Chapter 8

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{Still Joey POV}

I really can’t believe he did this! I mean I lived with him! We were getting along so well, or so I thought. I felt myself dozing off, thoughts swirling in my head. I rested my head on Shane, and started to drift into a toxic sleep.

{Shane POV}

As soon as Joey was in the deepest stage of slumber, I took the opportunity to release my sea of emotions into the air. All I could think is why? Why Lisa? Why would he do something like that? He was one of our closest friends. What did he even want? Whatever he wanted, he certainly didn’t deserve. Joey was truly falling apart. I could see it in his eyes as they were flushed with tears, just hours before. I wish I could help, but truthfully, I might be worse than he is. By now, my tears are all over my face, and I really don’t care. I was Lisa’s boyfriend for a year. We shared so many memories, she supported me when I told her I loved Joey. She was a great friend. No, she IS a great friend. Nothing will happen to her. It just won’t! Right? I was deep in thought when Joey woke up after 25 minutes of sleeping. 


Shane- Are you okay Joey? You look like you are shaken up.

Joey- I-I-Just... If I ask you something, will you answer truthfully?

Shane- Of course!

Joey- If Lisa... Goes...

Shane- JOEY! Stop. Its not going to happen!

Joey- But.. IF she does...

Im not sure if I wanted to hear this. But I know I had to. It was a possibility.

Joey- Will you go back, to your.. habits? I love you, I dont think I could handle you being hurt. Even if you did it to yourself.

Shane- I.. Don’t know.

Joey- Shane? 

I looked down, thinking of possibilities. When, suddenly, Joey pulled my chin toward his... and gave me a kiss that would last a lifetime. I cant even handle my emotions. One minute I’m crying, next, I’m depressed, another minute, I’m so happy with my boyfriend. Joey really saved my life. He just makes me feel better. I didn’t even notice the doctor walk in and call my name.

Joey- He’s right here.

Doctor- So Lisa has one dislocated shoulder and a few large bruises... but other than that, she should be fine. But the guy on the other hand had a major head injury, he needs help. But, unfortunately, we can’t seem to locate him. Just a few minutes ago he was in the hospital bed, and when I went in to check on him just before I saw you... He was gone. Nobody saw him leave. We presume he is still in the building.

{Joey POV}

Oh, no. He is loose in the building with a head injury?

Joey- Well can we see Lisa at least?

Doctor- Actually visiting hours just ended, so you will have to come back tomorrow after 12:00.

Shane- Okay. Got it.  Joey, I guess we have to go. Come on.

Joey- I don’t have my car. We rode in the ambulance remember?

Shane- Oh yeah, huh.

Joey- I can call Meghan. Hold on.

Meghan: Hello?

Joey: Hey Meghan? Can you pick Shane and I up at the hospital? I’ll explain later.

Meghan: Okay... Uh, Yeah, I’ll be there in ten minutes.

Joey: Bye.

Meghan:Uh. Bye.

Once Meghan arrived, we hopped into the car and explained everything. Leaving out me and Shane being together. 

Shane- *Whispering* Try not to look like we’re together! And stop staring!

Joey- *Whispering* It’s kinda difficult not to stare when you always look sexy.

Meghan- So, why were you guys at the same house when the guy and Lisa came to the door?

Shane- Ahh, well. Joey? 

Joey- I was, helping Shane with... a... VIDEO! Yeah, a video.

Meghan- Okay, well Shane. We’re here. Joey? Do you want me to drop you off at your house?

Joey-NO! I mean, no. Remember I dont want to see the guy there. TECHNICALLY I still live with him.

Meghan- Oh. Where to then?

Shane- He can just spend the night at my house. Sound okay Joey?

Shane winked at me so Meghan didn’t see.

Joey- Yeah, okay! Bye Meghan!

We walked out of the car and into Shane’s house.

Shane- That was SO close.

Joey- Do you think it was obvious?

Shane- Nah. We’re good.

Joey- *Whispering seductively* So, what do you want to do?

Shane- I have an idea. Let’s..

Shane kissed me, I kissed back, but he pulled away.

Shane- Let’s SLEEP!

Joey- You are SUCH a tease! But I do need my beauty sleep.

Shane- It’s not possible for you to get more beautiful than you are... Right. Now.

Shane ran his hands under my shirt slowly, feeling my abs. 

Joey- Let’s go to sleep. 

We went to the bedroom and plopped on the bed.

Joey- I love you Shane. More than you could ever know.

Shane- I love you too, and I always will.

I love how Shane makes me feel so special. We fell asleep, bodies tangled together in the best way possible. So this is how it feels. This is how it feels to be in love with your best friend. 

A/N: So, the guy lives with Joey! Is it Anthony or Sawyer? Mmmmm? And BTW this is just how I assume it would go. I’ve never been in love. I’ve never dated or had my first kiss either. So, it’s an estimate of love. Lol. AAAAAANYWAY, enough about me! How did you like it? Or if you have any suggestions for future chapters, leave a comment or feel free to message me. There is one more post after this...

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