Chapter...29? FINALEEEE.

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A/N: Im sorry in advance for whats about to go down... But I needed to end it somehow. Not ending it kills me. I promised April, aaaaaand its August. Yeah. I needed to do this. So here you go. OFFICIAL ENDING FOR 'UNTIL THE END'... Enjoy. :) (Don't be mad at me too much?)

{Joey's POV}

I wake up to an eager Shane, who is practically JUMPING on me.

Shane- Jo-jo!!

I groan. Damn it he remembered the name.

Shane- Get some clothes on! We're going back home today!!!!

I have never seen him so excited, especially waking up this early... What's going on with him?

Joey- Alright man I'm up. What time is our flight again?

I check the clock next to the hotel bed, 8:35 AM.

Shane- I dont know. Like 2 PM. But that doesn't matter! Get dressed! Take a shower or something! Go go go go go!

I drag my way to the shower after finding clothes. Turning on the hot water, I undress and step in. 

{Shane POV}

Yes, Hes in the shower now. Perfect. Time to set this plan into action. I pull the roses out of the drawers I hid them in (After Joey went to sleep last night), and I scattered the petals all over the bed, floors, even in the closet. I took out Joey's vlog camera, I pressed record, and whispered..

Shane-*Whispering* It's time I tell you guys something...

I heard Joey turn off the water, perfect timing.

Shane- We wanted to tell you some great news...

He opened the bathroom door and came out with wet hair and a towel around his waist. Just his waist.

Joey- Shane what are you doing with my camera?

Its now or never...

Shane- Joey and are dating. Well were not just dating...

Joey- Were actually engaged. Sorry for not telling you guys.

Shane- I bet they dont believe you, you should prove it...

Joey- You just want to make out with me dont you?

Joey smiled that irrisistible smile, and started to kiss me. We kinda just came out. And I liked how he went with it.

Shane- And to further prove that this isn't a joke.. Joey here just came out of the shower... He has this towel around his waist see?

I ripped off his towel. And I just kind of admired him because... Why not?

Joey- Shane... Keep my... genitals... out of frame please.

Shane- So there you go! A kiss, a naked Joey... And me being gay. Everything you've guys have ever wanted! #Shoey cannon.

Joey- Uhh. I guess I'll see you guys later? Maybe after out plane lands in L.A.

Joey took the camera and stopped the recording.

Joey- We just came out.

Shane- Yep. Pretty much. I'm surprised you didn't freak out.

Joey- Soooo, about these rose petals?

Shane- I'm ready Joey.

He looked confused for a second, then he just looked concerned for me.

Joey- You sure? Your virginity is a pretty significant thing to lose...

Shane- Yes, I'm sure. I love you Joey.

Joey's expression instantly changed as he leapt onto me like he was 50 feet underwater and I was his air tank.

(Insert the most sexual fantasy you can think of at the moment. Yeah, that's what they did. Plus like an hour of cuddling after uploading the video.)

{Joey POV} 

Joey- SHANE RUN!!! We'll be late!!

Shane was at least 20 ft. behind me. I thought about carrying him, but... No, I'd like to see him work for it. 

Shane- I'm trying!! Look! There's our gate right there! 

Joey- I know. Hurry before they close it!

We both got on just in time. We sat down right next to each other with our carry-ons under out feet. The plane started to take off as the flight attendant went over the safety precautions. I watched the window, as Shane looked at me.

Shane- I'm going to love you until the end of my days Joey.

Joey- Until the end babe.

The sky was just, breath-taking. Shane kissed my cheek, then rested his head on my shoulder without a word. He dozed off with a smile on his face. My eyes started feeling droopy, and I rested my head on the window beside me, waiting for the trip to be over. I dreamed sweet dreams of our wedding. 

I was awoken by a loud -BANG-. I rubbed my eyes, and looked for Shane, but he wasnt in his seat. Bathroom, I guessed. Wait, why do people look worried? Did we land yet?

I looked out the window and all I see is smoke. No. Oh no. I yell for Shane, but it was too loud for me to even hear myself. The plane tilts probably around 90 degrees to the left and then keeps spinning. People screaming. Everything is getting thrown around, I see blood. No. The front end of the plane smashes to millions of pieces as we make contact with the ground. I don't even want to look, Shane. Where is Shane?!? I feel a sharp pain, I can't tell where its coming from, oh god, there's blood on my fingers, I'm numb. I cant feel my feet, at all. The plane splits almost /perfectly/ down the middle. One of the broken seats jams into my left shoulder, Where is Shane?!? I cant speak. I cant yell. No, I see him. Oh god. 

He has a metal rod, maybe 15 feet long going straight through his stomach. I inch my way towards him, pulling myself by my right arm. I finally reach him.

{Shane POV} 


I feel for his hand, I cant move my body.. 

Shane-Joey? Is that you?

Joey looked at me, worried.

Shane- We can make it out of here Joey. There has to be a way.

I tilted my head slightly, I look around. There's no one else alive. I wont DARE tell Joey that.

Shane- I love you.

Joey started panicking, he couldnt say anything, he thinks we are going to die right here, right now. Truth is... We probably are.

Shane- Kiss me Joey, I can't move.

He kisses me with the saddest expression as tears run down his face. My own tears start to flow. I could feel myself bleeding out... I only had three words on my mind.

Shane- Until the End.

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