect you we-were... And...

He burst into more tears, if that was even possible. After every sob he’d take in a sharp breath...And whimper I-Im sorry Shane.

Shane- Joey...

As soon as he heard me say his name... He cryed even louder.

Shane- Joey. I-

Joey- You don’t have to say anything. I k-know y-you don’t care about m-me. Just go... Everybody e-else does.

It really did kill me to see him this hurt. I went up to him, lifted his chin with my finger...

{Joey POV}

I didn’t want him to leave but it was for the best. I would probably be gone by the time he ever thinks about me again. Then, suddenly, he pulled my chin up so I was looking into those deep diamond eyes I fell in love with. I saw his hurt. Maybe Shane was different. I knew he loved me, not this much.

Joey- I don’t deserve you.

And it was true... I didn’t. No one did. He was literally perfect.

Shane- No joey, I don’t deserve you.

I’m not worth anything. Nobody should have to deal with me. I’m just a burden.

Shane- I know what you’re thinking Joey... And I love you. 

I looked back down. Yeah right.

Shane- Just the way you are.

Shane smiled a smile of comfort. I lept into his arms and kissed him as hard as I could.

Joey- How did I get you?

He started to look confused.

Joey- How did I manage to get the most perfect man in the world to be my fiance?

Shane- I was just about to ask the same question.

How did he know exactly what to say to make my heart melt? He wiped the remaining tears from my face, and we kissed for what seemed like minutes. But it had been 2 hours, and we fell asleep with our lips attached, we stayed like that the rest of the evening.


A/N:~Written Sunday night 9/8/13~ So... That was chapter... Oh Idk. 12 or 13? And uh, I just wanted to say, I’ve been feeling a bit down, because well I’ve kind of had the same problem as Joey. Except, I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. I don’t want to admit it, because for, well, obvious reasons. I feel it might get out of control. No one would understand. I feel like anyone that reads this is my online friend... And I thank you.  :/ Sorry to be such a downer. I’m going to post this Monday, along with Monday’s post. Thanks for understanding.

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