Chapter 25

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{Joey POV}

Oh god... I really don’t want to cry. But I cant really hold it in. She was my lifeline in High School. She helped me with so much, only to be taken from the world like this. I look over at Shane with his dark jacket, tie, and black shoes. I was wearing pretty much the same thing... Everything dark and gloomy. 

Shane- Joey..? Are you okay?

Hell no. I wont really ever be after this

Joey- No. She was a piece of me. Now that piece is dead, along with her. I- I cant.

Shane- Joey...

Joey- No! I CANT!

I started crying, and ran to the bathroom. Getting ready to start my old habits. NO JOEY. Dont. Shane will hate you, almost as much as you’ll hate yourself afterwards. But just thinking of how soothing it is to have the blood run down your arm, draining all emotions with it... Joey, pull yourself together. Its not the end of the world. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I smiled. I wouldn’t have Shane without her, I wouldn’t even be ALIVE without her. Miss Edwards was amazing, let’s just get this funeral over with, so we can cherish her memory. Whatever that means.

Joey- Shane?

Shane- Yeah?

Joey- I love you.

Shane- And I love my fiance. But you are pretty great too.

He smiled that capable-of-melting-the-sun smile. I’m so glad I have him to cheer me up, and make me happy. 

Shane- What were you just thinking?

Joey- Well, maybe I was thinking about you, or maybe I was thinking about food. One or the other.

A smile crept onto my face. Food actually sounded great right now.

Shane- Are you hungry? Ill make you something.

Joey- First off all, you dont know where ANYTHING is in this house. Second of all, its time to leave. We should get going if we dont want to be late.

Shane- Fine. But tell me if you need anything.

He’s so caring.

Joey- Okay. I’ll tell you. Can we please leave now?

Shane- Yeah. Lets go.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door, over to my mother’s car. This was going to be a loooooooong day. 

~le time skip~

Well, the funeral was decent. I only cried seven times. Shane only had to take me out of the room for half of the ceremony... and I only fainted twice. God who am I kidding. I am a disaster.

Shane- Hey Joey, let’s go somewhere... To get you mind off of her.

Joey- What if I dont want to? Who said I wanted to stop thinking about her?

Shane- I’m sorry... I-I didnt realize you-

Joey- Save it. I appreciate your help with me. Go back to Los Angeles.

Shane looked appalled. It was hilarious.

Shane- Uh, okay. Will I- will I see you there?

Oh my god, he thought I was serious?! Im a better actor than I thought.

Joey- No. Im staying here. I dont need you. I never did.

Oh god, that was hard to say, even if I’m faking it. I would NEVER leave him.

Shane- Thanks. 

He started tearing up. He turned around to walk away. I grabbed his shoulder.

Joey- Shane? One last thing.

I grabbed his face and slammed my lips into his. I dipped him so his back was curved and I was leaning forward onto him. I kissed him to show him how much he meant to me.

Shane- Still want me to leave?

He smirked.

Joey- I never did. You are SO gullible.

Shane- Wait...

Realization struck over him. He opened his eyes wide, his mouth not far behind.

Shane- You dick!

Joey- Okay, lets go somewhere. Right now.

Shane was surprised.

Shane- Did you just tell me... Shane Dawson... What to do???

Joey- No, I told you.... MY FIANCE..... what to do.

Shane- Right, now dont you forget it!

Joey- Where should we go?

Shane- I have an idea.

His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. I wonder what he had in mind...


A/N: Sorry guys, this chapter was a little rushed[(And Short) And really badly written] , considering Halloween, and school, and internet... I need to find balance. AANYWAYS... There will be a MUCH longer chapter next time. To get the next chapter, let’s go for... Mmmmh... 175 votes. We have 165 right now. Not to mention 2,500 READS. Guys, it will be the death of me if I ever get to 10,000 reads 1/4 of the way there!!!! Leave some suggestions of people you want to see in future chapters... Leave a comment (I read EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.) And feel free to Message me. I love your beautiful face... And have a magical day.

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